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Anonymous No. 16291462

The most intelligent human being who ever existed.

Anonymous No. 16291464

good painter who was also a science enthusiastic

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Cult of Passion No. 16291490

Anonymous No. 16291644


Anonymous No. 16291659

did da vinci contribute anything of scientific or industrial value? He seems like an ideas guy but no one ever brought his ideas into life beyond his artwork

Anonymous No. 16291675

That's not a picture of Newton

bodhi No. 16291780


Anonymous No. 16291782

how did you get this picture of me?

Anonymous No. 16291810

He was gay
Newton was also gay

Anonymous No. 16291827

My mind tells me Gauss, my heart tells me Galois.

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Anonymous No. 16293149

Sorry but von Neumann takes the cake for me.

Anonymous No. 16293891

gotta agree with you, he was a fucking machine. his wikipedia reads like a movie script about a hyperbolated genius.

Anonymous No. 16294967

He invented absolutely nothing and developed nothing of any use in the fields of science or engineering. He was just a painter

Anonymous No. 16294975

This. His stories sound unreal.

Anonymous No. 16295417

>his wikipedia reads like a movie script about a hyperbolated genius.
thats because it is, dummy

Anonymous No. 16295736

He was litteraly an engineer, just read his biography, painting was a hobby he became exceeding good at.

Anonymous No. 16296062

I fucking loled.

Anonymous No. 16296310

Engineered what?
I saw a movie about him, he tried to make some array of cannons and then people were going HE INVENTED THE GATLING GUN

Anonymous No. 16296321

Not in the age he was born in

Anonymous No. 16296368

pretty much no inventor ever said he got inspired by da vincis drawings to invent some machine that worked

Anonymous No. 16296484

galois got his ass shot for being a political retard


Anonymous No. 16296496

If he's soooo smart then how come he's dead? Huh?

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OP No. 16296538

oops, this is who i meant

Anonymous No. 16296643

other than some stuff in linear algebra and microeconomics what has he done. by the way all that game theory and utility function mathematical formalisation are absolutely trivial child's play, they should not count imo.

that would have to be euler.

Anonymous No. 16296740

Could be wrong but I believe he invented the scissors, was an early adopter of if not the inventor of oil painting and also the technique for atmospheric perspective i.rm how colours of objects appear to change over a. distance

Anonymous No. 16296747

he complained that he didn't discover anything profound like Gödel

Anonymous No. 16296790

nah, scissors or shears go way back, all the way to mesopotamia

Anonymous No. 16297446

Lmao let's see you do that and develop axiomatization for QM, lead a whole nation in developing nuclear weapons, develop the first fully digital computer architecture, while being able to converse in ancient Greek and get back to me

Anonymous No. 16297448

meds truly are the master race.

Anonymous No. 16297505

von neuman invented many things in quantum mechanics like the idea that observable values are eigenvalues of operators, he also did some designs of nuclear weapons. I think he mostly did no-name mathematics research where theorems dont carry his name