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๐Ÿงต The DSM is completely unscientific and a fraudulent set of books

Anonymous No. 16291006

Psychiatry exposed - James Davies PhD:
>DSM 5 archives - Sealed for 20 years - >Committee members signed confidentiality agreements
>No biological evidence for disorders in DSM
>Lack of scientific research justifying diagnoses

People involved:
>Donald Klein - jew (1st IC DSM3)
>Robert Spitzer - jew (2nd IC DSM3)
>Henry Pinsker - jew/Beth Israel Medical Center
>Renee Garfinkel - jew/Jerusalem Based
>David Kupfer DSM 5 - ethnic status unknown
>Alan Francis - DSM 4 - Asperger -
>Renee Garfinkel

>Matters decided by vote - voting isn't a scientific activity
>"We took over because we had the power"

Complete lecture:

Anonymous No. 16291008

Calling the DSM fraudulent wont make your schizophrenia go away, anon.

Anonymous No. 16291020

This is true.
There are some good documentaries on the problem

it's a massive pharma drug pushing tool

Anonymous No. 16291377

It's a retard book, sadly they have authority (which no one gave) and can do anything

Anonymous No. 16291444

How did they get such authority?

Anonymous No. 16291461

I mean look at it, video games is a mental illness, body dysmorphia when someone wants to remove hand limbs is a disorder BUT body dysmorphia when the subject just wants to remove penis is perfectly normal, other body modifications like excessive tattoo and conch removal are also normal!!
It's just insane.
However if you're mentally ill you should be treated

Anonymous No. 16291470

Pharmaceutical companies and other industrial enterprises that can capture regulation boards, buy politicians and lobby.

Anonymous No. 16291507

>pharma drug pushing tool
The DSM contains no data or suggestions regarding treatment or medications.

Anonymous No. 16291919

Sure, everyone who denies the DSM's legitimacy just happens to have sluggish schizophrenia, comrade.

Anonymous No. 16291979

The drugs are developed, then a disease gets made up to fit the use of the drug, that's how it actually works. Look up the history of both Methylphenidate and ADHD. You will see the drug came first.

Anonymous No. 16292222

Patients are assets, not people medicine like this help, but a cow to milk.

Anonymous No. 16292245

>The DSM contains no data or suggestions regarding treatment or medications.
That's arguably true. It ignores, however, the reality that the DSM-5 is primarily an insurance code booklet meant for insurance companies to cover treatment plans. The DSM- doesn't cover treatment plans because the latter is covered by separate laws that are based on the DSM. In return, an industrial complex, for example, some pharmaceutical complex, will aggressively lobby for the inclusion of some diagnosis which then ends up being part of the DSM. In other words, the DSM, while fundamental to the problem of disease-mongering, is itself just as much a symptom of it as it is the cause. Without the DSM, there would be no legal (insurance-related) foundation for disease-mongering. Without profit-driven disease-mongering, there would be no DSM.

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Cult of Passion No. 16292250

Anonymous No. 16292396

Psychologist give themself authority by "cure patients" and then politics, social science, media creators, marketing and companies see psychology as way to control people and then psychologist become a bag of tricks to control people.

Anonymous No. 16292466

>The DSM is completely unscientific and a fraudulent set of books
what else is new?