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🧵 A story about effort and genetics

Anonymous No. 16289952

>be 1994
>be born in some clinic
>rich family (Seoul National University grads) and poor shantytown family have babies at the same time
>babies get switched

>rich family takes home Lee
>poor family takes home Kim

>Lee struggles in school
>parents are academic elites, siblings are geniuses, but Lee is at the bottom of his class
>throw money at tutors and cram schools, but Lee’s grades stay awful

>Kim is a natural genius
>parents are barely educated, can’t afford tutoring
>Kim aces everything, top of his class, high ranks in national exams
>becomes a role model, shining hope of his poor family
>gets into Seoul National University

>fast forward 20 years
>families find out about the switch

>Lee: “Don’t need poor parents”
>refuses to go to his biological family

>Kim: “Gotta repay the kindness”
>refuses to leave the parents who raised him

>tfw this was on a Korean TV show a while back

Anonymous No. 16289958

>>refuses to leave the parents who raised him

I hope the hospital got sued hard

Anonymous No. 16289972


Anonymous No. 16289973

Did either have siblings?

Anonymous No. 16289984

Yes siblings got just expected grades it says

Anonymous No. 16290560

>>tfw everthing is genetically determined.

Anonymous No. 16290691

That's kinda cool, wasn't there a manga about something like that? I think it was just romcom trash though.

Anonymous No. 16290708

It's both genetics and environment anon

Anonymous No. 16290764

It's "unshared" environment. (i.e. measurement error and cosmic rays).

Anonymous No. 16290766

Ok then, everyone just sit there and do nothing. I'm sure your genetics will give you everything.

Anonymous No. 16290772

What about those stories of twins separated either at birth or while they were still very young that led remarkably similar lives?

Anonymous No. 16290783

So idk I'm supposed to think this proves poor people are stupid and rich people are smart but it also kinda shows some people are rich by sheer luck, and stupid lucky people don't wanna go back.

Anonymous No. 16290786

stupid people are less likely to have the ability to stop being poor

Anonymous No. 16290799

> Appa learned a new move! "At least my real son is not a fuck up". It's super effective!

Anonymous No. 16290800

This anon knows.

Anonymous No. 16290926

Koreans, like the Chinese, are big into determinism. It's part of their culture to think of themselves and others as being born with some potential while having to work hard at it so that others can benefit from it. It differs from European conceptions, for example, where your potential is more fluid and malleable and simultaneously expected to work less at it.

This philosophic conception partially explains why China is a successful totalitarian regime and why South Korea is a corporate-feudalistic state.

Anonymous No. 16291207

father? you pajeet?

Anonymous No. 16291231

the odds of a "genius" developing well in any western public schooling system would probably be way lower.

Anonymous No. 16291251

south korean schools are world apart from what we know here.
being a genius of any social background is priceless there
now here in low income neighbourhood public schools... think the gender studies graduate teacher will make timmy the genius blossom to his full potential? they're more like to try and brainwash him into cutting his junk off

Anonymous No. 16291262

And Japan had the opposite case where the rich kid got fucked with an abusive family life and the poor one became rich and happy. Another somewhat similar case where two Korean twins were separated, but the Korea one became educated while the American one turned into a cook.

Anecdotes anon.

Anonymous No. 16291271

>where the rich kid got fucked with an abusive family life in the poor family while the poor one became rich, successful and happy. The rich parents he was raised by died never knowing the difference or at least can tell he may not be theirs but loved him like their own. His adoptive brothers also love him a lot.

Tl:Dr way to many anecdotal evidence in either direction to prove any real solid state policy

Anonymous No. 16291278

if poor kid with rich parents does better than rich kid with poor parents
> le nepotism and money is everything
if poor kid with rich parents does worse than rich kid with poor parents
> le genetics is everything

where is 'I'?
it never ends. We are goyim in the kike world

Anonymous No. 16291296

I see this as a threat, fuck with us and we'll accidentally misassign your baby.

Anonymous No. 16291380

>Lee struggles in school
>parents are academic elites, siblings are geniuses, but Lee is at the bottom of his class
>throw money at tutors and cram schools, but Lee’s grades stay awful

Does anyone mention how Lee fairs against the average student from his local community of birth or nationally? Because typically more access to resources does improve performance relative to your original background.

It's like getting low marks in a AP course. Yes, it's shit but how does that translate to non AP. Especially when the person in question has recieved tutoring and higher level classes that the average person wouldn't?

Also reminder that adoption even at birth does not completely invalidate impeded neurogenesis development at the prenatal stage while the fetus is being affected by sub-par nutrition due to being carried in a poor background.

Anonymous No. 16291384

Don't forget the epigenetic effects that can go back to the grandparents generation

Anonymous No. 16291445

Exactly, adoption isn't the clean slate people believe it is. You're dealing with biology that's been tempered by multiple generations. The general point extracted from adoption studies was that improvements could be seen with the child beyond their initial background.

Without knowing Lee’s initial background in terms of family or his local community's academic performance we can't accurately assess the general performance with respect to his background.

Anonymous No. 16291965

They were not born in 1994. The news published in 1994