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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16290444

I'm high and I say the 4th dimension is where all the experiences and human life as a whole are. The 4th dimension is time. So for example a song creates a structure that from the beginning only makes sense through the passing of time and finally culminates in a point in time. So all sorts of art exist in the 4th dimension. But what about paintings, they are static. That's why the saying the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder is true. A piece of art is only complete when it is experienced by someone and during that moment of viewing the piece is where art is created. What do you think???

Anonymous No. 16290449

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16290450

>I'm high and I say
nobody cares, you are the cancerous rot destroying society. On drugs 24/7 contributing fuck all.

Anonymous No. 16290549

Who actually are these...
There very may well be all sorts of art in the fourth dimension. That's the percievement of art, whereas art exists anyway. Ask a 4d? You might have to factor in space and time attractions vs We may live in a void bubble but that might be less issue for 4d. There's even some books about science and art indicating that art makes science more complete.
Interested more in spiritual science personally, yet Your Post has me wondering about science and art again.
Perhaps some of the 3d cosmos is somewhat 4d art and science. There might even exist noneuclidean art and a new category like that due to increased optimeters of extradimensionalities.

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Cult of Passion No. 16290570

I cracked Euler's Identity here, high.

>you are the cancerous rot destroying society
Fraid not, son, that comes from wanton hate. Now...I read two sentences into his retardation and stopped...because its retarded, sure, but not for the reasons you 'belief'.

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Cult of Passion No. 16290576

>Quintessentially British company.
>French name.

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Anonymous No. 16290657

A topological manifold is said to 4-dimensional if it is locally homeomorphic to euclidean 4-space. There are more general definitions like covering dimension for arbitrary topological spaces or completely different ones like the dimension of vector spaces or hausdroff dimension but they're all generalizations of the concept of dimensions for the Euclidean Spaces which is fairly well known even among psuedo-intellectual laymen like you thanks to pop sci content.
Notice how I said nothing about space nor time? Space-time is but a specific example of a 4-dimensional manifold that turns out to be a useful model for formulating General Relativity in mathematical terms.
"The 4th dimension" is not a physical space that things can exist in nor any dimension really unless you're platonist who believes abstract concepts like ordering or numbers actually exist outside the human mind.

It's all abstract concepts made by humans. Not to say they aren't useful or illogical. We still use concepts like numbers, currency, etc. It's just that there exists no such thing as "the 4th dimension" outside of mathematics and mathematical sciences like theoretical physics.

Anonymous No. 16290962

I've watched interstellar twice and I think I know what I'm talking about, pal.