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Anonymous No. 16290978

Chemistry is boring as hell.

Anonymous No. 16290981

fuck off to >>>/g/ pajeet

Anonymous No. 16290982

>Chemistry is boring as hell.
You've got to get through the preliminaries to reach the good stuff.

Anonymous No. 16290987

like Inorganic chem? I heard that's suicide-tier

Anonymous No. 16290988

>like Inorganic chem? I heard that's suicide-tier
Suck it up, buttercup. The normies have no idea how the world works, while you and I get to learn pure magic.

Anonymous No. 16290989

I guess they teach it that way intentionally: probably they don't want you to be able to make your own drugs poisons and explosives (and fear is the main motivator of the scum they are)
Do you even know what mole is? I graduated from my school and I never did, until an anon at some board taught me that in just one short sentence.

Anonymous No. 16290991

id rather take a bbc up my ass

Anonymous No. 16291002

>one short sentence
solely consisting of one simple number
and you even know that number, only you were given it under a different name, a name you had no idea what it was other than you had to put it into some formula for no reason you'd be aware of. And here comes the funny part: people who think that school is good and effective, when you ask them if they know what mole is, often say "sure" and then they struggle to formulate what on earth it is.

Anonymous No. 16291036

Chemistry is based af

Anonymous No. 16291051

Inorganic chemistry isn't so bad if you can motivate yourself with the math of it. But you just need to get through it if you have to take it. Luckily my world is just math and physics so I did not ever have to take it.

Ochem is al retard cope that oversimplifies everything to a dangerous degree anyway, so you will just need to deal. It's MD anki shit.

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Anonymous No. 16291333

I'm working myself through a general chemistry book for high school and it's surprisingly easy. It's pretty much just memorizing stuff, little to no critical thinking. I wonder if this is caused by the book being potentially simplistic or if this is just the nature of general chemistry and I would think the same if I read, say, Atkin's Chemistry Principles.

Anonymous No. 16291336

it is? >>16291065

Anonymous No. 16291537

>fell for the chemistry meme

Anonymous No. 16291556

ok, I lied, it's actually kind of fun. just skipping through different problems is a chore. working on 1 long project is fun