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🧵 Why is modern science so pretentious

Anonymous No. 16292132

How the hell is entropy not time, and time not entropy?

How the hell is evolution not adaptation, and adaptation not evolution?

Are scientists pedantic retards? Causality is causality is causality.

If things *progress at all*, it's time, period. Shit happens, shit changes, shit adjusts.

🗑️ B4RK0N No. 16292134


Anonymous No. 16292135

They will argue entropy isn't related to time since it can both decrease and increase, even though to do either requires movement.

Anonymous No. 16292236

I thought entropy couldn't decrease, only increase?

Anonymous No. 16292298

Entropy in a closed system cannot decrease.

Anonymous No. 16292302

>How the hell is entropy not time, and time not entropy?
Maybe because they are completely different physical concepts with completely different definitions? Read a physics 101 textbook dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16292316

>why is modern science so pretentious
>[uneducated stonerbabble]

Anonymous No. 16292340

Entropy literally could not happen without a line of time to support its increase. It’s like saying space and time aren’t the same.

Anonymous No. 16292346

Space and time aren’t the same you cat posting faggot

Anonymous No. 16292347

Is /sci/ really this dumb now

Anonymous No. 16292353

“ Entropy is a scientific concept that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty. “

Scientists are basically saying what we all already knew.
That time is lolsorandom.

Anonymous No. 16292363

Entropy is the bad aspect of time. Shit breaks down. It sucks.

Anonymous No. 16292443

time really is entropy dudes I use an ice bath to travel to the past

Anonymous No. 16292471

Things getting hotter and colder and hotter and colder, etc, is time.

Anonymous No. 16292474

>How the hell is entropy not time, and time not entropy?
because unlike entropy, time cannot be momentarily reversed

Anonymous No. 16292477

>How the hell is evolution not adaptation, and adaptation not evolution?
Redundant words, really. One had to be picked, and evolution was the one picked. That's it, that's all.

Anonymous No. 16292490

Entropy going one way or the other is still a product of one dimensional, linear time. We all come from stardust, and we all return to the earth, to ash and dust, in the end. That’s all a product of one dimensional progression.

Anonymous No. 16292498

Yes, entropy is a bitch/slave to spacetime.

Anonymous No. 16292509

entropy is a statistical property of the universe
time creates causality
adaptation usually refers to short-term changes made locally in an organism, and evolution refers to long-term changes that get passed down geneticaly

Anonymous No. 16292930

Stupid sexy cat

Anonymous No. 16293479

>time creates causality
Isn’t causality just time?

Anonymous No. 16293872

causality is a relationship between one universe, and another universe
time is what allows it to meaningfully exist

B00T No. 16293874

Retard is a relationship between what you just said and simple logic anyone can work out. Kys.

Anonymous No. 16294682

Wow, you really like splitting hairs.

Time is causality, period. Shit happens.

You faggots LOVE to overcomplicate shit and Einstein hated that.

Anonymous No. 16295053

>answers your preposition
>"wow you like splitting hairs"
anon, maybe you're the one splitting hairs
you only posted that because you cared so much

Anonymous No. 16295345

Isn't that just a given hair of time, on the whole head of possibility, if you will?

Anonymous No. 16295937

Entropy cannot increase without time
Nothing can function without time
Unless there's something outside time

Anonymous No. 16296004

What do you think happens when you heat something up?

Anonymous No. 16297231

Lol OP you got them stumped

Anonymous No. 16297439

can anyone explain entropy to me please?
is it basically a fancy way physicists say decay?

Anonymous No. 16297459

Broadly speaking : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system : the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder.

Anonymous No. 16297552

thanks fren
>Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder
I imagine this has some metaphysical implications...

Anonymous No. 16297570

It just means shit happens.

Anonymous No. 16298344

Faggot gatto

Anonymous No. 16298917

No u

Anonymous No. 16300493

Afraid so. They still think the Jews are behind everything.