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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16292439

>just give your DNA to the scientists, what could possibly go wrong?
how many cucks on this board were dumb enough to fall for the DNA testing scam?

Anonymous No. 16292445

If both your parents did is it over?

Anonymous No. 16293039

mostly, yes, but are you positive that your "father" is really you father genetically

Anonymous No. 16293042


Anonymous No. 16293072

>when you find out your wife slept around with 6 other guys so no one knows whp the father is, and she says i did it to obsure big capitols eugenics alorithm

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Anonymous No. 16293083

I thought it was blackrock and not blackstone

Cult of Passion No. 16293085

Hahaha my credit card is attributed to a black friend who said "Im not African."

Baffled...I said "No u." and forked over the money and spit to them. Lmao, fucking shitbags.

Cult of Passion No. 16293086

I...dont care, give it 40 years to flush out the founders and their apostles, then the corporate shills take over and work for shareholders, who work for the them.

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Anonymous No. 16293089

Well i mean they "spun out" just a different mask of the central banking system

Anonymous No. 16293207

how subtle

Anonymous No. 16293244

>just give your DNA to the scientists
don't forget that those cucktards actually paid a hefty fee for the privilege of giving their DNA away

Anonymous No. 16293274

LOL, this happened to me. Long ago I signed up for 23amMe and then about 18 months ago my biological father signed up and we both got a surprise. Turned out my mother wasn't surprised at all. She knew the truth all along but she's a piece of shit so that's no surprise. My "legal" father was duped into paying child support for 15 years as they got divorced when I was three.

Anonymous No. 16293276

$49-$99 isn't a hefty fee unless you're extremely poor.

Anonymous No. 16293277

Soros already bought up some of these DNA sites 5 years ago and the goyim didn't even react

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Anonymous No. 16293371

I won't even send my dog's DNA off to be tested. No way she's going to be breed into some jewish clone army to kill goyim.

Anonymous No. 16293382

Both of my older brothers have been in prison. My younger brother was in the military. My mother works in healthcare. There's a 0% chance that the government can't figure out most of my DNA if they want it.

Anonymous No. 16293424

sorry to hear that bro

Anonymous No. 16293447

Doesn’t matter if you didn’t fall for it, if any of your family did you might as well be in the database. Already cases of criminals being caught via genetic data their family members uploaded (their cousin, iirc).
Not that it matters since ancestry was a corporate venture not a scientific one.

Anonymous No. 16293461

Lol. Fag. I look like my daddy. Sound like him too.
Eugenics this or that. You already lost. Get off this board.

Anonymous No. 16293556

Midwit question:

What would they do with my genes? I never did ancestry or 23andme but even if I did, how would they use my DNA against me? Focused bio weapons?

Anonymous No. 16293566

>yeah, I let them strip and cavity search me whenever they want, I have nothing to hide
That's your mindset. Nobody even mentioned the government until you came along.

Anonymous No. 16293569

Give you disease, sell you "treatments" which make you more sick, then sell you more "treatments". Oh wait, they already do that without your DNA.

Anonymous No. 16293576

Blackstone has had majority control of for the past 4 years.
What benefit is there in acquiring 100% of it?

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Anonymous No. 16293640

https:// /2017.08.30-173308/

Control-f lag and lash

Anonymous No. 16293646

More like they already hid cameras in the toilets and have been able to construct an accurate 3d model of my ass from the various photos they already have.

Anonymous No. 16293652

trust us :)

Anonymous No. 16293658

The most common downsides mentioned
Deny you health insurance based on high risk for some genetic condition. In the US this is mostly a non-issue as most people get their health insurance through work or the government exchange, both of which are group policies.
Charge you higher rates for life insurance for the same reason as above. This probably has some truth to it, especially with high payout policies where there are large consequences for the insurance company of not accurate assessing the risk.
Cure cancer using your DNA and not share the money with you. This one is really weird because you weren't going to cure cancer on your own and it's highly unlikely to happen anyway.
Government can catch me if I leave DNA behind at a crime scene. True but as others have pointed out, if you have relative who has their DNA in a database, they can narrow in on you anyway. These genetic testing services aren't the only DNA databases. Everyone in the military has their DNA in a government database. It's also common for "first responder" and medical personnel to have their DNA in a database.
Virus designed to kill just me. This one makes me laugh because none of us are that important and it would just be easier to walk up to you and shoot you or pay a crackhead to do it.
Might get a family surprise. Yeah, that one is somewhat common. Women are whores. What can you do other than remain blissfully ignorant of your true paternity?

Anonymous No. 16293698

Blackstone and BlackRock (and also Black Cube) are different companies.

BlackRock does investment and portfolio management (basically, the guys who control pension funds and 401Ks and stuff). Blackstone is private equity, so they invest money for hedge funds and trust funds. They both work in finance, but BlackRock manages investments for big public investment funds (again, like 401ks, state funded pensions, etc.), whereas Blackstone invests on behalf of private individuals who are usually wealthy have their investments managed by Blackstone.

Black Cube, which is less well known that the others, is an Israel intelligence firm.

Anonymous No. 16293732

Wait till a section of DNA becomes an identifiable trait of a group the government doesnt like. To get clear picture, imagine Hitler knowing exactly who all the disabled/half breed germans were
I smell a witch hunt brewing in the distant future, especially if politics get a little more cray cray

Anonymous No. 16293792

My brother tried one of those services and it was crazy that it knew he had one of his legs amputated. DNA is amazing.

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Anonymous No. 16293908

>muh ancestry
>muh lineage
Why does Blackrock or whatever want a bunch of mutt DNA anyway?

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Anonymous No. 16294075

Imagine giving your DNA to jews

Anonymous No. 16294185

Is Blackstone affiliated with Blackrock?
Oh well I guess Blackrock will still have access to your DNA anyway

Anonymous No. 16294193

OK, so apart from schizo theories and theoretical nightmare scenarios, there is zero reason to be afraid. I am more pissed that I am getting several spam calls a day because of the AT&T data breach.

Anonymous No. 16295450

someone post the meme about how someone sent in a sample from a lizard and it came back as 5% jewish and 50% african

Anonymous No. 16295478

They already have it. You're paying to get a report on what they already know about you.

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hahah im fucked.jpg

Anonymous No. 16295806

at least i know i'm somewhat white...

Anonymous No. 16295823

I've always wanted to know my ancestry but I'm too paranoid about giving a company my DNA.

Anonymous No. 16295879

Ooh oh ah eke ogombo malasse me?

Anonymous No. 16295881

shut up nigger kek

Anonymous No. 16296183

Kek. Nice

Anonymous No. 16296277

So you were 3 yo 18 months ago?

Anonymous No. 16296281

This anon is why schools make you do word problems in math class.

Anonymous No. 16296282

Your parents, siblings, family members, etc leads to you. Just like how even if you dont use fagbook, if your friends, family, etc use photos of you, they build a profile of you and keep track of you.

Anonymous No. 16296283

>there are no bad actors
we should be so lucky

Anonymous No. 16296473

and then what?

Anonymous No. 16296475

Then they can build a case against you, should you ever go outside of their directed control.

Anonymous No. 16296481

>should you ever go outside
i don't

Anonymous No. 16296914

Immediately they give the data to Israel to assist with their race targeting bioweapons program.

Anonymous No. 16298434

Twum is from Ghana and she is a famous scientist

Anonymous No. 16298707

Well, take a look at that!

Anonymous No. 16298732

She's an outlier thoughever.

Anonymous No. 16298737

They can get a court order for a DNA sample from you, using the known DNA of your relatives as evidence for probable cause. If you don't comply, they can arrest you and once in custody, obtain the same from you.

Anonymous No. 16299411

How come that doesn't violate the 5th amendment

Anonymous No. 16299433

no, they can't reconstruct your DNA from that, they can only match yours to them that's it. if they get yours they can tell you are their son, but they can't reconstruct yours without a sample from you.
ye but it's part of DNA, they don't do 100% sequencing rather some smaller portion so there's still a lot they don't have, but might be enough for whatever the fuck they need it for. it can be used for tracing/matching new DNA to people who took the test but they can't fucking reconstruct your body or some shit, from it

Anonymous No. 16299510

>send DNA to analyse it
They only get the right of discovering that sequence.
Otherwise every lab that do DNA checks for cops can call ownership of that DNA!

Anonymous No. 16299526

that wouldn't be her though, it just be some clone.

Anonymous No. 16300898

Really makes you wonder how much White blood she might have in her

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he trusted a scie....jpg

Anonymous No. 16301980

Anonymous No. 16301997

man, can't I just have a USB-butted test, have a program/LLM crunch the result locally and see what my diseases are without every plutocrat and tyrant on earth having a gander?

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Anonymous No. 16302011

Is 23andme legit? Like pic related is mine. I have never heard of any Italian heritage in my family

Anonymous No. 16302016

Under the fifth, courts have said it's not testimony so it doesn't apply. Under the fourth, courts have said its no different than being photographed and fingerprinted. Collecting DNA samples upon arrest, long before there's any court appearance, much less a conviction, is routine in most of the country. Just like an arrest record, if you're released without charge or are tried and found not guilty, the record is still retained.

Anonymous No. 16302022

14% is quite a bit for something you've never heard of in your family. It's also much larger than any margin of error. Before you start thinking about false paternity, especially of yourself, keep in mind if you're in a country with lots of mixing (and you're already quite mixed), people may have a good bit of a particular ethnic group in them without even knowing it.

Anonymous No. 16302262

they can lie and say that you did a crime that you didn't commit because they have your DNA.

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Joe Cuckold.jpg

Anonymous No. 16302735

imagine they're making $4.7 billion and its all from people who voluntarily paid them for the privilege of senting in their dna samples
does it get any more cucked than that?

Anonymous No. 16302744

If they wanted to do that, they could just collect your DNA when they arrest you. Why involve a third party that could leak out what you're doing?

Anonymous No. 16302766

Hardcore ESL post.

Anonymous No. 16302918

I would assume very little to none.

Anonymous No. 16302922

>Blaming scientists
>Not blaming the real culprit.
found the jew.

Anonymous No. 16303344

Who do you think hijacked science and brainwashed people into thinking science can only be done in an atheistic/naturalistic world view? Naturalism is literally self-refuting, but people go on believing because academia and most workplaces will fire you for questioning their retarded religion of naturalism or its creation myth of big bangism and millions of years and evolutionistrannyism. They all fail the scientific method, but nobody will say the emperor has no clothes.

Anonymous No. 16303817

>naturalism is literally self refuting
Funny how 50% of surveyed said they agreed with physicalism and naturalism.

Anonymous No. 16305006

in this case - and in many others - "scientist" and "jew" are synonymous terms. unfortunate consequence of allowing non-Christians into science, which was originally an all-Christian institution and is only capable of functioning successfully as an exclusively Christian institution.

Anonymous No. 16305679

Don't worry cali has been holding on to everyones since 1966

Anonymous No. 16305861

>Naturalism is literally self-refuting
No it isn't
>creation myth of big bangism
Not a myth
>millions of years and evolutionistrannyism.
Evolution has been directly observed
>They all fail the scientific method,
No, they don't
Your God isn't real and the earth isn't 6000 years old. Stop posting on /sci/ and /his/ you retard. You're not intelligent.

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Anonymous No. 16307521

You're telegraphing the fact that this is an emotional issue for you and that you're incapable of addressing it rationally by your attempt at using insulting language.

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Anonymous No. 16307997

Same corporations intentionally miscategorize semitic DNA as European

Anonymous No. 16308033

You also called people retarded.
I think this post confirms your retardation, because you feel as though it is "your word" and you are trying to "reclaim retard."
This means you are a member of the retards.
Your thoughts?

Anonymous No. 16309290

you should learn to control your emotions and not get baited so easily

Anonymous No. 16310276

Ben Garrison knew what he was talking about 40 years ago when he made those comics, people should've listened

Anonymous No. 16311764

Its is, so is using your family's DNA against you without their consent

Anonymous No. 16312997

right, but neither the courts nor the government care about constitutional rights

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20th century Ben ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16314539

Everything predicted in his 20th century comics ended up coming true.

Anonymous No. 16315647

They can patent your dna and then charge you a monthly subscription fee until you die.

Anonymous No. 16315680


The next level of every license you give consent with, the next level is your entire soul lol

Anonymous No. 16315733

BBC won

Anonymous No. 16315753

What happens if you don't pay the fee? The send a crew of repo men to repossess your DNA?

Anonymous No. 16315758


Probably lol

Anonymous No. 16315872

You’re a mongrel and bring shame to us blacks. KYS

Anonymous No. 16315875

Luckily I’ll be dead by then

Anonymous No. 16315881

You’re a literal bastard maybe?

Anonymous No. 16316157

The weight of humans about equals the weight of livestock. Either of those tonnages dwarf the weight of all wildlife. The weight of all the crap we've made is larger than the weight of all life on earth put together including plants.

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Anonymous No. 16317691
