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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต J.D. Vance is redpilled on scyence

Anonymous No. 16291929

J.D. Vance on how and why AI can replace academia and why universities are the enemy of freedom, progress and science.

Anonymous No. 16291942

>why AI can replace academia
More like jeetpilled.

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Anonymous No. 16291947

>J.D. Vance

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Anonymous No. 16291959


Anonymous No. 16291963

Did he not notice all the filtering tech companies place on LLMs to make them give results far worse than anything even the most leftist grievance studies department would come up with?

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Anonymous No. 16291966

Based. Unfortunately, it's often people trying to solve a problem that make it even worse.

Anonymous No. 16291994

JD vance has an indian wife what is more reddit than race mixing?

Anonymous No. 16292019

>Politician says something fucking retard
I'm shocked.

Anonymous No. 16292056

What did he say about academia that wasn't correct?

Anonymous No. 16292068

AI is nowhere near good enough to do research.
Despite problems with the university system, they are the only places which provide a place where basic research - research done for the sake of research rather than immediate applications - is done.

Anonymous No. 16292079

Vance is Vivek, but white.

Anonymous No. 16292124

Producing 99% trash doesn't justify the 1% that ends up irrelevant anyway because it's obscured by all the fraud and ideological trash that surrounds it. You're living decades in the past and unwilling to acknowledge the truth because it's too painful for you.

Anonymous No. 16292166

JD Vance is fucking retarded if he thinks this unironically. Being pro-AI and anti-Uni is big on the right at the moment, but maybe give it some time. If anything generative AI will be a more commonly used tool for the academy. I know in my field it is increasingly becoming the case that things like dynamic thermal management basically require AI integration. So I imagine future grads will be forcefed AI methodology while at grad school

Anonymous No. 16292170

>AI is big on the right
>Heh, good riddance to those ivory tower liberal intellectuals
>Noooooo why is the AI powered robot stealing my welding job. Do something government.
I don't understand how these retards don't learn from the past.

Anonymous No. 16292202

You faggots are so fucking retarded. You know who's actually in favor for a mass exodus of scientists from america? China. Charles Lieber was only the tip of the iceberg; China is doing a fuck ton to get leading scientists to their universities and develop their military.
Just like all of Germany's leading Jewish scientists fled to America in WW2 to build the atom bomb and get them to the moon.
J.D. Vance is clearly a CCP plant. Use your fucking brain, unpatriotic scum

Anonymous No. 16292231

China is the world champs of falsified data.