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Anonymous No. 16289966

Why is modern scientific literature so fake and gay?

Anonymous No. 16289986

Diversity quotas

Anonymous No. 16290296

In Brazil, there's a national law that obligates every college to admit a quota of black students. The two of our best universities (USP and Unicamp) admit per year at least 50% of black or mixed undergraduate freshmen. This results in a big number of students either quitting or being expelled from most STEM courses, as they can't learn Calculus. It's pretty tragic.

Anonymous No. 16290431

it has nothing to do with diversity quotas, at least for what Colin Wright is pointing out in his post. heā€™s pointing out something different

that different thing is (and you would only know this if you knew the context of colin wright) the absolutely ridiculous takeover of soft sciences and social sciences and even some softer hard sciences (e.g. certain branches of biology) by the LGBTQ postmoderns. this requires context but assuming you know the context then I can elaborate further

a lot of social science and psychology and even some parts of biology lead to ā€œinconvenientā€ conclusions like, for example, people who go through male puberty are better at weightlifting, running, swimming, billiards, chess, physics, math, etc. this is an obvious empirical fact. however the folks who inhabit humanities departments find this disgraceful and have been continually exercising their institutional leverage to penalize science department people who stumble over these facts. they also have caused the institutions of higher learning to favor, and favor very strongly, any scientist who happens to offer some sort of rebuttal to these inconvenient facts.

now, this has been going on since at least 1995 and the entire science field has been corrupted with people dedicated to defending the ideology that humanities departments insist upon. therefore there is a huge scientific literature now devoted to denying obvious facts with scientific whataboutism to question obvious science as well as pseudoscientific semantic arguments to derail scientific progress by calling into question the already accepted scientific facts. in short the politics of academia have created an incentive for politically-motivated bad-faith scientists to do what amounts to scientific-sounding sophistry as a foil against normal old-fashioned science, and now we see a plethora of crap nonsense ā€œscienceā€ as a result

Anonymous No. 16290873

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