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Anonymous No. 16291604

Wtf why is the moon ghosting us?

Anonymous No. 16291840

All systems in physics try to reach their lowest energy, equilibrium state. Eventually the moon will be fully tidally locked without drift and tilt, so will the earth in respect to the sun. The moon's just stealing a little bit of our rotational energy due to the tides

Anonymous No. 16292391

It's slowly accelerating to escape velocity because its a space station inhabited by very long lived aliens who dont mind taking their time to do stuff

Anonymous No. 16292423

The sun will explode before that becomes a problem. It's over for us in a million different ways and there is nothing we can do about it

Anonymous No. 16292574

You seem smart. Does that mean days last longer now than in the past? Do we make any corrections to our clocks due to this? If not, won't we reach a point where our timekeeping goes out of sync with the sun?

Anonymous No. 16292592

>Do we make any corrections to our clocks due to this?
We do.

Anonymous No. 16292630

It will take another 4 billion years for the Sun to run out of hydrogen and engulf the Earth as it expands into a red giant, but after 1 billion years the Sun will likely have heated up to a point where the Earth is no longer in a habitable zone. Although given that humans have gone from basic civilisation to modern technology within the space of only 5000 years, the chances are that we could develop the technology to become a space-faring species before the Sun has the ability to destroy our planet. Although there's also a chance there's some sort of mass extinction event (like nuclear war, an asteroid impact, climate change, etc.) that will end us.

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Moon nuclear expl....jpg

Anonymous No. 16292666

On September 13th, 1999, there was an explosion in secret Moon base's nuclear waste dump. The nuclear waste achieved critical mass and created enough force to push the Moon out of its orbit (very slightly).

Anonymous No. 16292668

Devilish thought

Anonymous No. 16292825

a lie straight from the pit of hell

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Anonymous No. 16293888

the earth is around 40km bulged at the equator. this is a mostly because of rotational inertia. we can use newtonian mechanics here. as the force diminishes by the distance squared, when the moon approaches the bulge, the distance decreases ever so slightly (math is a bit too long to post here, but it is maximal at 90 deg from bulge to moon ofc). this tugs on the moon ever so slightly, giving it a little kick, enough to make it drift around an inch per year i think.

Anonymous No. 16293892

I've seen hours and hours of documentary video proof.

Anonymous No. 16293921

we can all watch youtube videos buddy

Anonymous No. 16295063

Nobody likes it anyway

Anonymous No. 16295830

>documentary on YouTube
I believe you will like >>>/pol/ very much

Anonymous No. 16295859

>Does that mean days last longer now than in the past?
IF the earth becomes tidally locked to the sun one half of the planet would be in eternal day and the other would be eternal night

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Anonymous No. 16296267

we'll have to get superman to impart some extra rotation to the place.