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Anonymous No. 16289799

>I just realized why someone treated me like shit and that's why I've been seething and that realization will magically make me seethe less because I've "moved on"
Why is psychiatry considered a legitimate science?

Anonymous No. 16289839

Well you body releases specific chemicals to make you feel a specific way, those
chemicals can be release for various reasons. Psychiatry, although I don't know much
about that field, I would have to assume that they try to isolate specific feeling and
'triggers', if you go to a psychiatrist they might have specific furniture laid out in a
specific way, that might comfort you.

TLDR; Science is a broad subject

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Anonymous No. 16289870

Psychotherapy is a scam and has no methodology for curing patients. The therapy scammer wants to make easy money from privileged white women who have no real problems. He just sits there and nods when she says how "depressed" she is because she has a hangover from partying and riding the cock carousal all weekend. Therapists fear the truly mentally suffering. As an ugly permavirgin incel freak manlet who got bullied and never had friends I received the following reactions from different therapists:
>indifference (therapist just sits there doing nothing, expecting to get paid)
>mirroring my suicidal hopelessness by actively telling me to give up and kms
>referring me to psychiatry for treatment with heavy meds
>denying my traumatic experiences, claiming they were made up
>ending the therapy and refusing to see me again
>outright hostily, insulting me and wishing violent crime upon me
>blaming the "patriarchy" and hence implicitly me as a man
>distracting from my issues by talking about philosophical questions instead
The last one in that list was in fact the best. At least he caused no harm.
Therapy scammers are ideology driven midwits with no empathy and no methodology. Talking to them is a pain in the ass since they are neither capable of nor willing to understand my problems. And even if they did they couldn't help me. After all my problems are not my individual issues but issues of society as a whole. No therapist can stop the discrimination against ugly manlets. And then that same inhumane society tells us to get "professional help" as if my soul was just a car engine that needs to be fixed mechanically.

tl;dr therapy is bullshit.
Disagree with me? Then show me a patient who was successfully cured by psychotherapy.

Anonymous No. 16289876

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16291088

you mean psychology?