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Anonymous No. 16290073

Where are all the Aliens !?

Anonymous No. 16290113

If they somehow made a civilization worth a damn I can imagine why they want to stay the hell away from us

Anonymous No. 16290141

We're alone.
The universe holds nothing but dust and microbes.
Life on Earth appeared in under 500 million years, but was single-celled for 2 billion years.
That means that, even under conditions conducive to the formation of life, there is nothing inevitable about complex, multicellular life.
Even after multicellular life appeared, it took another 2 billion years for it to become intelligent. And even though it became intelligent, the intelligent life came close to extinction many times, and came close to killing itself many times as well.
Even if there are many planets which can sustain simple life, even fewer will ever develop complex life, and fewer still will ever develop intelligent life. Even if intelligent life arises elsewhere, it may never develop complex technological societies. There may be ecological or geological barriers - their atmosphere may not make controlled use of fire possible, or their planet may lack or be extremely limited in rare elements important for technological development.

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Cult of Passion No. 16290183

>We're alone.
I find this oddly complete and incomplete at the same time.

Alone together...

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Anonymous No. 16290193


Anonymous No. 16290229

Probably on planet

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Cult of Passion No. 16290237

Based debating alone with yourselves in a padded room pilled!

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Cult of Passion No. 16290243

Star moons?

Anonymous No. 16290244

whta's the catch here? both left and right limits are the same, innit?

Anonymous No. 16290251

They exist or communicate in fractal waves

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Cult of Passion No. 16290262

>whta's the catch here?
Winning is dying.
Living is defeat.

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greer alien photos.jpg

Anonymous No. 16290354

Anonymous No. 16290358

Simple. The universe is too big to make interstellar travel worthwhile for any intelligent life forms.

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Anonymous No. 16290364

unless you turn into pure consciousness and travel in the consciousness field using non-linear physics

Anonymous No. 16291351

it's too big and dangerous to risk it even for extremely advanced civilizations, what's more likely is they colonize the valuable things within their reach and ignore the rest

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Anonymous No. 16291409

They're in India.

Anonymous No. 16291450

The problem in any case is that we don't know what the universe really is. Example 1: Earth basically all there is here, the rest of the universe is a lie.
Example 2: Aliens exist and know what the universe is and they can't tell us because it would be incomprehensible to us and destroy us, so they hide.

Anonymous No. 16291541

Aliens, you'll get to look at during your lifetime, through through a microscope at a museum
There's cryo-vulcanisim going on there and salt deposits basins, once the Chinese or Arabs drill into it in 20 years they'll bring back Alien bacteria and other micro life from Ceres's underground water system

Anonymous No. 16291560

Those are both stupid. More likely Aliens in the range of our communications perceive radio messages differently from us, if at all.
The assumption has been that any aliens we make contact must be smarter than us is probably wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16291563

Fantastic post. Thank you

Anonymous No. 16291582

Radio messages? You're talking like a little kid trying to contact a friend on a walkie talkie. You have no concept of the meaning of large timescales, Who you are and what position you're in, How reality exists to begin with, and so on.

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Anonymous No. 16291751

Unless we find actual life in our solar system, we'll never really have any official confirmation of life. Even if detect techno/biosignatures in another planet, there's always the possibility that there's some natural process we didn't know about. In fact, this shit already happened, we already detected some very strange stuff, but nobody wants to say it's aliens.

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Anonymous No. 16291758


Anonymous No. 16292754

Scientists know there aren't any aliens

Anonymous No. 16292810

I wouldn't say with a high degree of certainty that we're alone just yet, we've only "searched" a fraction of the entire universe and we could just be looking for the wrong things. While the series of events that lead to our current state are extremely improbable, the universe is also extremely large and there's a possibility that other intelligent life forms have developed on distant planets.

Although the fact that we haven't encountered any intelligent alien life, and they haven't come to Earth yet, suggests that interstellar travel is extremely difficult (or even impossible) and other intelligent societies on planets older than ours may be going extinct before they ever figure it out. Either that or they're all deliberately hiding from us.

Anonymous No. 16292829

>Where are all the Aliens?

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gray alien testif....jpg

Anonymous No. 16292857

>they took my ship
>they took my clothes
>everything i'm about to tell you is the truth