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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Racenius No. 16289495

language as a telic recursive device of the origins of the universe

you could literally read any piece of text and get the diluted roko's basilisk message from it

>or you can just force it, but it's there

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Cult of Passion No. 16289507

Ruh Allah?

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Cult of Passion No. 16289514

Why not inductive and extrapolative?

Artifocial limitation imposed by a desperate entity grasping for authority...instead of accepting the Gift of Love.

Go back to /x/, this is a reality based board...

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Anonymous No. 16290705

if you think roko's basilisk is an infohazard wait until you see picrel.
Jesus is God incarnate (protagonist of reality) who died and resurrected 1,994 years ago to pay for people's past/present/future sins because a person on their own isn't qualified to enter Heaven. The only way to enter Heaven is by having Jesus' righteousness imputed to you (like a group project where every student in the group gets the same grade as that one student who did all the work while everyone else was slackisg off). If you aren't in Jesus' group, you will be sent to Hell to burn for eternity so that your soul stops taking up phenomenal-space. By hearing this and rejecting Jesus' invitation to you, you are now in a worse spot than you were before.

(Happy Sonday, btw! :)