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Anonymous No. 16290096

Which one is in the right?

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Cult of Passion No. 16290097


Anonymous No. 16290101

whats the formula behind chaotic good?

Anonymous No. 16290107


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Anonymous No. 16290114

Wildbergerites BTFO

Anonymous No. 16290288

[math]3 \frac{10}{71} < \pi < 3 \frac{1}{7}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16290457

3 + sqrt(2)/10

Anonymous No. 16290461


Anonymous No. 16290462

[citation needed]

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Anonymous No. 16290647

Anonymous No. 16290651

BTFO how?

Anonymous No. 16290653

It was revealed to me in a dream.

Anonymous No. 16290663

"Lawful good" would obviously be a convergent of a continued fraction, because those are the "morally correct" approach to rational approximation of irrational numbers. No idea why the creator thinks they are "evil".

Cult of Passion No. 16290668

Can I see the work for Pi=5? 4 I understand, but 1 is also not there and I can show my work, thus if you cannot, change Chaotic Evil to mine.

Anonymous No. 16290717

pi=sqrt(g) is true because the conversion between a meter and a second is based on pendulum physics.
no matter what length of a stick you use to make a pendulum from, if you define a second based on how long it takes that stick to swing back and forth, then dropping a rock will show that the rock falls exactly pi^2 stick-lengths in the time it takes that stick to swing back and forth.

Anonymous No. 16290746

Neutral good is the kino for me.

Anonymous No. 16290749


Anonymous No. 16290790

If this is true, how come length^2 is an area?

Anonymous No. 16291024

Throwing sticks is just harder Monte Carlo integration

Anonymous No. 16291679

All and none.
The so called "real numbers" are just approximation algorithms. If you want to be pedantic then LG and CG are the best ones, as they actually imply an algorithm.

Anonymous No. 16291692

Defining numbers by the "storage capacity of the universe" is far less discrete than truncating a partial sum.

Anonymous No. 16291694

>so called "real numbers" are just approximation algorithms
Not true. Almost all of them aren't.

Anonymous No. 16291698

Post one.
>I can't it was just schizo babble and misunderstanding probability.
Or shut up.
non-computable numbers aren't numbers at all.

Anonymous No. 16291700

True neutral should be ฯ€ = ฯ€
Chaotic evil should be something actually chaotic. Maybe ฯ€ = 0 or ฯ€ = -e

Anonymous No. 16291704

Do you think intuitionists haven't defined the real numbers yet? They did it before you were born.

Anonymous No. 16291736

>non-computable numbers
>approximation algorithms
Opinion discarded.
How does your question follow?

Anonymous No. 16291853

whichever one is rational.

still rational lmao

Anonymous No. 16291986

ฯ€ = ln(-1)/i

Cult of Passion No. 16291987

>True neutral should be ฯ€ = ฯ€
Or 1...yours isnt neutral, its just self referential. "Side length 1" is about as Neutral as I can think of, but ฯ€ = 5 needs explaination.

Anonymous No. 16292060

I'm a biologist who scraped through statistics but wouldn't using anything besides 3.14 or something exactly equivalent result in an answer so far removed it would be totally meaningless?

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Cult of Passion No. 16292076

>I'm a biologist
Welcome to Oragnic Mathematics.

Class dismissed.

Anonymous No. 16292121

3.14 is already more than 99.9 % accurate. I'm pretty sure you can get meaningful results with slightly lower accuracy too.

Anonymous No. 16292175

You would be surprised at the number of situations where you can set [math]\pi = 3[/math] and get away with it

Anonymous No. 16292968

all of them are.

post one that isnt.

B00T No. 16292974


Anonymous No. 16292975

>still rational lmao
might wanna take another look at that denominator

Anonymous No. 16293003

Do the stick throwers account for air resistance

Anonymous No. 16293188

For example suppose you have a differential equation where the eigenvalues are given by roots of the characteristic polynomial [math]x^2-\pi+c=0[/math]
where [math]c[/math] is your approximation to [math]\pi[/math]. If this corresponded to some physical system, it now matters a lot whether you overestimate it, underestimate it, or take an exact value.
For example you could have a differential equation where these eigenvalues represent wavenumbers corresponding to modes of propagation of some wave in a medium, and depending on whether the root of that equation is real, imaginary, or has both real and imaginary parts, you're describing very different physical behaviour, so this matters a lot. In situations like this numerically approximating the system loses a significant amount of insight and we want to have an exact solution so we know qualitatively what's going on.

Anonymous No. 16293545

Hail Barkon. King of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16293795

The Holy Bible defines Pi to be 3, so that is the Right one.

Anonymous No. 16293900

Thank you for the explanation. I feel like you crystalized the concept pretty well.

Anonymous No. 16293910

>Take numerical analysis class
>First assignment
>Calculate [irrational number] to k digits
>Actual numerical answer expected
>Answer is dependent on pi
>Go over assignment in class
>Ask instructor how many digits to approximate pi for the calculation
>He's dumbfounded by the question
>What do you mean?
>The calculation depends on pi. How well does pi need to be approximated so that the answer is correct?
>Pi is pi. Just use pi like in the formula
>Pi is irrational and approximated by my calculator. Does that mean I can approximate with 3 and still get the correct answer? (I checked for myself and it didn't)
>No because pi is not 3. Use the pi in your calculator because that is pi
>I'm completely dumbfounded and the class is starting to snicker at me, so I shut up
Was I in the wrong here?

Anonymous No. 16293926

>Instructor can't comprehend the nuance of your question
>Entire class snickers
This is why choice of university matters. I bet you go to a bottom tier state school

Anonymous No. 16293931

I go to uc Berkeley

Anonymous No. 16294115


its rational as well.

Anonymous No. 16294231

>no atan(1)*4
that's like the most common approximation that i learned in high school