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never trust a soy....jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16290416

Why do so many scientists secretly harbor violent fantasy lives? Don't they know that having violent fantasy lives is a common symptom of mental illness? You'd think someone in healthcare would be aware of that and would seek the appropriate treatment for their mental illness symptoms.
Her husband is in chemistry, he worked with the guy who got busted for fucking dogs last year.

Anonymous No. 16290446

>nooo cancel herr!!!
snowflake behavior. Also not science or math related.

Anonymous No. 16290455

>scientists secretly harbor violent fantasy lives?
>You'd think someone in healthcare would

Anonymous No. 16290470

who the fuck even cares. Is this a bot thread or something? This board can't even keep a physics, chemistry or biology general alive for more than 2 days because it's so concerned over scientist gossip.
Just compare the OP to the average thread in 2017
What happened?

Anonymous No. 16290472

People lost faith in the science

Anonymous No. 16290475

scientists have been exposed as fraudsters

Anonymous No. 16290486

/pol/ tourists found the board sadly

Anonymous No. 16290487

Trump happened

Anonymous No. 16290497

you're the one thats obsessed with politics, thats why you see everything as political. stop projecting your own personality on everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16290513

Do you not see what thread we are in

Anonymous No. 16290518

This is a thread about mental health. The fact that the violent fantasy is about a famous businessman/politician is purely coincidental

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Anonymous No. 16290626

It's a bot thread.

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Cult of Passion No. 16290630

This. "The Science" is broken until the system is cleared of retarded charlatans. Until then there will be no funding, no acvepting of new anything.



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Cult of Passion No. 16290633

Another Richard Dawkins, a clanging gong...a brain detached from the soul.

Many such abominations.

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Cult of Passion No. 16290635

>Why dont we talk "Science" anymore.
Because we have become the administration...

t.The Nobody
(Takes one to Biblically know one...)

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Anonymous No. 16290688

I guess it comes as a byproduct by being a strong "out of the box" thinker, or simply being rather abstract. The more abstract someone is the more abstract their fantasies become..?

Anonymous No. 16290695

This thread would be on topic if it were the husband who made those statements but since it was the data management wife, it's obvious just bait for the bored.

Anonymous No. 16290701

How do you respond to Weinstein calling you out?

Anonymous No. 16290702

No, 2020 happened

Anonymous No. 16290703

obviously a bot thread. Just ask yourself why they removed the ip counter. Or why twitter removed your ability to see likes. Russian disinformation

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Anonymous No. 16290706

>Russian disinformation

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Cult of Passion No. 16290713

He cant, he disgraced himself with Terrance and became the Harvard that laughed him out.

You....dont have PhD, do you? Mmmk, dont be "peer"ing when not.

Anonymous No. 16290715

If you spent as much effort in the threads you pretend to care about as you do in policing threads like this one for wrongthink, those threads would be as successful as /sfg/. But you won't because you're a consumer not a producer. You want people to work hard to entertain your midwit IFLS! eyeballs while you passively sit back and contribute nothing. You rage when that doesn't happen, blaming it on any content that isn't part of your desired entertainment package instead of ignoring them and producing the type of content you want to see here. The irony is that the threads you claim to love frequently get bumped out of the catalog by the dozens of meta threads you and people like you start to whine about the lack of content.

Anonymous No. 16290723

Why would anyone care that Weinstein "called them out"? Is he the current anointed head of science? The Pope of Science? Or just one voice out of millions giving his thoughts on things?

Cult of Passion No. 16290728

>Why would anyone care that Weinstein "called them out"?
Well, to be fair, are they "Out of control!"?
His shit talking has been preddy gud on the public front, lotsa flinging.

Cult of Passion No. 16290732

Oh, and because he took the heat for that shit talking at academia, people like Sabine can now speak about it.

So, Im actually pretty thankful for his service.

Anonymous No. 16290757

done unto you as you have done unto others
kill all leftists

Anonymous No. 16290759

/sci/ has been destroyed by the system because it was identified as potentially right wing. So the bot spam and schizos are all meant to make the board less interesting and it's been bleeding users for years now. That was the plan.
google mining the chans
the aim is to gradually make these boards less interesting

Anonymous No. 16290771

It's useless to attempt to keep /pg/ alive if days of bumping yield fuck all. The most active it's ever been was when Mandlbaur was derailing every single physics thread with his COAM nonsense. What you're left with is obnoxious shitposters like the Landaufag who never got past the Lagrangian of a free particle and to this day, 3 years later, still lose their shit over people daring to recommend that book. I'm just not in the mood to engage in a shitpost contest with a few underperforming undergrads. Also note that this was not the case 6+ years ago. You could literally have threads on rather technical stuff like perverse sheaves and D-modules while nowadays you're lucky if someone in /mg/ has ever even heard of them.
You're also evidently a newfaggot given that you seem to doubt /sfg/ is nothing but a low-brow shitposting general. I'd rather have no /pg/ at all than one akin to that abortion

Anonymous No. 16290787

Not my problem.

Barkon No. 16290805


Anonymous No. 16290823

She literally broke the law though. The first amendment doesn't grant you the right to call for assassinations of political figures. Cancel culture is about ruining people's lives who didn't break any laws.

Anonymous No. 16290829

The replication crisis exposed science as the fraudulent study it is. In January of 2023 a Nature publication revealed that science is inundated with papers that present nothing new and just cite each other as nauseum because academics now follow the zeitgeist. They received funding for status quo research and stop producing anything post tenure because they have no faith in their own academic institution let alone the scientific method.

It's no coincidence that universities across the world bankrupting and closing down, college enrollment is consistently decreasing for the first time since recorded history of academic institutions, and large scale distrust in the scientific method is ever growing. It's also no coincidence that all of this started at the cusp of the me too movement around 2014 and the replication crisis around the same time. It was a real double whammy that destroyed the trust in both the social and fiscal aspect of intellectuals. There's no going back.

/sci/ isn't uniquely under attack contrary to your schizo autistic screeching. Its decline is emblematic and reflective of the cultural shift in the west. Society is falling.

Anonymous No. 16290834

Perhaps leftists shouldn't keep weaponising ever more draconian policies if they don't them to be used agains them. If you shoot at someone who begs for mercy, it's not hypocritical of them to shoot at you back once they get access to the same weapon.