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🗑️ 🧵 USA has won first place at IMO 2024

Anonymous No. 16289597

Congrats to the american team: Wang, Wan, Tang, Pothagpragada, Zhang and Lefkowitz!

Speaking of china: The beast Haojia Shi got 100% again like last year.

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Anonymous No. 16289598

>China back to second place, for now.

Anonymous No. 16289600

Do any mathematicians of note come out of these competitions?

Anonymous No. 16289604

yes, many actually. Terry Tao is a prominent example. note that the IMO competition starts only in recent history so before you say but muh Newton, Gauss, Euler... you should end yourself for being a retard.

Anonymous No. 16289616

>Congrats to the american team: Wang, Wan, Tang, Pothagpragada, Zhang and Lefkowitz!
Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Indian, Chinese, (Russian-)Jewish. What an exempliciation of White America.

Anonymous No. 16289675

Lefkowitz is Polish-Jewish

Anonymous No. 16289707

butt loads. Infact, this is one of those few competitions that actually filters pseuds

Anonymous No. 16289798

Europe as a whole still dominates. The EU only has ~500 million people and totaling their awards we get 6 Golds, 25 silvers and 8 Bronze medals, which is ~7x more total awards than the United States with a nearly comparable population of 350 million, and also ~7x that of China, with a population of 1.4 Billion! If I included the European States without EU membership, these figures would be even more drastic. Cope, seethe, dialate, etc...

Anonymous No. 16289808

are you fucking retarded? the reason why Europe is overrepresented is because there are so many smaller countries inside Europe with small population which hugely inflate the numbers of constestants from Europe. meanwhile China and USA are almost two continents but only allowed 6 constestant each. imagine US and China both get 60-100 contestants like Europe instead of their usually 6.
my god stop bragging about Europe supposed "superiority" in numbers when you're so dumb that don't even understand basic logic.
luckily the higher up people are not as stupid as you so they're starting to treat china provincial mathematic olympiad similarly to IMO in university admission in recent years.

Anonymous No. 16289810

Uh oh, struck a nerve didn't I? I'm sorry anon but you will never be White ;)

Anonymous No. 16289814

why do I want to be a subhuman like you? ;)

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Anonymous No. 16289817

Your ancestors are calling.... It's time to go back.

Anonymous No. 16289819

china had 2000 years of domination over the entire world but it let you subhumans free and didn't enslave other countries. this time china won't make this mistake again. when we colonize europe we'll make sure your race get mixed completely with the black and muslim and be under our boot forever.

Anonymous No. 16289822

>china had 2000 years of domination over the entire world

Anonymous No. 16289824

>India at 4th place
you aren't ready for the upcoming bharatiya dominance

Anonymous No. 16289832

Only a few, but there is no such thing as a mathematician of note
most are uninteresting or long dead
terry tao for example

Anonymous No. 16289884

I really wish I had done these as a kid. I was so adept at math from a very young age, but I turned out to be so fucking lazy. The real filter desu.

Anonymous No. 16289891

They did until the Early Modern Period yes.

Anonymous No. 16289914

>Terry Tao is a prominent example
He said mathematicians of note, which probably means mathematicians like Wiles, Perelman, or even Maynard and Yitang Zhang.

Anonymous No. 16289917

No they didn't, the statement is patently false. There were dozens of other significant empires with comparable scale to that of the Chinese for the entire length of its existence. In no meaningful sense did it have "domination over the entire world." I don't even need to make a list because it's a nonstarter. Furthermore, as far as GDP concerns, on a per capita basis Europe was comparable with China throughout the Roman period, and once again by the High Middle ages. Beyond this, a number of European principalities, particularly those in Italy and later in central Europe were throughout the entire post Roman period also major economies comparable to those of China. Even ignoring all of this, a number of China's most successful periods were defined literally by a racially foreign caste of conquerors, who did not consider themselves Chinese, and considered the Chinese to be a subject inferior class. For such examples you may look at the Yuan period, or Quing. In the latter case, the foreign Manchu conquerors were responsible for China's contemporary borders, which no historical Chinese state previously had included, excluding the Yuan in which the Chinese were again subject to a foreign warrior caste. I don't deny China has a rich history but the issue is that OP has a massive chip on his shoulder probably as a second gen Chinese American, likely for very petty reasons relating to his dating opportunities and is looking for some way he can justify an abstract racial superiority. It was evident in his first post and I exposed him immediately after.

Anonymous No. 16289921

Not really. Asians tend to think faster but not deeper, which is great for the IMO, timed IQ tests, etc., but not so much for conquering a real math problem. A similar thing happens in chess: the best speed player, Hikaru, has Asian blood.

Anonymous No. 16289924

perelman did compete in olympiad contests in the soviet union.

Anonymous No. 16289925

This explains why Whites and Jews tend to dominate untimed IQ tests and also the cracking of famous unsolved math problems.

Anonymous No. 16289949

>get fucked by nomadic barbarians for about half the time of existence
>domination over the entire world

Anonymous No. 16290014

>tfw we are a nation of immigrants
>tfw diversity actually is our strength
do you seethe this much when black athletes bring home olympic medals too?

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Anonymous No. 16290556

>jeets in the 4th place
but i thought they had the smallest brains in the world.

Anonymous No. 16290789

They should just it make it into a competition available for all who think they are good at math (who pass a qualifying test and other conditions like age etc) and then make into a tournament

Anonymous No. 16290899

Grrr!! Grrr!! They're asian and jooo. Not real americans! Trump will fix this

Anonymous No. 16290902

>Wang, Wan, Tang, Pothagpragada, Zhang and Lefkowitz!
>Chink, chink, chink, Greek?, chink, Jew.
Now THIS is America.

Anonymous No. 16290919

>tfw we are a nation of immigrants
>tfw diversity actually is our strength
A nation is an abstract notion. They can appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. And even if it they live and work in the same nation you live and work in, there's absolutely no reason for you to assume that their knowledge is put to good use or that you stand to benefit from it in any way.
I ignore here the issue that all three groups, Chinese, Indian, Jews, are known to collaborate closely with the nations they emigrated from. Techflow, (corporate secrets, undisclosed discoveries, new technologies) from the USA to China is largely mitigated by Chinese immigrants, for example. Everyone knows that.
>do you seethe this much when black athletes bring home olympic medals too?
I don't care about sports. And even if I did, why would I specifically feel pride over somebody's else achievement, especially if that person is in no way connected or related to me? Should I feel pride over an Aethiopian winning the chess tournament?

Anonymous No. 16290923

Wow anon even though you're just a 17 year old incel chud you sure have cool xitter groyper opinions about the world. Great thing /sci/ has no mods to delete your chud seethe posts.

Anonymous No. 16290927

You didn't respond to my comment. You just fling shit and hope it sticks to the wall. A Chinese in America is just as much Chinese as he is in China.

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Anonymous No. 16290929

>And even if it they live and work in the same nation you live and work in, there's absolutely no reason for you to assume that their knowledge is put to good use or that you stand to benefit from it in any way.
If you live in the US, chances are you've benefited tremendously from immigration. That doesn't mean all immigration is beneficial, but done right it absolutely benefits the country. The US winning medals in competitions is just a side effect of the economic power that comes from absorbing talented immigrants from all over the world.

Anonymous No. 16290933

Is that how your mom also treats you when you try to bring up the latest nick fuentes redpill about dah joooos

Anonymous No. 16290946

Are you Chinese?

Anonymous No. 16290952

retard can't even identify a jeet name when it's staring him right in the face.

Anonymous No. 16291049

nta but yeah, being the place where talents want to go to is absolutely beneficial. The downside is, of course, undesirables and malicious people want to go to your country too. People holding close ties to their homeland even after emigrating could be an issue too if their homeland is hostile to the host nation.

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Anonymous No. 16291451

Here are this years questions, How many could you solve?

Anonymous No. 16291501

All of them, but not in 4.5 hours without being able to consult any references.

Anonymous No. 16291513

>Great thing /sci/ has no mods to delete your chud seethe posts.
This is a pretty pathetic reaction to such slight pushback against your priors.

Anonymous No. 16291587

>these competitions
If we're talking bout these tests in general, Feynman got the highest score on the Putnam

Anonymous No. 16291605

>which probably means mathematicians like Wiles, Perelman, or even Maynard and Yitang Zhang
Perelman has a gold medal at the 1982 IMO with a perfect score

The IMO and math contests in general are an extremely solid predictor of mathematical talent and career success and all the
>i-it's not real math! it's not the same skill!
shit is mega cope

Anonymous No. 16291619

having a PhD in math is nothing compared to having a gold IMO medal. a very high percentage of field medalists are also IMO gold medal holder. brainlets coping retards probably never touch a math graduate text book or did any math competitions.

Anonymous No. 16291688

>Feynman got the highest score on the Putnam
The Putnam exam was much different and significantly easier (with much more crossover between math/physics knowledge) when Feynman took it. You don't see physicists dominating on the Putnam exam anymore.

Anonymous No. 16291706

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

Anonymous No. 16291787

,Terrance Tao is a fluke
olympiad winners generally display subpar creativity...
There's a very good reason cambridge tripos competition was banned

Anonymous No. 16291825

stop coping and get better at math

Anonymous No. 16291874


Anonymous No. 16291941

a fields medallist counts as a "mathematician of note"

Anonymous No. 16291960

I refuse to accept that shit heap of a mongrel, mudshit infested nation is on par with Singapore and better than Japan, Hong Kong, and France.