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Anonymous No. 16291345

โ€˜why does time move forward but never backward?โ€™

time does move backward but we dont notice it because we can only be conscious when time moves forward.
Time moves at different speeds too but we dont notice it because the ratio of how fast things are happening and how fast we process things stays the same. it sounds like pseudoscience but i swear it makes sense if you think about it

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Anonymous No. 16291365

I'm generally a hater of pseudo-science, but you're right, it does make sense, since time is relative to the frame of reference. If time was changing speeds on a universal scale, it wouldn't affect anything, not even how you percieve it, because all the chemical processes in your brain are happening on the same scale.

Anonymous No. 16291431

>Time moves at different speeds
You're right, not in the ways you'd think tho. Time is a relative thing. it depends on how fast you're moving and how much is the gravitational field both relative to a reference observer. So as you move really fast out stay in a strong gravitational field you're time as measured by me slows down to the point where you will appear to have almost no increase in time. After which singularities appear in special and general relativity. So as far as we know, your time as measured by us will not be negative (reverse time) but rather be zero i.e.. you will appear static to us.

Anonymous No. 16291443

Because entropy.

Anonymous No. 16291591

Space and time are connected. They're one physical dimension called Spacetime
More Space there is more time there is .
And They're being pushed forward by the Big Bang and an unexplained force called called Dark Matter.
Mathematics says with enough gravity you can bend spacetime back upon itself like how you would make a doughnut and go backwards in time in relative to yourself. But would that cause reverse aging, no you're only moving yourself physically backwards through Spacetime

Anonymous No. 16291594

Bullshit pseudoscience.

Anonymous No. 16291597

The reason time moves "forward" and not "backward" is because of entropy.

Anonymous No. 16291599

"forward" is just entropy. natural spread of energy

Anonymous No. 16291640

Sounds like a cult.

Anonymous No. 16291662

Same on the moon, from the earfs perspective?

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Anonymous No. 16291866

>why does time move forward but never backward
even if time were moving backwards, you'd not be aware of it. For all we know, some people might be experiencing time backwards from yourself, and no one will even know about it nor be able to test or prove it, and so we're in the realm of philosophy and not a /sci/ topic.
Newton's Flaming Laser Sword

Anonymous No. 16292516

the only way we can measure time is through entropy increasing
that's a one-directional action (entropy does not ever decrease with respect to time), so there's only one direction that time flows in as we observe it
of course it's entirely possible time moves backwards in some unobservable way but unfalsifiable arguments aren't really worth discussing (also see, the existence of god)

Anonymous No. 16292548

entropy is a pseudoschientific concept, a crutch to make a flawed theory stand.

Anonymous No. 16292657

Spacetime is a four-dimensional continuum, doofus. And time has properties that space does not have and vice versa.

Anonymous No. 16292661

Time, is flowing like a river. On and on.

Anonymous No. 16292665

If you measure the increase of entropy, your clock will quickly become incorrect. Time is measured via motion of objects. It's not a measure of entropy.

Anonymous No. 16292684

>If you measure the increase of entropy
And how exactly are you going to do that, einstein?

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Anonymous No. 16292696

What is the cosmic standard? How do we know if earth time is fast or slow?

Anonymous No. 16292711

maybe if i measured entropy on a local level
if i measure it on a universe level, my clock won't be wrong
of course that's not actually possible so we fall back to pseudoentropic events like >motion of objects

Anonymous No. 16292788


Anonymous No. 16292813

When are we going back to Venus?

Anonymous No. 16292884

Just put a hotplate against a coldplate in a thermally insulated chamber and measure the temperature change of both plates. So long as the metal used is the same and the initial temps are the same you would be able to reproduce this 'clock' and get similar times. It would be a shitty clock though.

Anonymous No. 16292885

Yeah, yeah, how do you measure the increase of entropy directly? What is your personal entropy, for example? In what units do you measure that imaginary number?

Anonymous No. 16292886

How tf are you going to perform a measurement on the whole fucking universe? You realize that every single Planck unit would need to be measured for this to happen and measurement can change the system via wave-function collapse?

Anonymous No. 16292887

Rate of change in degrees Kelvin. The rate of change would be somewhat consistent among 'clocks'.

Anonymous No. 16292907

Time is a human construct. It is entirely based on perception, unless we see things ungrowing or undying, time will only ever move forwards.
Assuming that time even DID move backwards, light would also be travelling in reverse, you'd never perceive such an event as no light would ever be reflected in that location.

It would be something of a singularity similar to a black hole.
'time' cannot move backwards.
[spoiler]Why is this on /sci/ and not /x/?[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 16292915

So you cannot measure the entropy, you can only calculate it after you measure the temperature. Is it correct? Do you consider it fair to claim that some entropy even exists? The laws of thermodynamics are shit-tier physics, especially the second and the third.

Anonymous No. 16292918

Time travel is gay and I'm not going to waste my time to explain to you why. For a hint: tachyons.

Anonymous No. 16293087

I mean it's like a hidden 'force' or phenomenon of nature. It's not a substance you can just slap a number on and call it good. The boltzmann constant actually sets the limits of what we can possibly measure (along with other constants).

And I think entropy exists, but only because I think the past exists. The future is nonexistent so any future entropy would be nonexistent.

Anonymous No. 16293165

> hidden
> phenomenon
truly, trolling believers out of churches was not our brightest idea