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๐Ÿงต Math bros some random Filipino teacher "discovered" this formula to determine the nth prime number

Anonymous No. 16290931

Wtf is Co? This guy is bullshitting.

Anonymous No. 16290937

Why do we give 3rd worlders access to the international internet again? Shouldn't there be a 3rd worlder only internet?

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Anonymous No. 16290950

It already exists.

Anonymous No. 16290957

(C_O)_{n} = P_{n+1}^2 + 2P_{n+1}(n-1)

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Anonymous No. 16290969


Anonymous No. 16290977

How could a differentiable function pass through every prime only at f(x) is in integers? This would look like some curve with heartbeats, given prime distances. The frequency would also be quite irregular.

Anonymous No. 16292462

If this is truly expressible only in elementary functions, it would mean he solved the Riemann Hypothesis, which he didn't