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Anonymous No. 16291419

Should a desire to become a genetic dead end be considered a mental illness?

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reproduction carr....png

Anonymous No. 16291421

They are part of a selection event and are being selected out.

Anonymous No. 16291430

A mental illness is no more or less than an antisocial mindset. Refusal to contribute to the genetic pool is by definition antisocial thus mentally ill. The better question is who cares and why?

Anonymous No. 16291446

Somehow I think these retards are thinking blumpfff will ban abortion so they cannot be whores anymore lmao. These type of women shouldn't have kids in the first place

Anonymous No. 16291474

They'd rather remove an organ than use birth control?

Anonymous No. 16291506

do you have a scientific proposition to validate or are you just going to post subjective trolling bullshit?

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Anonymous No. 16291510

Every poster on /r/hysterectomy has blue hair... what are the odds?

Anonymous No. 16291515

The women who are procreating most prolifically now are:

a) religious freaks
b) low IQ women trying to get child support gibs

Anonymous No. 16291547

procreation is the fundamental reason for life, the people who aren't doing it are the low IQ ones

Anonymous No. 16291554

IQ doesn't measure reflex, more the opposite.

Anonymous No. 16291586

Only high IQ people with low sensitivity to social pressure think this way. Across the entire population IQ is negatively correlated with fertility.

Anonymous No. 16291689

Sentence 2 contradicts sentence 1

Anonymous No. 16291699

In evolutionary biology, a disease is any condition that negatively affects an organism's fitness, that is, it's ability to survive and reproduce. Removing your uterus does not simply reduce your fitness. It outright destroys it. So yes, wanting to remove your uterus can most definitely be considered an extreme mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16291875

Humanity is unlike the other animals in that we are capable of higher levels of cognition. Our perceptions, thoughts, and inner mental life assist in adaptive behavior for survival, both at the individual and group level. A common mistake is to implicity assume some kind of dualism, as if our inner mental life of thoughts, beliefs, ideologies, etc somehow exist in a realm completely seperate from biology.

An individual with high mutagenic load will manifest maladaptive traits both physically and mentally. Mental illness is really just an indication of high mutagenic load. The capacity for higher levels of thought means humanity, in the general case, will not be subject to the same forces that animals are in the struggle for survival. So we have another mechanism at play that mitigates the propagation of maladaptive traits. This mechanism utilitizes our higher levels of cognition to cultivate delusional patterns of thought in an individual of high mutgenic load, causing them to self-select themself out of the genepool, or at least to lead them to self-sabotaging behavior that greatly reduces their chances at reproduction. This mechanism also has an amplification process. The delusional patterns of thought are transmitted from one likeminded individual to another in the form of ideology, so that entire segments of the population can be self-selected out of the genepool at once.

In short, while the desire to become a genetic dead end is indeed a mental illness, it is merely a manifestation of a completely natural and healthy biological process for reducing mutagenic load and maladaptive traits from the population.