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Anonymous No. 16291295

>all current wormhole visualisations are in two dimensions with the two dimensions folded onto eachother to represent the curvature of spacetime in a higher dimension
>all non-normalfags not seduced by pseudo-science know there are only three dimensions, not four or more
So my question is, how can a wormhole be visualised in three dimensions, without introducing a fourth? Surely it would be possible to represent in any 3D CAD or modelling software.

Anonymous No. 16291302

A wormhole is an extrusion in dimensional space, how would you visualize it otherwise?
You can't draw more space in 3d space, that' requires an extra dimension to visualize.

Anonymous No. 16291305

what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

Anonymous No. 16291311

Not op, this isn't about black holes you retard.
Not everything in space that ends with -hole is black.
You're just as bad as the fanboys, you learn one criticism and apply it even when it isn't relevant. It's like someone complaining that -itus means inflammation and not disease, but pointing it out when people talk about inflammatory diseases.

Anonymous No. 16291322

But there are only three dimensions. So wormholes are only theoretical then. Why do retards like Thorne dedicate their whole lives to "researching" this retarded shit?

Anonymous No. 16291330

There are only 3 dimensions that YOU can observe, it doesn't mean there are only 3 dimensions in reality. Fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 16291332

You asked about visualization, to visualize you need an extra one.

Anonymous No. 16291352

There is no such thing as a "higher dimension". Stop believing such nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16291392

I never said I believed in wormholes, I said you're an idiot for asking about visualizing then trying to expand how it looks on a piece of paper with how it would function.

Anonymous No. 16291400

Once you realize time travel is trivial, you'll find superluminal communication is also possible.
Wormholes are a meme.

Anonymous No. 16291433

What is there to visualize? Space as a coordinate system is invisible so you wouldn't see anything no matter how much it's folded upon itself. You would, however, see light bending around a gravitational lens.

Anonymous No. 16291436

So it can't physically exist. Got it.

Anonymous No. 16291438

>visualization is reality
If you accept this, why don't you accept the existence of real, infinitely thin, 100% flat hyperbolic planes in physical reality?

Anonymous No. 16291442

What are you asking and how is that related? Two dimensional objects can't exist in three dimensional space (so reality) because everything physical is made of three dimensional objects.

Anonymous No. 16291466

Ok, so why does visualizing something prove it can't exist?
Can you visualize space? Not area, not volume, space.

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Anonymous No. 16291524

>So my question is, how can a wormhole be visualised in three dimensions, without introducing a fourth?
it'd look like a sphere as if a tiny universe were inside, with countless stars and glaxies in ti, which you could only see if you looked into it with a telescope. If you passed into and through that sphere, you'd pass through onto a larger volume of space than that sphere occupies in the space where you started in. It'd requires spatial distortion.
A 1 dimensional line deforms in a 2 dimensional space. A 2 dimensional surface distorst in a 3 dimensional space. A 3 dimensional volume distorts in a 4 dimensional space
There is indeed more that three dimensions, space and time distort, the actual measurements and distances between cosmological objects are distorted depending on how you measure them.

Look at gravitational lensing, like this photo, for example.
The multiple images of the same galaxy that you see are not just images, they actually are the galaxy, meaning that there are multiple different straight paths to the same location. In other words, if you wanted to travel along a straight path to the galaxy, you could pick any of it multiple images. this is possible because three dimensional space is deformed in four dimensional spacetime.

Here, this video has some good visualizations when they go into the cone stretching bit for you to understand:

Anonymous No. 16291544

>it'd look like a sphere as if a tiny universe were inside, with countless stars and glaxies in ti, which you could only see if you looked into it with a telescope. If you passed into and through that sphere, you'd pass through onto a larger volume of space than that sphere occupies in the space where you started in. It'd requires spatial distortion.
me again anon, it'd look somewhat like this:

Anonymous No. 16291773

In 3D, it’d be a sphere. A sphere that shows light from the other endpoint of the wormhole (also a sphere). To enter it you have to traverse into the sphere and reach its center towards the light falling in from the other end, and you’d emerge in the sphere at the other end. Representations have been made of this, it’s pretty freaky when you put the nvidia goggles on and let the simulation run on a physics simulation with accurate ray tracing and stuff. Entering it would be a psychedelic experience for at least a moment as you see light scatter in freakish directions