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Anonymous No. 16290357

Why is there systemic mental illness plaguing the west?

Anonymous No. 16290369

> conservatives don’t go to therapy, they go to church to consume copium for their shit
> as for the mental illness, social media is by far the biggest cause. climate change is another, denying it and going with your life is easy, but it’s still a nagging thought of “why bother with your house and kids when shtf in 50 years”

bodhi No. 16290380

>writing copium like this while accusing others of copium
Projection is a strong indicator of mental illness. so I am guessing you are a shitlib

Anonymous No. 16290383

you ever seen blue haired childless psychotic conservatives?

Anonymous No. 16290385

also, who are you quoting?

Anonymous No. 16290388

Because people are required to not just believe but openly state things that are 100% objectively false every single day, despite knowing that everyone else knows they're completely false and is just playing along as well. Moreover you can never ever confide in anyone, because anyone you trust will publicly throw you under the bus for a crumb of social media clout.

Anonymous No. 16290391

I mean, it could be that external factors induce mental illness and the people suffering from it feel that liberalism is a good solution. It could also be that liberals go to therapy more than conservatives for the same condition. Also there's most likely an age gap between the average liberal and the average conservative.

It's weird that this point has become repeated so often when even at a glance it seems like you're not being given the whole story. It's like the old liberal one about conservatives being less intelligent. The only people I knew who actually accepted that at face value were liberals looking to mock the other side.

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Anonymous No. 16290493


Anonymous No. 16290548

We live in a world where (((((the media)))))) is marinating people in lies 24/7. It's no wonder people who trust (((((the media)))))) are being driven insane.

Anonymous No. 16290554

there are plenty of psychotic conservatives.
unless you think those chuds who shoot up super markets are actually right of mind.

Anonymous No. 16290557

projection. Liberals take any issue society faces and blows it out of proportion. Covid was and is a meme and they would unironically shit their pants if they ever lived through an actual, real, pandemic like the spanish flu.

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Anonymous No. 16290564

>they have a lot of psychos
>just look at those 1 or 2 faggots popping up every few years shooting up supermarkets whose average lifespan is 20 years old
Brilliant argument.

Anonymous No. 16290575

>an actual, real, pandemic like the spanish flu.
The Spanish flu was only significant because it happened before the invention of antibiotics. Respiratory viruses don't kill people directly, they weaken them to the point that they're susceptible to pneumonia and then pneumonia does the killing. If the same flu reappeared today, nobody would die from it because antibiotics would cure all the post viral infections

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Anonymous No. 16290584

>uses anti-biotics against viruses

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Anonymous No. 16290594

>doesn't even know Z-packs have antiviral activity

Anonymous No. 16290629

The source?

Anonymous No. 16290636

>Dr. Schlomo. Why am I mentally ill?
>The weather. Here, take these pills.

Anonymous No. 16290637

that's just the tip of the iceberg of the ones who are actually deranged enough to go through with their deranged desires.

Anonymous No. 16290660

Jesus, /sci/ can't run basic searches anymore


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16290669

God love world that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins on a cross then three days later rose Him from the dead, that we receive the free gift of eternal life. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. You will receive this free gift. He also promises to heal your body. This Is Gods Love for You!

Anonymous No. 16290675

secondary infections

>bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in a pandemic
>who could have guessed?
Predominant role of bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in pandemic influenza: implications for pandemic influenza preparedness
David M Morens, Jeffery K Taubenberger, Anthony S Fauci
The majority of deaths in the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic likely resulted directly from secondary bacterial pneumonia

>most people died of pneumonia?
SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections
Konstantin S Sharov
SARS-CoV-2, a low-pathogenic virus itself, becomes exceptionally dangerous if secondary bacterial pneumonia attacks a COVID-19 patient as a complication. An essential part of the severest complications and mortality associated with COVID-19 in Russia in March-May 2020, may be attributed to secondary bacterial pneumonia and to a much less extent viral co-infections.
SARS-CoV-2, bacterial co-infections, and AMR: the deadly trio in COVID-19?
Bengoechea et al
Machine learning links unresolving secondary pneumonia to mortality in patients with severe pneumonia, including COVID-19
Gao et al
ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
Machine learning links unresolving secondary pneumonia to mortality in patients with severe pneumonia, including COVID-19
Gao et al
Unsuccessful treatment of VAP is associated with higher mortality. The relatively long LOS for patients with COVID-19 was primarily due to prolonged respiratory failure, placing them at higher risk of VAP

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Anonymous No. 16290680

That's a bit intolerant and discriminatory anon

Anonymous No. 16290681

>Why is there systemic mental illness plaguing the west?
-It's massively overdiagnosed.
-Therapists, psychiatrist etc. have a financial incentive to diagnose you with something.
-They are financially incentivized to put you on drugs and make you go through therapy. For both psychiatrists and therapists, that's how they cover their rent of their studio/office.
-Therapy and drug treatments are a convenient cope out for people and it makes it look like that people struggling in life do something about it.
-It deludes people into thinking that mental health is all that is needed to succeed in life even if that isn't true.
-Pharmaceutical companies also want to push drugs on you because that increases quarterly and yearly revenues for their stakeholders and investors.
-The diagnostic tools and diagnostics we have are often developed and defined by pharmaceutical companies and people maintaining close connections to such companies.

You can read up more on that by looking for material like: "ADHD nation", "Saving Normal by Allen Frances" etc.

I really do wonder why we have so much mental illness. I'm sure, it's not (mostly) aggressive marketing.

P.S. Ever thought how that whole transgender is wholesome crap came to be and why now kids should be put on puberty blockers?

Anonymous No. 16290684

>do further research on azithromycin
>it is no longer recommended for covid infections
>it is only advised for secondary bacterial infection that covid may cause

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bodhi No. 16290812


Anonymous No. 16290819

Trannies are almost exclusively liberal

Anonymous No. 16290826

how do they manifest their derangement on a daily basis? the "iceberg" on the left is entirely visible and is known for various LGBTQ+ visibility months, pro-Hamas protests, "queers for palestine", Antifa terrorism, etc. Even the less radical of them all fit the same immediately recognizable stereotype of neurotic effeminate onions boys and obese hags with dyed hair, nose piercings and pronouns in their social media. That's the most normal liberal. No, there is something scientifically unsound about them. For example, look at r/Childless on reddit. All of them are radical left. They cheer for open borders, praise flooding the first world with refugees, and welcome an overall shift in the Overton window done by the radical left. Big cities, childless living, all contribute to them developing mental issues that push them more and more to the left. While "Maga tards" tend to stay away from social media and that alone make them a lot more mentally stable. That's why they prefer traditional values.

Anonymous No. 16290827

Also sounds like more evidence supporting spiteful mutant theory.