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Anonymous No. 16291664

how come if you drop out a seal in the sea far from shore, it will likely survive, but if you do the same to a human it will likely die?
aren't humans and seals basically the same thing

Anonymous No. 16291668

Seal sweat reduces water resistance while human sweat increases it. For seals and humans to have similar survival odds in the water you'd have to drop them into water of sub zero temperatures so that neither gets sweaty while swimming.

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Anonymous No. 16292023

That's the least of the human's issues and the most autistic answer possible. Congrats. The salt in the water alone will kill a human via osmosis where marine mammals like seals have special organs and body processes to collect and expel excess salt. Not to mention the ratio of fat to dense bone makes a seal float and a human naturally sink. Not to mention most people can't swim two laps in a pool let alone a kilometer. A few years ago I got back into swimming and I got up to a kilometer in laps in the pool at a time and it was a good workout. Most humans don't even know how to hold their breath and float on their backs to rest. A seal would likely do this instinctively. A seal could take a nap and then wake up and keep swimming.

It's almost like seals were made to be in the water and humans are some sort of hairless ape man that fits in no where and is divested from the natural world by the hand print of God on our ass cheeks. Our home is not in the trees of the chimp nor the oceans of the whale. We are outside of nature now and forever. For better or worse....time will tell.

Anonymous No. 16292024

>To avoid predators, the seals dive down deep until they start to nod off and glide. As sleep takes over, they flip belly up, twirling downward before waking up to swim to the surface and catch a breath. Sometimes, they snooze on the ocean floor. The whole cycle takes less than half an hour.


Anonymous No. 16292842

Tiger shark fins typed this