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Anonymous No. 16289636

How much time do I need to study to learn the chemistry to synthesize a lethal dose of pentobarbital?
I'm a STEM college student, so it's not going to be so difficult that I can't keep up.

Anonymous No. 16289638

Probably couple of days. If you are on the slow side maybe a week or two.

Anonymous No. 16289639

I don't know how to google these kind of stuff tho

Anonymous No. 16289685

I had the same idea today (I'm the guy who made threads about seeking assisted suicide in Switzerland on /bant/ and /r9k/). Not a chemist but looking at the molecule on Wikipedia was demoralizing. Looks very complicated to synthesize, at least with home equipment. I guess there's a reason there are only two pharma producers in the world who sell it.

Anonymous No. 16289778

pretty easy if you start with barbituric acid.

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Anonymous No. 16290693

Been there as a teen, best thing was that the social workers there had no clue what I was studying on physics, shows they are all retarded

Anonymous No. 16290696

>ooking at the molecule on Wikipedia was demoralizing
If you get demoralized that easily maybe you should kys

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Anonymous No. 16290697

My man, I also live in Switzerland! Also forget that, the right to suicide is a myth here. If you really wanna meet death go inside that suicide capsule, if not the only ones you gonna meet are the kesb

Anonymous No. 16290712

YouTube, Google scholar and SciHub.

Anonymous No. 16290727

>you should kys
Did you miss the part where I'm seeking assistance in dying?

I'm not from Switzerland. I'd just travel there because assisted death is completely prohibited where I live. The Sarco pod seems nice, too. However you'd need a professional 3d printing service provider to construct it.

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Anonymous No. 16290802

Switzerland through the eyes of a tourist is amazing, though the locals and society around them will certainly have a different view.
My dream is to have a suicidal gf who co-suicides with me. We won't need capsule, just the giant landscape would do a job for us

Anonymous No. 16291138

I don't know the answers to OP's question, but I now know current college classes are fucking retarded. Tests are designed for idiots.
>multiple choice question exams
>a and b: You're retarded
>d: This would be the right answer if it wasn't logically and sometimes grammatically backwards
>C: It's the only logical answer I swear I hope you're not blind deaf and dumb
I have no idea how students actually learn anything like this. None of this forces you to think. It's perfect for churning out drones, however.

Anonymous No. 16291306

I thought Switzerland is one of the best places to live, what's wrong about it?

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Anonymous No. 16291386

I don't hate it, only things I don't like is the mental health system and the early education system. We have different levels in the early education, Gymnasium, A, B, and C. Gymnasium being the best nd C the worst, I as an example was a lazy mf besides in the sciences, that's why I fell down so hard. In A, B, and C (in zurich we call them that at least) we don't look at cool things like in america, like functions, imaginary numbers, number theory itself etc... It's a very language based country, we had french, english, and german.

In other words, not the best country for early education science unless you are a kid who always got perfect grades you have a pretty hard way getting into any science..

The country otherwise has a bunch of flaws too, like pretty high taxes and everything is so fucking expensive, the average single family home costs 1.2million CHF etc...

Don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad country, no, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. But it does have its flaws, and depending of who you are these flaws can hit you in the face pretty darn harsh.

About that "kesb" I was yapping earlier, these people are the "Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörde/Child and Adult Protection Authority". These kick in when someone reports you for being mentally unwell, they evaluate your entire life and decide if you are capable to look after yourself, if not, they take (pretty much) all of your rights to decide for things and act as your guardians even if you are an adult. I know people personally who have this and they can never get away from it again. (If your kid gets that, not even you as a parent can do shit about it)

Anonymous No. 16291391

They want you to die, so fuck 'em.
They're all niggers.

Anonymous No. 16291402

Guess so.. I just avoid them at all costs, that's the best you can do, afterall they are backed by the government

"Hm, you want to get rid of us? Looks like someone needs more xannax shoved down his throat~"

Anonymous No. 16291404

Switzerland is the actual peak of the whole chaotic business we are facing.
Don't die. There's some awesome stuff in the pipeline.