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🗑️ 🧵 Who else /drunk/ here?

Anonymous No. 16292356

>be 12 o’clock noon
>go into main library
>already talking to chicks
>nalgene full of Vodka
>settle into study carrel
>study Functional Analysis textbook
>asian chick in carrel in front of me gigle
>security guy walks past like 3 times
>asian girl in carrell behind me giggles
I feel like a six million dollar man. I have studied 3 theorems and their proofs and every woman is a mate to me. The security guy is clueless the only queston is how I make my escape. And it isnt even 2pm yet. How is your day going PUSSY

Anonymous No. 16292383

>>nalgene full of Vodka

u transitioning, OP?