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🧵 I don't believe in special relativity

Anonymous No. 16292313

If you are walking at 1m/s and flash a beam of light in front of you (in the same direction you are walking), then the beam of light moves at c + 1. That's just how it works.

Anonymous No. 16292314

i like this pepe

Anonymous No. 16292320

it moves at c - 1 actually, you are the one providing the +1m/s

Anonymous No. 16292325

You are adding velocity to the light beam. So it's c + 1. If you are walking at 1m/s and drop a ball, its forward velocity starts at 1m/s before losing energy. It doesn't just drop straight down.

Anonymous No. 16292329

>You are adding velocity to the light beam
exactly, so it doesnt have to work so hard to reach the speed of light it goes c - 1

Anonymous No. 16292341

Why does it have to stop at the speed of light? It goes at c + 1 because you are adding 1 m/s of velocity to it. That's how physics works.

Anonymous No. 16292379

except all experimental observation and theoretical examination shows that that's not just how it works.

electrodynamics doesn't fully work in a galilean universe - it can still describe limited cases of electro- or magnetostatics and some low-velocity dynamics, but completely breaks down at higher-velocities and doesn't allow for EM wave formation.

Anonymous No. 16292382

For the same reason that water stops being a liquid at 100C at standard pressure.

Anonymous No. 16292422

The energy breaks the hydrogen bonds by exciting them causing the water molecules to flow freely.

Now explain why there is a speed limit at which light can move.

Anonymous No. 16292641

Yea, it’s an engineering approximation that works in some contexts. It is not a blueprint of the universe.

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Anonymous No. 16293131

>I don't believe in special relativity