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Anonymous No. 16290468

>Be modern liberal western country
>Promote gender equality in STEM
>Introduce quotas and shit to put more women in STEM
>Check the results of your policies
>"Surely now more gender equal societies must now have more women in STEM"
>Result show the exact fucking opposite and the less gender equal the more women in STEM

Why did this happen? Is STEM really a mans job so to speak?

Anonymous No. 16290733

When women are in hard pressed situations where they need to earn as much money as possible to keep themselves from starving, they choose engineering degrees. When women are secure and happy in society, with a social safety net that will keep them fed and safe, they are free to choose careers that don't maximize profit potential but instead make them happy. Like working with children.

Anonymous No. 16290737

What's stopping me (a straight, white, male) from simply going "I identify as a woman" and getting a free pass through uni and internships thrown at my feet? If they deny it I can just cry foul.

Anonymous No. 16290740

How are we supposed to know what's stopping you from doing this? You're the one who's evidently not doing it, so you tell us why you aren't. You're the one who knows, not us.

Anonymous No. 16290773

Basically this although it doesn't fully encompass all the outcomes and biasing.

Anonymous No. 16290782

How is this even supposed to be a trend? The data looks sparse as fuck, and it’s a bunch of countries with little idea of when and how they got the data. Entire countries at that. It’s horrible, you could slap pretty much any trend to it. Stop posting sociology shit here, a good chunk of it is bs like this.

Anonymous No. 16290792

The trend is that countries idolized by libtard redditors for their progressive social policies also happen to have less equal outcomes.

Anonymous No. 16290872

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