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๐Ÿงต Social study of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16290752

I saw the recent 4chan cup match between /sci/ and /sp/ and got curious about this board.
I was slightly disappointed in the current state of it, albeit I saw several posters who seemed like the remnants of what the /sci/ meme team appeared to be and those posts still had notions of the genius, or, well, interested in sciences people. The others not so much.
Picrel is an example of proof of the current state of /sci/ and other posts are from plebbitors, /pol/tards and trannies, with mentions of all above being present as well from seemingly resident posters.
In this thread I ask anyone who possibly documented the changes as a way to see changes over time to post the findings; what are the linguistic changes? What are the behavioral changes? Any other documentable scientific phenomena, I, personally don't know about, since I'm not someone versed into societal studies? If you are simply an old and observing resident from here you can tell your experience as well.
In case the average poster has infact changed, where did the oldfags go? /x/, /t/, or simply grew out of being a student with time to post on 4chin and having a career in STEM?

Anonymous No. 16290775

Peter Thiel financed bot invasion.

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Anonymous No. 16290777

Yet another meta thread pushing real content out of the catalog while complaining about the lack of real content. There are already many other belly aching threads complaining about meta issues. Use one of them instead of starting yet another meta thread that accomplishes the exact opposite of what it claims to be promoting.
Also if you want to be one of the jannies, go apply to be one of the jannies instead of trying to force yourself on everyone else in a self anointed role as /sci/ hall monitor.

Anonymous No. 16290779

Why are you so fixated on shutting down meta threads as opposed to actually talking about science or math

Anonymous No. 16290925

All of the people who know actual science and math have better things to do with their time.
If you want the catalog to be better, start making better threads.

Anonymous No. 16290995

My question was if things were this way all the time, if you feel that the thread feels like a complaint then I'm sorry, I'm just a nooticer.
The implication that there are meta threads and that there are people complaining about the quality of the board kinda answers that, but I still want to to know what it used to be like before that. My request is genuine, if you want me to make better threads then I'll come back sometime for maths since it's something I'm proficient in and am currently studying computer science as an undergraduate.

Anonymous No. 16291083

No, bots and covid destroyed this board. The election tourists were alread, bad but that was the final nail on the coffin. You can check out some older threads on warosu and you'll notice a massive difference in quality

Anonymous No. 16291109


Anonymous No. 16291125

>If you are simply an old and observing resident from here you can tell your experience as well.
If you are interested, you can use the warosu /sci/ archive.
My personal experience is that we went from pop-sci threads about "if I was travelling in a car at light speed, and turned my headlights on, what would I see?"
It was a lot of engineering and CS hate-memes.
It was a lot of IQ posting.
It was occasionally people complaining about affirmative action.

As time went on we got more "race and IQ", "scientific racism", "race realism" threads (see gorilla posting, check the archive)
We got more schizo posting about wildberger, and other fringe subjects.
This was heading into the 2016 US election.
My assumption is that more users came to pol, and overflowed into every other board.

Over time, people who were more into real science and math left.
We also got more of a movement towards "science is fake", "university is a scam", and so on.

Then we got the coronavirus situation.
You can see the influx here:
/sci/ became absolutely worthless after that.
The amount of posts has gone back to normal, but the userbase has changed in demographics.

Personally, I've gone from spending 1+ hour a day on /sci/, to spending maybe 1 minute every couple of days skimming the page for any news (ie LK-99)

Anonymous No. 16291134

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16291403


Anonymous No. 16291764

This whole platform in general is poisonous for some people at some point in time. Better to focus on your own thing.
/sci/ has degenerated into 120 IQ DEI paradise for example.

Anonymous No. 16291775

Wasting time with some undisciplined, confused zoomers, undisciplined, seething millenials or GenX and bumbling babyboomers. Not a good idea when these people are not the representative of the majority of the population.
The confusion and misery of the last 4 years is directly the result of "reactionaries" or the problem portion of the population in the West chimping out while being amoral. Imagine a lot of them are just a bunch of spoiled, undisciplined lying idiots.

Anonymous No. 16291803

Jannies literally ban you for expressing dissent with how this shit is allowed to ruin the board and explicitly off topic stuff remains up sometimes indefinitely by deliberate choice.