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๐Ÿงต esoteric platonism

Anonymous No. 16291717

Okay what the hell IS form? When I do a mathematical proof there are extremely hazy and vague notions of the pieces involved, and somehow those hazy outlines manifest all the details and turn into a concrete proof. It is absolutely bonkers that mathematicians can have a vague idea for a proof from 20 miles away and somehow all the details magically work out. Maybe a good example of this is Godel's incompleteness theorems.

These vague notions and hazy forms literally have to exist in their own right, separate from "concrete mathematical objects" otherwise it would not be possible to manifest a mathematical proof from 20 miles away out of such vagueness.

This may not be everyone's experience with mathematics, but this is absolutely what my experience has been.

Anonymous No. 16291721

>Okay what the hell IS form?
An artefact of shoddy reasoning like this:
>These vague notions and hazy forms literally have to exist in their own right, separate from "concrete mathematical objects" otherwise it would not be possible to manifest a mathematical proof from 20 miles away out of such vagueness.
The only solution to your problems is to stop being schizophrenic.

Anonymous No. 16291752

What the fuck are you talking about? What a bunch of jibberish. Take your meds

Anonymous No. 16291892

form is calculation