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Anonymous No. 16291198

How would an interstellar civilization be affected by galaxies colliding?

This is a legitimate question I've never had answered.

Anonymous No. 16291215


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Anonymous No. 16291219


They would turn every single star into an stellar engine to ensure a smooth fusion.

Anonymous No. 16291224
>Two characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder are:[28]
>A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior)
>A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, wealth, beauty, or ideal love.

Anonymous No. 16291236

They'd likely try to find an area where they'd be affected the least and go there, if at all possible.

Anonymous No. 16291246


Celebrate it, for they have more stars and planets to disassemble and turn them into Dyson Spheres.

Anonymous No. 16291290


The collision process takes millions of years to unfold.

For reference, everything important in the Star Wars universe unfolded over about 20,000 years.

Anonymous No. 16291504

>How would an interstellar civilization be affected by galaxies colliding?
Badly. While the galaxies could pass through each otehr without a single star colliding, the interstellar medium would be super heated and emit a lot of radiation.

Anonymous No. 16291523

Unless that civilization orbits near the supermassive black hole or at the edge of their galaxy not much.
Stars are so spread out it's a very low odds they would collide, maybe if you were a creature with the lifespan of 100's of millions of years. You might raise an eyebrow.
Like right now our galaxy is currently colliding and merging with one of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxies.
In 5 billion years when Andromeda and The Milky Way merge the force of the Explosion could kick Solar System out of the new galaxy becoming a new Dwarf galaxy moving away from Milkdromeda