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Anonymous No. 16291956

Is there any real underrated/unironically esoteric knowledge you know about that made your life better? I've learned about drinking a bunch of water before shitting to make it easier. Is there anything like that? Simple but useful.

Anonymous No. 16291961


Anonymous No. 16292220

You can, whenever the fuck you want, buy a cake. Nobody is going to stop you.

Anonymous No. 16292227

Fuck off you pompous cunt, this is obviously about scientific knowledge as applied to simple every day living.
Bitch, where the fuck are you when dozens of shit tier threads get posted here by schizos, religious nuts, moon hoaxers and other assorted non-science cretins. Probably sucking their dicks, you insufferable fucktard.

Anonymous No. 16292233

Game theory.
I learned that pissing in the toilet is a negative game. Inevitably a few drops go outside. Sometimes the cord in my track pants dangles in front and catches the stream. Sometimes I get split stream and so I get splashes of urine to clean up off the floor. Or worse when I first awake with a full bladder and being drowsy miss the bowl entirely. Doesn't happen often but when it does its a real fucker.
So I applied game theory to this problem and came up with a solution.
Pot pissing. An absolutely positive outcome every time. I go into the kitchen and piss into a pot. No splash back ( deep pot ). No misses. Can bring the pot right up close so nothing gets out. Then down the sink, a rinse, and no one is the wiser. I cant go back to the toilet method now, pot pissing has made my life so much better. Thank you game theory!

Anonymous No. 16292249

i piss in the sink for he shower room

Anonymous No. 16292261

Understanding the use of perspective and the psychological triggers that inspire awe led me to understand why they began building massive high vaulted cathedrals all over Medieval Europe. They were created by control freaks to better manipulate the dumb peasants who were the ones who ended up paying for them. I thought this was beautiful. Sort of Mafia-like in its sheer cuntish two faced simplicity.

"We tax the fuck out of you so we can build these structures that numb your dumb peasant brains into adulation, so our clergy can control you more, so we can tax you even more and send you off to fight in wars we profit from."

Just fucking beautiful. When I realized this I almost swooned in admiration.

Anonymous No. 16292266

Okay this is just as good in some respects, excellent even, but I think it depends upon the situation. My bath room sink is just a little too high for me to do this comfortably, I can but it requires standing on tip toes. Definitely if I were doing a renovation I would set the sink to be a few inches lower.
Another factor that comes into play is the back yard aspect. If its dark outside I like to dump my pot of piss on the lawn. Makes the grass grow nice and green and lush. Yes, I could just go outside and piss directly but there's a chance the neighbor would see, dumping a pot is more discrete and I could always say its just juice from boiling vegetables if questioned about it ( which I do anyway since that is good fertilizer too )

Anonymous No. 16292297

Magic is Everywhere. We are living in an Atlantean age. Humans have lost their sense of wonder, and being the one to realize it is to not take things for granted.

There is still mystery and wonder and true beauty within nature.

Anonymous No. 16292368

Fuck off you spastic bitch

Anonymous No. 16292378

reddit altert.

Anonymous No. 16292386

Yeah, time for you to go back. Now shut the fuck up bitch and post something relevant.

Anonymous No. 16292394

The original poster of every thread is an insufferable faggot. Case in point, your Freudian obsession with water and shit.

Anonymous No. 16292447

If you drizzle water on shit you're reheating in the microwave, it will come out better.

If it's bread or vegetables, you can use a damp paper towel instead.

Anonymous No. 16292449

On most elevators, the close door button actually does nothing. It's a placebo. Don't bother pressing it.

Anonymous No. 16292467

If you don’t find nature to be magical, then you don’t truly appreciate nature, or science, do you?

Anonymous No. 16292483


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Anonymous No. 16292522

The universe is a hologram on lower dimensional surface that is embedded in a hyperspace where interacting fields give a projection of a 3 dimensional universe. Humans in the antediluvian period were able to alter the forces of nature utilizing an aetheric/etheric connection with the cosmos.
There's a thing called "Schumann resonance". Whereby the human body acts as like a fractal antennae for ground waves. The human brain which is a marvel of evolutionary development, uses genetically coadapted Bayesian inferential schema and known axiomatically defines gaussian functions to then extrapolate information from the sensory inputs. These signals that the brain receives can be decoded. Currently the context of life is in which the saturn-moon matrix works, the idea is that EME or Earth-moon-earth operate around the 300 MHz bands, but saturn is a giant antennae, which conveys it's own moon bounces... Wherefore, the progenitors of the antideluvian golden age left hollow earth repeater stations. Now these stations use ground penetration radio signals, which are than heterodyned to a higher frequency broadcast frequency, and then using a form of FM decoding can be neurologically extrapolated.

Hollow earth is shaped as a cartographic representation of the heaven above us, and this is due to the tower of babel. So in part, most of the the various complexes within the hollow earth are either independent or chartered by various factions, however antartica still stands to be the nexus of the crisis within the saturn-moon matrix. Some people conflate this with the mirror moon, but I think the hollow moon has plasma teleporters. Essential cold plasma which are used to transmit the intelligences of various sorts through a means of a matter wave or colloquially known as de Broglie waves.
That is to say, at really fast speeds, the universe appears as a wave. So a high intensity plasma discharge can serve as a means to stabilize solitons to stabilize other plasmas.

Anonymous No. 16292535

You can make scrambled eggs in the microwave.

On a serious note, thoughts can give you life or death. Affirmations, meditation, yoga, visualization, proper nutrition, weight lifting, movement training, and martial arts are your friends. READ, READ, READ, and READ some more. Pay close attention to case studies of success and failure.


Anonymous No. 16292606

Good on you for setting that scifascist straight.
I love nature and magic. Thinking about magic and nature led me to discover the following:
There is nothing inherently bad about the fresh shit that comes out of your anus.
Think about it. That shit spent a lot of time up your ass and you didn't get sick with some disease did you? No. And you have shits stuck up there every day just waiting to be squeezed out. Nothing bad happens to you as a result. So all this talk about shit being dirty and unhealthy is just nonsense.
That's why I freeze my shit in a condom. Then unwrap it and use it as a dildo. I call it a "Cold Carl". Want to try one of mine?

Anonymous No. 16292613


Anonymous No. 16292622

>food is good
>shit is bad
A genius and a clapping seal. Imagine that.

Anonymous No. 16293138

You can also pay extra to the person who makes the cake to write encouraging messages in frosting on the cake and they pretty much have to do it.

Anonymous No. 16293153

skills. also i pee in a big tupperware i keep by the skin for similar reasons, long reach so i can tilt the end with my wrist and contain all the happen

Anonymous No. 16293160

Always pee after sex
Empty your bladder fully every time you pee
Pretend like you're blowing out of a coffee straw and exhale slowly to relax your pelvic floor

Anonymous No. 16293163

underrated i lost right here

Anonymous No. 16293167

simple as

Anonymous No. 16293168

baste enough to barely miss qualification as gay

Anonymous No. 16293460

Can confirm that using Tupperware ( or any suitable plastic container ) is the superior method to pot pissing. I have tested this extensively. For the following reasons:
1) Tupperware is light and easy to handle. A pot is heavy and cumbersome by contrast. Not a big issue obviously, but these little differences add up when you are a professional pisser.
2) Tupperware comes in various shapes, so you always find the best shaped receptacle for your needs. So a long deep piece, with long reach like he said, will never see you spill a drop. Aim for a one liter container. The average early morning piss is usually around 600ml, so the extra capacity is a safety measure which ensures you never reach the brim..
3) Chucking the urine from a Tupperware container onto your grass is far more innocent looking than tipping out a pot. "Oh its just some old softdrink". Its also more accurate to pour down the sink if "watering your garden" is not an option. Furthermore a Tupperware container doesn't look out of place compared to a pot sitting besides your bed or desk. or always placed next to the kitchen sink.( Extra protip, if its necessary to avoid all suspicion then put something in like a dish brush, a fork, or pair of chopsticks. Perfect camouflage against its real purpose )
4) Tupperware is far more silent. Pissing into a plastic container makes far less sound than into a pot, good for when you have people around ( Protip, if you piss loudly into a pot every guy in the next room will know exactly what you are doing, some girls too. )

Really they should teach this stuff in school. Every young man needs to know these essential science hacks. I have no idea why they don't.

Vote RFK No. 16293468

Esoteric patience

Anonymous No. 16293478

Wow you really upset that one anon

Anonymous No. 16294681

Humans are actually fucking terrified of considering things magic. Deep down we are still superstitious to the point of damn offence. Imagine actually thinking nature isn’t magic.

Anonymous No. 16296114

There are many personal care products that are either trash or literal poison, and overpriced AF on top of that.

Anonymous No. 16297224

Good wisdom.

Anonymous No. 16297262

I am subjectively confinced of the existence of Jung types and intertypes as broadly described by Socionics.

Anonymous No. 16297289

Absolute state of this board.