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🧵 The cult of science

Anonymous No. 16292143

Videos like thee creep me out. You have a bunch of people being fed bullshit that doesn't mean anything to their practical lives, yet you have comments like "What an exciting time to be alive!".
This is as the world decays around them and everything goes to hell. How do you feel about this phenomena /sci/?

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Cult of Passion No. 16292146

Thanks. Have one of mine.

Found from searching from this;

Frickin' heck, such an era to research novel experiments!

Anonymous No. 16292148

>You have a bunch of people being fed bullshit that doesn't mean anything to their practical lives
If that's what you believe then you don't need to watch the video. If you don't care about knowledge for the sake of knowledge, then just don't learn. It's as simple as that.

Anonymous No. 16292315

Yeah, let's just go back to living as cavemen. We don't need any of this science stuff.

Anonymous No. 16292319

No one said this but if you're getting excited over quantum bullshit headlines while the world collapses around you, you're definitley in a cult, make sure to drink the koolaid.

Cult of Passion No. 16292321

Thats literally where I plan to build my proto-type Ω-Ray device. A cave in Afghanistan, and place all the parts in a cardboard box labeled "scraps".

Anonymous No. 16292330

The world isn't collapsing. Science is exciting and I look forward to the new discoveries and breakthroughs we make every year. Continue being a depressed pessimist.

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soyence star.png

Anonymous No. 16293007

soiyentism is the atheist religion

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Anonymous No. 16293123

>Videos like thee creep me out. You have a bunch of people being fed bullshit that doesn't mean anything to their practical lives
No one's forced to watch them. Each person chooses their own type of entertainment.
Just turn it off if you don't like it.

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Anonymous No. 16293143

>How do you feel about this phenomena /sci/?
but to answer your question, it makes me feel sad that people don't pay as much attention to environmental matters as they do to other things, as you said.

Anonymous No. 16293467

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