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Anonymous No. 16291822

How unhealthy is it to eat chitin?

Anonymous No. 16292426

chitin causes stomach and bowel cancer

Anonymous No. 16293045

So why are scientist suggesting that everyone should be eating more of it?

Anonymous No. 16293264

Then why are mushrooms like shiitake considered healthy?

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Chitin - Wikipedia.png

Anonymous No. 16293284

Anonymous No. 16293288

parasites are made out of chitin so it sets off an immune response in most people

Anonymous No. 16293293

The actual relationship is very confusing. Chitin triggers inflammation. But small particles of chitin are instead anti-inflammatory because they indicate that chitin has been broken down. Inflammation can be good or bad for cancer depending on the stage that cancer is in. The main effect here seems to be that the inflammation triggered by chitin supports the epithelial to mesenchymal transition of cancer tumors.

Anonymous No. 16293295

Chitin is the mushroom/insect equivalent of keratin. It’s not going to hurt you any more than eating a fingernail much less cause cancer like what >>16292426 is saying. Humans have two chitinase enzymes specifically for digesting it. Hunter gatherers have been eating bugs and mushrooms for millennia, they’re still going strong. Does that make bugs particularly appetising? No

Anonymous No. 16294223

because they make massive profits off treating stomach and bowel cancer

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Anonymous No. 16295454

Also liver and kidney disease.
>ew gross that bread has mold on it, I'm not eating that
>ew gross that fruit has bugs in it, I'm not eating that
>I hate billionaires btw

Anonymous No. 16295456

That chart makes no sense.

Anonymous No. 16296763

>I am too low IQ to understand a basic chart
thanks for letting us know

Anonymous No. 16296847

Do you know what a prion is?

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Anonymous No. 16298396


Anonymous No. 16298410

Obviously he does not, lol.

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ZAnon No. 16299774

There's no such thing.
"prion" disease is caused by chitin

Anonymous No. 16299788

scientists are also saying men can get pregnant and women have penises

Anonymous No. 16300957

can I just eat dark chitin instead?

Anonymous No. 16300977


Anonymous No. 16301996

>considered healthy
by who?

Anonymous No. 16303963

shiitake mushroom salesmen

Anonymous No. 16305352

lol, its funny because its true. about a quarter of a century ago the science community was all screeching about how healthy pomegranates and pomegranate juice was and the whole trend could be traced back to the fact that some hollywood jew in LA had inherited a fairly small pomegranate orchard in Riverside or that area and had decided to make it turn a bigger profit by advertising pomegranates in the scientific press and then paying off MSMs to give wider coverage to the scientific publications he had purchased

Anonymous No. 16306238

>jewish pomegranate shill

Do you remember the name?

Anonymous No. 16307964

Its was probably Stewart Resnick.

Anonymous No. 16307978

This thread is full of morons.

Anonymous No. 16308073

They're high in polyphenols and catechins, with some of those within having a lot of antibiotic and antiviral effects. It would be one thing if his orchard were the only source they were using.

Anonymous No. 16308094

Ignore everyone in the thread.
Chitin is an immunomodulator and a decently potent allergen.
It causes inflammation and excess oxidative stress. (Though certain molecules like chitosan or broken down chitin could potentially do the reverse as they may either signal a successful step in the healing process or alternatively may donate useful functional groups.)
Also be aware that some chitin is bound to proteins in respective species.
Humans didn't eat bugs 99% of the time, back when hunting large animals was fairly trivial.
However we did go through an entire epoch of eating decaying flesh, which is highly prone to infection with various pests and parasites, which produce chitin. Our immune systems, as well as other physiology, like our digestive systems developed accordingly.
So don't eat it.

Anonymous No. 16308100

Because they want you to eat bugs because they are steered by industry with money like mosquitos to outdoor lamps and eating bugs makes the industry more money, while you become more miserable, physically pathetic and slave-like.

Anonymous No. 16308112

Based poster and certified human
Prions and Alzheimers are not synonymous
Probably bot, ignore
Polyphenols are nothing more than plant poisons. Our body doesn't need them and it doesn't want them, therefore tries to absorb as little as possible. If you want antioxidants, then you need to make them yourself, in your cells.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, for instance.
You can raise it by eating enough glycine, taurine, cysteine, etc., by avoiding sugar, seed oils, by exercising, by fasting and so on.
Even just eating a good portion of stearic acid as found in animal fat should reduce oxidation because it stimulates mitochondria with its useful byproducts.
Eating a vegetable will do jack shit for oxidative stress, but it will irritate your intestinal lining.

Anonymous No. 16308115

>irritate intestinal lining
How do you think digestion works? "Inflammation" is a meme word that everyone auto assumes is bad, similarly to "cortisol" or "stress".

Anonymous No. 16308116

while I may literally be a jewish pomegranate shill, they taste f'n amazing. they are also among the healiest fruits along with blueberries and raspberries. they will save your pancreas from too much alcohol.

Anonymous No. 16308120

>doesn't know that peanut oil contains anti-inflammatory phytobiologics like sesamin

ZAnon No. 16308781

There's no such thing as a healthy fruit. Fructose is toxic. So obviously, hfcs is also

Anonymous No. 16308849

You're toxic

Anonymous No. 16308859

all you're doing is repeating the fake science articles that were created and circulated in the press by the people who were publicizing positive falsehoods about their product in order to increase sales

Anonymous No. 16308932

If by that you mean that I've plundered many a research article and studies regarding catechins and polyphenols (note that this was mostly Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and I stumbled onto gallic acid a few weeks ago out of curiosity rabbitholes), then I'm repeating information. None of this was on an individual's particular product line of fruit.
It's called having curiosity and nuance, and understanding that there's plenty of things in nutrition science that is bullshit because of lobbying and dishonesty. Your opinions on carnivore exclusive dieting are as sound as any faggot vegan's. You will not change my mind.

Anonymous No. 16309993

nice schizophasia

Anonymous No. 16311587

Probably not as unhealthy as trying to eat Chitwood would be

Anonymous No. 16312592

>So why are scientist suggesting that everyone should be eating more of it?
They aren't. Journalists, corporations and politicians are.

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Anonymous No. 16313766

is that a threat?

Anonymous No. 16315478

>t. too low IQ to have self awareness

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Musk says wikiped....jpg

Anonymous No. 16316361


Anonymous No. 16317656

>fruit is toxic
>red meat is toxic
>eggs are toxic
>vegetables are toxic
>milk is toxic
>even the fucking bugs are toxic
What the fuck are we supposed to eat if all you dietary retards think you’re all correct?

Anonymous No. 16317674

Well, the belligerent fucktard made the point that because "fruit is toxic" and therefore fructose is, hfcs (high fructose CORN syrup) is also toxic.
It's sort of hilarious watching people claw at all of these various diets, making claims based around what the guru they follow believes humans were evolved to eat. Using evolution as a baseline for modern humans can't apply, not when the grand majority of man-made substances we're exposed to can alter gut microbiota and even our own DNA.
Baking soda water is a new fun one. Altering your digestive pH sounds like a great idea. Fuck up how your medication and supps are absorbed and their half lives, make your stomach acid more hospitable to shit like C. diff. We live in a society.