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Anonymous No. 16291046

new economic index:
>"It's lack of pussy that fucks countries up."
Corporal Josh Ray Person

I propose a new economic index to validate a country's health. I call it the Female Hotness Index. The basic idea is to OBJECTIVELY measure the average attractiveness of a country's women. The idea I have so far is basic and unexplored, but I hope as academics improve my proposed method it could become a great indicator of economic turmoil and potentially future war. Many libs seem worried about our world getting hotter but I am worried about it getting uglier. By measuring the female hotness index every year we can propose changes in the system to make women more hawt like mandatory fasting or genetic engineering. Furthermore decreasing war and overall unhappiness. My hope is to make sure every incel's looksmatch is a G-cup underweight girl.

oh do not think im just proposing. I've carried out the intial research just now. Using the above data I have cooked up an equation that will objectively measure how hawt a countires women is.


Every cup size is plus one to the boobs variable.
for example D would be boobs value of 8
AA-A would be a boobs value of 2
we do this to determine how larg the boobies are. who said flat is justice? not me.
to get the wight variable we subtract average bmi by 18.5. this gives us how far the average women is from being underweight.
The formula goes liek...
Hotness = (boobs**2) / ((average_bmi - 18.5)**2)
to get a country's hotness score

Please discuss, some values may be wrong. i am not an gay united nations economicist. composite indexes are not my speciality.
i do have ideas of improving the index based on the percentage of asian women in the country, or the percentage of women among the ages of 11 to 25. Or penalizing with the amount of africans or immigrants in the nation. one issue, i have no clue on how to statically determine a woman's facial attractiveness. DISUCUSS!

Anonymous No. 16291055

the higher the index the more hot the women are. because it is unboudned, the potential hotness can go towards infinity. a faustian goal we can aim for.

no hotness for african countries ofcourse

Anonymous No. 16291056

It's a decent start, but you need more variables than just cup size. There are other traits that are associated with attractiveness as judged by men like butt size, proportions, BMI, etc.

Anonymous No. 16291061

i put bmi in the equation. unfortunatley those other variables have no simple method to obtain them. the one thing im mainly worried about is facial attractiveness and how to relate the variables.

the most general way to make this equation is universal variables of attractiveness. sure some people may like smol breasts but most men like large so we are determined by large. idk how to improve it but maybe my dreams will lep me.

Anonymous No. 16291074

i may be able to use hip circumfrence.......

Anonymous No. 16291097


Do these for each component, one for white, yellow, red, brown, black, weighted average based on relative pop soze of each group

Personally unvaxxed huntresses are normalized to 1 everything else is 0

Anonymous No. 16291099

Well unvaxxed nomadic reindeer herders are 0.95

Anonymous No. 16291129

weighted average based on pop size.. good idea.

is there literature i should read on composite indexes. i realize that bmi will affect average cup size, thats teh reason i have the square on the bottom and top (as bmi is so much higher). is there other methods i should use to minimize how each category affects eachother but maxmize the ONLY objective measure of female attractiveness.

Anonymous No. 16291168

Have you considered face symmetry to solve that problem of rating faces objectively? Also there's gotta be a nose size to face size ratio and ears as well no?

Anonymous No. 16291247

Beautiful palindromic digits, i believe in you OP if theres one place on the net id trust to produce such a metric it would be here

Anonymous No. 16291249

you see that’s in the territory where it starts getting hard to quantify (ie not one source I can go to). I’ll see what I can find on it.

Anonymous No. 16291284

>Japan red, all other east asian countries not red

Anonymous No. 16291427

they are fatter.. and just as flat..

Anonymous No. 16291473

lol boobs are gross. what am i a baby?

Anonymous No. 16291509

Just how credible is this map? Such as why is Portugal and Spain so different? Or Switzerland compared to all of its neighbours? The low score for Thailand is also suspicious. And someone's got it in for Israel.