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Anonymous No. 16292043

Is humanity getting smarter or dumber?

Anonymous No. 16292044


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Anonymous No. 16292047

Humanity will be the exact minimum level of "intelligence" it has to be in order to function in the society in which it finds itself, and will acquire the minimum level of expertise and skills it needs to in order to function.
We're going to be okay, in the end.

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Duttons dysgenic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16292067


Anonymous No. 16292247

dumber. Population is still rising, there is ever less pressure to select intelligence, those who are intelligent have ever fewer niches and worse rewards to pursue their interests. Humanity is being predated by dozens of ultramegarich for all it's worth.

Anonymous No. 16292271

Dumber overall.
>competency crisis in STEM fields
>excessive reliance on outsourcing to third world manufacturers and labor
>knowledge hoarding by The Club
>IP and patenting laws
>volatile sociopolitical climates making people far less likely to challenge existing authorities and beliefs
>Dodge vs Ford 1919
>boomers enacting regulations and bureaucracy to make it more difficult for younger blood to compete and innovate
>most parents are neglecting their kids by sitting them in front of an iPad with Youtube Kids on autoplay for hours; Cocomelon brainrot is everywhere
>people have learned to keep their expertise to themselves because companies will only keep them for as long as they're the only ones with said expertise at the company, leading to no documentation of older, more crucial technologies
>CEOs running companies know almost nothing about the technologies or science of the industry they take part in
Remember what Thucydides said about scholars and warriors.

Anonymous No. 16292284

The Flynn effect is horse shit

Anonymous No. 16292310

As a wise man once said
"your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb"
RIP Steve from Smash Mouth

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16292407

the smaller this percentage gets, the dumber humanity gets

Anonymous No. 16292434

The one thing that sets humanity apart from every other species from an evolutionary perspective is our ability to pass on information to future generations. This means that we aren't starting from scratch with each generation and our societies and culture are built on the research and actions of previous generations. So you can say that we are constantly adding to our collective knowledge as a species with each generation and getting smarter overall.

If you are referring to the intelligence of the average person, that's much harder to objectively quantify. Although the fact that IQ tests are constantly having to be renormalised at 100 for the average because scores are increasing with each generation suggests that we're also getting smarter as a species. Which makes sense given that our knowledge of nutrition and our ability to provide the essentials for sustenance and education to more people has increased over the years.

The only people who claim we are getting stupider are seething boomers, but they fall for those pajeet call centre scams so I wouldn't exactly call them intelligent either. They'll claim younger generations are less resourceful and have less "common sense" (which is a debatable definition of stupidity). But even then, the reason society has advanced to the stage it has today precisely because humanity evolved to a point where the basics for survival were freely provided to them and they could spend their lives specialising in certain fields instead.

Anonymous No. 16292519

>Is humanity getting smarter or dumber?
dumber, obviously. This guy is the GOP candidate, come on now

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Anonymous No. 16292523

>This guy