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๐Ÿงต Growing larger brains

Anonymous No. 16291075

If we perform a craniotomy on a young human like an infant whos brains are still growing. Replace it with a much larger 3D printed skull. Will the brain grow larger and baby grow up with superior intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16291078


Anonymous No. 16291111

no, probably the vacuum would be filled with liquid and you would end up with a water head.

Anonymous No. 16291116

What if we start with a smaller skull and gradually increase with new larger skulls?

Anonymous No. 16291520


Anonymous No. 16291895

This thread again? What's the matter, did you not get enough replies last time?

Anonymous No. 16292018


Anonymous No. 16292554

i will not stop posting until I get the answer

Anonymous No. 16292591


Anonymous No. 16292649

Growing larger brains? Hello?! Did you forget about human GROWTH hormone?

Anonymous No. 16293162

Unlikely. The infant skull is smaller but plastic and grows to fit the brain. It is not the brain that grows to fit the skull.
The brain size is determined by genetics, and I recently read that the genes for surface contouring of the cortex has been found. At one extreme it makes for a smooth brain, at normal setting it produces the normal human cortex. And it may be changed to make for an even thicker and more textured cortex, but I don't know if anyone has tried that.

Anonymous No. 16293883

this is kind of like suggesting that head binding increased the iq or brain mass of humans whose cultures performed this ritual. the issue is that the brain has very neatly defined macro and micro structures that are carefully coded and are heterogenous in a connectomic and even chemical aspect. if the brain were a truly homogenous mass, i see how this would make sense and work, and bumping up the human growth hormone and some more gene editing would probably do the trick. issue is, that's not how it works in reality. interesting idea, sadly reality is a bit of a bummer in this regard. there is promising research in using neuronal cells and brain organelles in a 3d scaffolding to make truly limitless brains in size (in concept) but this works because the mass is truly homogenous. there are no cortices or regions