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๐Ÿงต The UK is set to get its coldest summer in 24 years

Anonymous No. 16291356

Why is this summer so cold?

Anonymous No. 16291362

jews / el nino

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Anonymous No. 16291539

>Why is this summer so cold?
possibly this

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16292524

(((global warming))) is fake

Anonymous No. 16292719

The stratospheric polar vortex is a seasonal phenomenon, it doesn't exist until a few weeks before the autumnal equinox

Anonymous No. 16292951

Dunning Kurgerists don't know that because they've never studied meteorology, they just see a stupid propaganda pic on CNN and immediately use their dumb confirmation bias and their ignorance to presume its true.
t. 2 semesters of meteorology during an aerospace engineering degree

Anonymous No. 16292964

Global warming.

Anonymous No. 16293432

>Record heat waves for the past 20 years
>Coldest summer in 20 years
So, really, it an average summer compared to the 80s/90s?

Anonymous No. 16293435

AMOC slowdown, and increased moisture carried by Westerly winds. Colder oceans, warmer, cloudier mid to high atmosphere. Perfect recipe for cool, damp, wet Britain and Ireland.

Anonymous No. 16294323

the hottest summer in english history is was 1976, followed by 1899

Anonymous No. 16294349


Good job, kitten. Dance for me on the local news station with all that science *polite, encouraging butt-clap, intended equal parts cringe and based, to put you in your place*. ;)

My dad owns this station and knows people at NASA. don't forget that.

Anonymous No. 16294625

I don't know you, nor the Anon you replied to, but I wanted to let you know, that out of you two, you're the retarded one. Maybe sit back and think about your life choices and what made you type this reply. Hopefully you'll find out by yourself, why you're so goddamn retarded

Anonymous No. 16294629

Is that average temperature over the summer? Or highest peak temperature?

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Anonymous No. 16294640

>Too Hot
Climate Change
>Too Cold
Climate Change
>Too Rainy
Climate Change.
I'm guessing they couldn't put up enough red maps to scare people into thinking climate change is real. Now we're getting "monsoon" bullshit. These jewnalists are fucking stealing a living.

Anonymous No. 16295655

What TV station does your father own and why do you presume that reflects on you as an individual?

Anonymous No. 16296866

lmao that even aerospace engineering students learn more about climate science than the global warming shills do

Anonymous No. 16298413

bitch, you just got told by >>16292719
do you have any response? how about an apology for being so ignorant?

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Anonymous No. 16298706

>the hottest summer in english history is was 1976

Anonymous No. 16299920

>look at us, we're so unique and creative because we all dress exactly alike