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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16292029

How do I make a quality post on this board? I'm not particularly good at math or the sciences but I enjoy the act of simply participating.

Anonymous No. 16292031

>I'm not particularly good at math or the sciences
no you're in the right place

Anonymous No. 16292154

ok cool. I'm gonna start making some more IQ threads

Anonymous No. 16292157

Make sure to spam this board with posts like this as well as with racism and uninformed vaxx conspiracies. Also post politics. Don't bother learning how to post an equation.

Anonymous No. 16292167

This board is not ready for quality posts. Why bother making an effort post when >90% of the traffic on /sci/ nowadays is bot spam?

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Anonymous No. 16292178

porn on science site

Anonymous No. 16292184

The best way is indirectly. Become a janny. Then proceed to do nothing as flat earth, moon hoax, evolution denial, and ten year old meme threads proliferate.

If someone makes an intelligent post then quickly delete the entire thread. ( This is optional since intelligent posts always get buried under a pile of shit anyway )

If someone is derailing an intelligent thread, do nothing. Never ban Christian fundamentalists, obvious schizos and conspiracy theorists.

Congrats! You have turned /sci/ into some real quality shit!

Anonymous No. 16292189

She's hot though

Anonymous No. 16292374

Look for anyone who has made an educated, rational, and well constructed argument based on sound logic and established facts, and call them a schizo, or a retard, or a jew, or a Nazi. That passes for a quality discussion on /sci/

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Anonymous No. 16292401

>How do I make a quality post on this board?
Why would you want to?

Anonymous No. 16292459

You must have an IQ of 130 or higher to post here

Anonymous No. 16292738

I know much more equations than you do tho. Nothing racist in point out certain things are correlated strongly with certain races. Vax was a joke, more importantly a large scale experiment of social science (fear tactic, obedience to authority) and medicine (mRNA tech). However, I think that whole graphene nano particles and 5g activation in vaccines is a retarded thing because I'm a physicist myself .

Anonymous No. 16294252

>How do I make a quality post on this board?
I post on r9k and pretend its sci and battle test my ideas before coming here