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Anonymous No. 16290640

Are we slowly reaching the carrying capacity for the human race on our earth?

Anonymous No. 16290646


We only need another Green Revolution and bomb! Earth can now support trillions of people more.

Anonymous No. 16290648

Imagine all the Einsteins we could have with trillions of people!

Anonymous No. 16290649

enriching the atmosphere with additional CO2 increases carrying capacity. as it currently stands the calculated carrying capacity is estimated at something between half a trillion and trillion.

Anonymous No. 16290671

Don't be racist OP. The only population growth now without immigration is sub-Saharan Africa.

Anonymous No. 16290689

Human species.

Anonymous No. 16290692

Carrying capacity is sort of a meme because there's always something new being invented. In the 1800s they were sure a billion people were about to starve to death because they were running out of bird poop islands to mine for fertilizer, and then the Haber Bosch process was invented.
All the elements in starches and fats are extremely common, and it isn't unthinkable that someone could build a chemical reactor that can make calories out of air and electricity. If that's too eat zee bugs you can just use it as animal feed and then everyone can have a ribeye for the cost of a can of beans
On electricity, paving like 1% of America's farmland area in solar panels out in the desert would provide all their electricity. That's solar, the cheapest and shittiest non hydrocarbon method we have.
On materials, I strongly suspect we'll see some unexpected and generally unseen impacts from space exploration. Basically, resources on Earth are concentrated as a result of life. Iron deposits are formed from the planetary algal blooms oxygenating the atmosphere for example. In space it is much more distributed, so mining on other bodies will require methods to squeeze every last element from a scoop of dirt. It may be that in the future, mining tailings are pure silicon dioxide, because every single useful atom has been sucked out.
When you have precise control over atoms at the industrial scale, it isn't clear what could possibly run out of. My guess is your only scarcity would be peace and quiet, which opens a whole can of non /sci/ related worms

Anonymous No. 16290709

>earth is the only planet in the uriverse!
unintentionally true
funny how atheists claim certain things, but will reveal their beliefs to the contrary through impricit bias when unrelated things come up

Jesus is Lord

Anonymous No. 16290716

I don't know why I bothered leaving a long a reply on this schizo board >>16290709

Anonymous No. 16290718

are these schizos on the board with us now, anon?

Anonymous No. 16290720

Yeah I literally linked to one in my post retard

Anonymous No. 16290731

One of the most troubling things is how much faith IFLS! has in the ability of science to keep conjuring up additional green revolutions as needed. While there is a generally positive correlation between investing in scientific research and scientific discovery, it's never been a one-to-one relationship that produces discovery on a regular schedule like a widget factory. And there's a worrying trend of what's basically anti-science, the production of avalanches of poor or factually incorrect data due to the needs of academics looking to advance their careers rather than advancing science. This risks pushing the correlation between investment in science and genuine scientific discovery into the negative.

Anonymous No. 16290742

It's worth pointing out the absurdity of still relying on plants at all. You can only increase the efficiency so much. These things need to self construct every year, maintain an immune system, only work when the sun is out during a specific season, etc. Producing calories with electricity directly is some absurd increase in productivity, like 100 times if you're using solar over the same area. With a few fission reactors you could produce all the Earth's food

Anonymous No. 16290743

No, we are reaching the carrying capacity for CAPITALISM on our planet.

Anonymous No. 16290745

Just because someone doesn't have faith in your religion doesn't make them a schizo. Your very first sentence is a statement of faith. Everything else is just babbling on about the wonders of your infallible religion. There's nothing scientific in your belief in Scientism.

Anonymous No. 16290750

Unfortunately any alternative you can name that's actually been tested has a much lower carrying capacity, at least in the short to mid term. Long term something like primativism might indeed be better as it can only support small populations at any moment but doesn't degrade the environment long term. But usually people who rage about capitalism are communists who know good and well that every time communism has been put into large scale production, it has failed horribly and degraded the environment in terrible ways over very short periods of time. They just want to be lazy and get freebies during their lifespan. What happens after that is of no concern to the communist.

Anonymous No. 16290755

All we have to do (yes, it's that simple) is consume less, at every level, individual and society.
That way, we'll waste less, pollute less and destroy less.

Anonymous No. 16290760

not even close. papua new guinea can hold about 1 billion asians more. amazon like 10 billion new people. and russia? well, its kinda too cold but you manage to put another billion there for the warmest parts. canada? yes 5 billion there too just wait for global warming by 10 degrees

Anonymous No. 16290765

There's no physics reason why any of that won't work, we're just waiting for the same economic forcing function that brought about the Haber Bosch process.
Extrapolate that out a little and you'll understand why competing systems have always led to the deaths of millions of their own people

Anonymous No. 16290788

Eh, no. Even nearing it is sufficient to topple human civilization due to how complex things are, and we are nearing it apparently. That being said to all the farming revolution anons that confidently assert 500 billion coombrains can live on this planet:

> what? what the fuck? do you idiots realize that our current human:non-human animal biomass ratio is fucked, and animals are going extinct left and right? We had giant ground sloths and cave bears and massive eagles, and that was prehistory. Now we can’t even get frogs to survive, and once they’re gone the food web will collapse in many places leading to more extinction

Anonymous No. 16290860

Demographically, we seem to be approaching a near peak.
>carrying capacity
Oh, we left that behind long ago, we're already on a mass extinction. As a species, we're absolutely trampling the habitat that feeds us.

Anonymous No. 16290892

More "efficient" agricultural techniques are always at the cost of something.
One such example is potash, we have access to fertilizer ... at the cost of chopping down pine forests.

Anonymous No. 16290908

The first green revolution was already a mistake, look how fucking crowded this place is.

Anonymous No. 16290913

>One of the most troubling things is how much faith IFLS! has in the ability of science to keep conjuring up additional green revolutions as needed.
You know, this shit is all coming down crashing on us sooner or later. If one major supply chain breaks down, even if it is only tangentially linked to food production/agriculture, we're in for a big surprise.

Anonymous No. 16290916

The answer is clearly no. Just look at Africa.

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animal biomass.jpg

Anonymous No. 16291167

Earth can potentially support 100 billion people.

Anonymous No. 16291288

So human and cattle population has grown at the cost of wild animals and birds?

Anonymous No. 16291612

no you can vertically integrate farming its just not as economical so earths carrying capacity is likely in the trillions or quadrillions

Anonymous No. 16291850

cool it with the racism OP

Anonymous No. 16291865

that's not what's going to happen

Anonymous No. 16291869

>muh food
food isnt going to be our limiting factor (at least not directly)
its gonna be fossil fuels and resourcess like lithium
nitrates are also a big concern since vast majority of them are mined and reserves are quickly shrinking down
and we really NEED nitrates for farming
so introduction of vertical farming wont matter in the slightest

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Anonymous No. 16291871

>muh resource scarcity lies

Anonymous No. 16291877

>resources are infinite
>accelerating exploatation rate is a spook

Anonymous No. 16291893

You will drastically reduce carrying capacity when you get consistent wet bulb events at 35C. Can't do shit with uninhabitable land. More CO2 is a retarded idea.

Anonymous No. 16291903

just build giant underground bunkers with solar powered AC
problem solved

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Anonymous No. 16291920

You're blind if you can't see how the current human population is pressuring nature and ecosystems.

>a meme because there's always something new Magical thinking. Present civilization isn't 1/100th as advanced as you seem think it is. Do some research into farm yields and how they've increased historically, you'll learn there's a definite upper limit and that many modern agricultural practices are unsustainable.

>When you have precise control over atoms at the industrial scale
More science fiction magical thinking.

Anonymous No. 16291921

Average quality of life goes down as population increases. Even if it's technically possible to hold 20 billion people on the planet, our lives would be so miserable it wouldn't be worth it.
It would require us to go from social/gregarious animals to eusocial/colonial ones

Anonymous No. 16291922

The issue is that a change like this would have to be forced, and the current global power structures that thrive on uncheckes consumption need to be eradicated
I'm talking scorched earth

Anonymous No. 16292037

No. Capitalism/free market innovation keeps increasing the carrying capacity as a byproduct of human greed.
Capitalism judo flips human greed into benefiting mankind.

Anonymous No. 16292041

>You're blind if you can't see how the current human population is pressuring nature and ecosystems.
I agree that humans compete against other ecosystems.
I do not agree that other ecosystems are particularly important to humanity.
I certainly disagree that their importance is enough to warrant infringing other's rights: You're free to buy property containing exotic ecosystems.

Anonymous No. 16292063

>magical thinking
All I'm talking about are machines that replicate what plants do, but more efficiently. That isn't magic. It isn't even scifi. Scaling it is just an engineering problem. The economic forcing functions that would cause this haven't even happened yet, I'm just saying that when they do there's a pretty clear path

Anonymous No. 16293372

Yeah we'll top out around 10 billion

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Anonymous No. 16293377

Human population is self correcting and the data supports that. >>16293372 Like he said we will top out at 10 billion and that's that. We'll all be just fine. I was part of a USAID college program run by the UN on how to feed 10 billion by 2050. I put in some good work, y'all should be eatin well.

t. autistic horticulturalist

Anonymous No. 16293525

>Resource scarcity? We'll just invent matter replicators from Star Trek!
Anon, that's not how it goes. People in the Middle Ages didn't invent crop rotation just in time to save them. That farming technique was what the survivors of frequent famines adopted.

The current security is an extreme outlier in human history and has lots of possible fault points. EROI, soil depletion, the oceans could turn or something else might go wrong.

You can't say that the earthhas no max carrying capacity because somebody might invent a way to turn space dust into cherrie pie.

Anonymous No. 16294111

This is why I don't want to have children

Anonymous No. 16294114

>You'll all be eating well.
>Hint: Bugs!

Anonymous No. 16294198

It's not absurd if its the only way we have ya dingus.

Anonymous No. 16294224

>matter replicators
Chemical reactors and chemical treatment like we already have. Try reading the entire post instead of just skipping to the end.
>People in the Middle Ages didn't invent crop rotation just in time to save them.
A better analogy would be if the people in the middle ages had a state funded lab with a small garden they had implemented crop rotation in and then when famine was on the horizon their best minds decided to scale it up nation wide.
>current security is an extreme outlier in human history
Because we have science and the free market. Things are learned in a laboratory setting. When there is a demand, a company devotes resources towards it. Engineers solve the scaling problem. Resource scarcity just isn't a thing when you consider the economic forcing function. If you need more metal, you dig deeper. If you need more electricity you build more. If you need more water you desalinate.
The only shortage is land and even then we may see a doubling of the land area occupied by humans this century if the space race continues as is. There's a logical case for general optimism. The Malthusian hypothesis is extremely outdated

Anonymous No. 16294389

Yeah, the ultimate resource is not stuff you dig out of the ground, it's human inginuity. Although you could argue that the ratio of high IQ to low IQ people is the true 'carrying capacity' of the earth and that it's looking great.

Anonymous No. 16294474

>Yeah, the ultimate resource isn’t stuff you dig out of the ground it’s human ingenuity, except the real carrying capacity of Earth is the IQ ratio which is looking amazing, obviously. got a real brain trust going on here.

Anonymous No. 16295834

8 billion is over the carrying capacity. Look at the streets of Bangladesh and India

Anonymous No. 16295868

I wouldn't say slowly

Anonymous No. 16296315

Anonymous No. 16296323


technically we do have more then enough food water and space for all the ppl on earth but its currently unevenly distributed and theres no quick fix for this that'll realistically happen, so yes

Anonymous No. 16296542

>Chemical reactors and chemical treatment like we already have.
My nigger, in your post you take for granted that 'something new' will be invented to solve resource scarcity. Scientific progress heading off upcoming resource scarcities only sort of holds true for the past two hundred years of human history. Even then there were lots of famines and scarcities all over the place. It is definitely true that we are using up a lot more resources than our planet naturally replenishes. Somebody might invent a breakthrough like the Haber Bosch process, but genius can not be relied upon to happen.
>A better analogy would be if the people in the middle ages had a state funded lab with a small garden they had implemented crop rotation in and then when famine was on the horizon their best minds decided to scale it up nation wide.
Implementing a new technique like crop rotation still takes time and resources. Even if a solution to a scarcity is known that solution can still be impossible to implement in time to stop a catastrophe from developing.
>Resource scarcity just isn't a thing when you consider the economic forcing function. If you need more metal, you dig deeper. If you need more electricity you build more. If you need more water you desalinate.
Lmao, what?
>The only shortage is land and even then we may see a doubling of the land area occupied by humans this century if the space race continues as is.
As I said, just pay somebody to invent matter replicators from Star Trek so you can eat.

Anonymous No. 16297604


Agreed, “economic forcing function” means slavery, dystopia and sooner or later apocalypse. We are not worker bees. We are humans. Even bees go on apocalyptic rampages. We will fuck up things if things get too bad, see the numerous revolutions of the 19th century. Good luck protecting your chemical reactors from corroding when everybody stopped producing anti-corrosion paint to revolt

Anonymous No. 16297987


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Anonymous No. 16298183

Nah, we only need to eradicate vermin like leftoids, nigs and jews to make room for humans. There will be more than enough space to triple the human population.

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Anonymous No. 16298234

>articifially selected/gmo 10' tall fast growing cows or corn
>Sahara is being greened as we speak which will create mind boggling acres of arable land
>more efficient farming practices being created everyday
>Chinese greenhouse tech allowing people to grow foods through the winters of Canada with no external heat input
Not to mention people aren't eating bugs/onions or other matrix tier slop

Anonymous No. 16298368

>I put in some good work
this is what spreadsheeters actually believe.

Anonymous No. 16298646

add tech to the model than fag.

Anonymous No. 16298874

Audio is left ear only. Not checking this before uploading implies the creator is a retard so there's no need to watch his video.