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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16292571

Why are scientists doing this?

Anonymous No. 16292576

I'm an insect rights activist. I refuse to eat larva butter.

Anonymous No. 16292594

Most research in a capitalist society is done to make money. Clearly these scientists have enough of a reason to believe they can create a butter alternative that is cheaper to produce than breeding and milking dairy cows. Any possible environmental benefits are a happy coincidence, but irrelevant when stacked up against the possibility of making rich people richer.

Anonymous No. 16292628

Isn't butter more efficient than bugs?

Anonymous No. 16292662

Mhhh.... Fleischkäse.

As a scientist you often ask yourself the question if you could, but never if you should.

Anonymous No. 16292678

>Why are scientists doing this?
Because they are paid by some ambitious people that got bullied in highschool. The ambitious people rose to power but they have abone to pick with society that bullied them in highschool, so now they want everybody to eat bugs.
But why are scientists constantly developing a way to eat bugs and not say, a better battery or a way to shrink the deserts? Who you think tells scientists what to work on?

Anonymous No. 16292692

>a way to shrink the deserts
Enhancing the atmosphere with CO2 shrinks deserts and other arid regions. Plants require less moisture to survive as atmospheric CO2 increases because the plants' stomata close more tightly the more CO2 is available in the air and plants lose moisture via the stomata as well. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere reduces transpiration and allows plants to survive on less moisture.

Anonymous No. 16292701

>making rich people richer.
this plus those rich people like to subject the other 98% to humiliation rituals

Anonymous No. 16292713

>Isn't butter more efficient than bugs?
Fuckno. Bugs are theoretically about as efficient as chickens if you can scale production (which is an unresolved issue, but I digress), cows are like 1/4th as efficient as that for meat, and milk is even less efficient than meat because cows need to be pregnant to produce it and can only do so for a limited number of pregnancies.

That said, this is dumb as fuck because olives can replace butter.

Anonymous No. 16292727

>Because they are paid by some ambitious people that got bullied in highschool. The ambitious people rose to power but they have abone to pick with society that bullied them in highschool, so now they want everybody to eat bugs.
Based if true lmao

Anonymous No. 16292763

I thought insects were full of this

Anonymous No. 16292815

It's a way to humiliate and degrade the public, because this isn't about progress or science. it's about making the public more malleable by breaking their will/spirit.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16292823

>because olives can replace butter.
enjoy cancer

Anonymous No. 16292852

What a shame to be a scientist these days

Anonymous No. 16292859

>Butter-like material
It is fats and waxes.

But yeah, a dairy cow that eats alfalfa grass and drinks water is somehow causing global warming.

Anonymous No. 16292862

It isn't cheaper. It is significantly more expensive. Insect ranching is very intensive.

Anonymous No. 16292867

>Insect theoretical is worse than chicken actual
>Insects require much more post processing and have lots of waste chitin and other ash for very little protein or fat
Your measures of efficiency are bad anyways. Potable water is free and insects eat refined grain, not grass.

Anonymous No. 16292904

Yeah, cows being able to break cellulose lets them not only eat pasture grass but all sorts of left over leaves and stalks and whatnot from other agricultural production. Consider ethanol production for example; about 40% of the US corn grain crop gets turned ethanol. Now ethanol plants are only turning the sugars and starches in the kernels into ethanol; everything else, corn stalks, leaves, cobs, kernel husks, are leftovers from this and are things cows like to eat. Neither bugs nor chickens are useful for consuming those leftovers.

Anonymous No. 16292970

how does replacing butter with olives cause cancer?

Anonymous No. 16293213

Here's a well researched video from LAP about how eating bugs is not more green than eating animals, nor is it healthier, nor is it more moral since you need to kill a lot more insects than animals to get the same amount of meat. It's purely a humiliation ritual.

Anonymous No. 16293240

>Insects require much more post processing and have lots of waste chitin and other ash for very little protein or fat
Chickens have feathers and bones.
>Potable water is free
Oh, you're an idiot.
>insects eat refined grain,
Oh, you're insane.

It doesn't. He's a cultist that thinks ultra processed seed oil causes cancer and is confusing olive oil with seed oil, despite the fact that by all metrics olive oil makes you significantly LESS likely to cause cancer and most people have zero fucking use for refined olive oil which is the processed shit.

Anonymous No. 16293249

Also explains Hollywood writers.
So far it doesn't seem to be working. The 'Impossible' burgers have been a huge failure, not only losing massive amounts of money but also failing to get fans of the fake meat. Bug meat won't fare any better.

Anonymous No. 16293291

Important to note that "impossible burgers" and other fake meats have do not have comparable nutrition to meat. Your eating textured soi protein, which is the leftover mass after all of the oil had been extracted. It is "meat flavored" filler and mostly carbohydrates.

Anonymous No. 16293305

>cows need to be pregnant to produce it
no, they just need to be milked every day.

Anonymous No. 16293324

>Chickens have feathers and bones.
Feathers and bones have numerous industrial uses.

Anonymous No. 16293330

>Like humans, cows only produce milk as a result of being pregnant. >Dairy cows must give birth to one calf per year in order to continue producing milk. Typically they are artificially inseminated within three months of giving birth.
"Where milk comes from" is something you should have been fucking taught by now. Holy fuck.

So does chitin. Glad we settled that.

Anonymous No. 16293339

>So does chitin.
They are biomedical application that get ruined if you process them in such a way, you have to prepare the insects specifically to extract chitin for it to be useful, not when chitin is the byproduct. Feathers on the other hand are easily extracted with mechanical force rather than chemical intervention.

Anonymous No. 16293367

I wish someone would milk me everyday

Anonymous No. 16293450

>They are biomedical application that get ruined if you process them in such a way
They aren't. Chitin can be extracted with high efficiency from powdered insect remains.

If anything the issue is the the cost vs other sources of chitin, but if it's gonna be waste anyway, companies can afford to sell it for competitive prices.

Anonymous No. 16293621

Think of this as the setup or a test before it becomes unlawful to raise livestock without paying a tremendous tax.
Then the alternative will be given, but as you stated, it's not very popular. They may fail, but then again people support crazy nonsense when they are told to be scared or angry Etc.
Hopefully that never happens, but if you look into the goals they are trying to achieve, you may see where this is going, and it isn't anywhere I want to be lol

Anonymous No. 16293688

Last time this came up it was stated that insects are neither kosher nor halal. Who is going to tax 1.5 billion suicide bombers? Noone. And bugs also have a major bacterial problem.
This will only be eaten by the terminally insane.

Anonymous No. 16293703

>>16293688 Digits
The points you made are certainly correct, and some of the points I've used myself in the past, but these 'people' are determined to achieve their goals.
I don't know what the future will be, but their goals speak for themselves and we should be aware that they are not going to simply stop trying.
Also, more to the intent of the point I made in the post you are replying to; This is meant to erode our way of life and be something we in the west are subjugated to. It's not for the imports.
Still, you make some great points, and I don't believe they will succeed in their attempts to completely undermine us.
I don't know what will come of this, but they are determined, so we should remain alert.

Anonymous No. 16293750

An unhealthy, malnourished society is less likely to rebel and easier to control.

Anonymous No. 16293756

Why did bill gates' father run a vegan food company?

Anonymous No. 16293757

>he thinks the bottleneck problem for dairy cows is pregnancy
the absolute state of this board

Anonymous No. 16293761

For a start It depends on how the olive oil is produced, how adulterated it is with with seed oils and how old it is..

Anonymous No. 16293763

They make more sense as a feed for poultry

Anonymous No. 16293969

It was more of a waste issue. You have to produce a shitton of cows to keep getting milk. Those cows all need to be fed, vaccinated, kept healthy until they can breed, and disposed of. And you can't even use half of them for milk at all.

Unless you're planning on drinking bull semen, dairy is hardly going to be fucking efficient compared to anything.

Anonymous No. 16294004

Cows make farmland farmable. Imagine trying to farm on lands without animals

Anonymous No. 16294010

he sees the words "extra virgin" and it terrifies him

Anonymous No. 16294012

>Mom, can you pass the butter-like substance?

Anonymous No. 16294105

go on.

how do each of those cause cancer?

Anonymous No. 16294107

To make butter buscuit for chickens

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clucking chicken.png

Anonymous No. 16294269

>I'm serious because I used the f word
>don't get on my wrong side, I might even say the f word at you

Anonymous No. 16294347

>Cows make farmland farmable
nta, wth are you talking about? Farmland is used to grow resources. Pastures are to feed cows and livestock; cropland is used for crop production. No big farm is using cows to till the land.
>Imagine trying...
Do you think farmers are buying cows from John Deere? Like seriously, I don't get where you're coming from

Anonymous No. 16294455

maybe he was thinking about hydrogenated oil
it would have whole bunch of residual garbage that may be carcinogenic

Anonymous No. 16294550

sneed oils 2.0

Anonymous No. 16294556

>I'm serious because I used the f word
To the contrary, using the f-word usually means I don't give a fuck about what I'm saying or who I'm talking to. I can count on 3 hands the number of times I've ever seriously cursed. Cursing completely loses its fucking impact if you use it all the time in serious conversation. If I'm going to curse someone the fuck out, I want them to know I fucking mean it, that there was no other way I could have expressed myself.

Anyway, don't be scared of a few four letter words, dipshit. They're harmless.

Anonymous No. 16294588

lets 'take a cow
she milks for 5 lactations, averaging 8,000l per lactation giving 40,000l total (rough average)
She calved 5 times, producing 5 live calves one of these calves will go on to be her future replacement, the other 4 can be raised for beef production. When she reaches the end of her functional life as a dairy cow she will be fattened for beef too.
So out of this we have produced five beef animals and 40,000l of milk.

Although you aren't wrong to identify pregnancy as a limiting factor for milk production but that's only true if we are completely ignoring the value of the calf.

Anonymous No. 16294635


Anonymous No. 16294716

I will buy a cow and move to the woods to produce my own butter, but I will never eat crap like this. Fuck these people

Anonymous No. 16294876

No, there's a trend of research being done to force things that are less profitable, because the powers that be have incentives other than money

Anonymous No. 16294963

>she milks for 5 lactations
Dairy cows are typically only used for 2-3 pregnancies.

Also, fundamentally beef isn't milk. I am not claiming milk isn't profitable if you are already dealing in cows. I am claiming it isn't efficient. It effectively only works as a side business to beef production, which itself is horribly inefficient compared to other meat industries (chicken is efficient as fuck even before getting into egg production).

Anonymous No. 16294969

Is now a bad time to point out that the dairy industry is subsidized as fuck to the point of being federally price controlled?

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Anonymous No. 16294976

You will eat the bugger

Anonymous No. 16294991

Butter can be made from coal. Has been made from coal. Its a particularly easy substance with no chemical complexity like that of a steak. Its just a couple of organic molecules, not any more complex than white sugar.

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Anonymous No. 16294997

>no sense of right and wrong
>it’s not a matter of could, but should
>all progress demands sacrifice
>sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension
>oh-my-science, what have I done?
I like how scientists are indistinguishable from there stereotypical wizard in-method

Anonymous No. 16295001

>from there
from the*

Anonymous No. 16295035

That will depend on the herd.
if they're bewing pushed hard enough to milk only 2-3 lactations they're likely milking 10,000 or 12,000 per lactation

No, it's incredibly efficient compared to chicken or pork because beef converts something completely inedible to humans into something actually edible.

Anonymous No. 16295059


Anonymous No. 16295126

>No, it's incredibly efficient compared to chicken or pork because beef converts something completely inedible to humans into something actually edible
Cows take several times more "something" to get "something actually edible" and it doesn't matter if it's "something completely inedible to humans" if you still need to work to produce and ship it.

The vast majority of cattle aren't only fed via pasture. And that's even LESS COMMON with dairy cattle since they need to be regularly milked.

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Anonymous No. 16295132

Some humans, like myself, need regular milking.

*drops his card, and a short clip, into the space*

Anonymous No. 16295137

There's a huge amount of regional variability in these systems though.
around here dairy cows are mostly grazed through the summer.

If cows are producing milk and meat on land unsuitable for for other crops then they are clearly not competing with humans.
I'm not naive enough to believe all cattle systems work this way but this is an argument for regionalism

Anonymous No. 16295161

not him (and only newfags say "nta") but he likely mean fertilizers from cows digesting grasses into something which could be used for growing crops

Anonymous No. 16295207

Aside from grazing in pasture land, a large part of what cows get fed is basically byproducts of other agricultural production. As someone mentioned above, huge amounts of corn are grown just for ethanol; that only uses the kernels, so all corn stalks, leaves, and cobs get chopped up and made into silage to feed the cows. Same thing with feed corn for chickens & pigs; those animals can only eat the grain, so cows eat the rest. Or wheat, rice, oats, etc for human consumption - people just eat the grain, cows are great for using up all the leftover stalks. Its also really common for farmers to throw out a line of electric wire around their fields after the harvest, and let cattle graze on those fields to pick through all the leftover bits in a manner that is low effort on the farmer's part. Cows being able to breakdown cellulose makes talking about "efficiency" in simple feed conversion ratio terms pointless.

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Anonymous No. 16295256

>If cows are producing milk and meat on land unsuitable for for other crops then they are clearly not competing with humans.
I'm not talking about competing with humans, although to be clear, it's not like you can develop fucking pasture for other uses if the cows need that shit to eat. I'm talking about the time, money and resources you need to dump into cows to get milk and meat.

Neither corn nor cows grow on trees. That's goats.

>I'm not naive enough to believe all cattle systems work this way but this is an argument for regionalism
You're a fucking idiot that's not paying attention to what I'm saying.

Let me put it to you this way, more land is used for animal feed in the USA than for human food. And that's setting aside pasture.

Some problems with this line of reasoning.
1. Corn ethanol is a shitty subsidized resource that makes no economic sense at this time.
2. Corn grown for ethanol could have been replaced with corn grown for human consumption.
3. Crops grown for human consumption *usually have the leftover bits mulched into the soil to retain soil health because what remains, it isn't valuable enough as feed*

There are absolutely cases where farms that grow crops and have cattle will let cattle loose on fields post harvest, but separation of *the same* crops into human cattle feed is not done on an industrial scale, even before adding in the complication that this is about dairy cows specifically.

Anonymous No. 16295274

I'm a lazy fuck, but I'm going to have to start learning to cook stuff from scratch. Also, we need laws to prevent them from putting this shit in food without a warning label.

Anonymous No. 16295301

>Also, we need laws to prevent them from putting this shit in food without a warning label.
Is now a bad time to tell you that red food dye is made from ground up bugs and jellybeans and other candies are covered in bug shit?

Anonymous No. 16295310

No, this is the perfect time to mention that.

Anonymous No. 16295312

anatto is clearly labeled

Anonymous No. 16295360

Olives are a kind of seed, hence olive oil is seed oil

Anonymous No. 16295372

no dice it's made from the fruit

Anonymous No. 16295726

>american education

Anonymous No. 16295932

This is so fucking disgusting, but also hilarious.

Anonymous No. 16296139

>Let me put it to you this way, more land is used for animal feed in the USA than for human food. And that's setting aside pasture.
What is protein conversion efficiency?
I saw figures showing that on a protein basis and especially the limiting amino acids like lycine then meat surpasses plants, with rumen conversion of nitrogen building blocks to a key part of this

Anonymous No. 16296162

>What is protein conversion efficiency?
The ratio of feed protein to food protein.
>meat surpasses plants
Most plants don't have a protein conversion efficiency as they aren't fed protein.

Anonymous No. 16296171

The figures I recall seeing were on a weight of amino acid per unit area basis.

Anonymous No. 16296217

Butter is the easiest synthetic food to make. We already have margarine, synthetic fats made from coal or oil, a ton of different plant oils or animal fats can be used as butter. Lard can be a butter. Its just fat emulsified with some water.
Oh oh oh the actual butter has some leftover milk proteins and some special smell you can chemically put on. Big deal. Any solid fat with salt and the chemical smell from childhood will make do.

Anonymous No. 16296233

They did the math and apparently insect souls weigh less than cow souls, so we should kill them instead to satisfy our bottomless appetite.

Anonymous No. 16296255

Because they're antisocial atheists that don't think there's anything to eating outside of raw calories. Babies die if they're not touched. We need more than just bread and water. I will not eat the bugs.

Anonymous No. 16296259

Also this. Green efforts put a lot of money into alternatives for regular food staples. Vertical farming, synthetic lab grown meat, bug protein. They want you to live in the pod and there's a lot of money in finding out what to feed the caged wagie.

Anonymous No. 16296264

Shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16296268


Anonymous No. 16296280

Ok 2.

Anonymous No. 16296293

Almost all calories come from grain and legume farming. Bug farming and bug derivatives depends on grain farming.
By mass the production of grain is around 7 billion tons a year, this is comparable with the production of coal and oil, which is also north of 10 billion tons. Cute vertical bug farms cant compete

Anonymous No. 16296320

I mean it is *actually* true on a small scale.

Also there are cultures that do not have an aversion to eating insects. And companies would gladly substitute butter for insects if it became economically feasible (probably just call it butter substitute #7 or something). This is obviously worth the research.

No need to freak out. Bugs are literally just crustaceans. Ever have mudbugs?

Anonymous No. 16296326

We must support 11 billion humans somehow.

Anonymous No. 16296488

Why don't those people that love eating bugs so much make bug butter then. It's my cultural norm to eat butter made from the milk of cows. Respect my culture and stop trying to push your VC backed bullshit on me. You and I both know the VC managers aren't going to eat bug steaks covered in bug butter in their bug pod.

Anonymous No. 16296501

you sound so, incredibly, seriously, faggy.

Anonymous No. 16296827

>Why don't those people that love eating bugs so much make bug butter then
How do you know they don't? How do you know *you* aren't eating bug butter right now? When was the last time you ran down everything in an ingredients list?
>According to the researchers, consumers notice no difference when a quarter of the milk butter in a cake is replaced with larva fat.

>Respect my culture
Developing new recipes doesn't hurt your culture, you whiny bitch.

Anonymous No. 16296892

I don't eat butter and all of my food is home grown. Be less of a demon.

Anonymous No. 16296895

pushing the frontiers of food science is uhhhh
le bad?
new food le bad.
i've never tried it and i never fucking will.
return to tradition.

Anonymous No. 16296927

>all of my food is home grown
So it definitely has bugs in it?

Anonymous No. 16296936

Reuters is owned by AP, which is owned by the Rothschild family.

Absolutely Talmudic.

Anonymous No. 16296940

Bugs in it and made of bugs isn't the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16297163

You eat food made of butter?

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Anonymous No. 16297166


Anonymous No. 16297209

Is somebody taking care of you?

Anonymous No. 16297342

Gives a whole new meaning to "I can't believe it's not butter!"

Anonymous No. 16298476

>oy vey you can't just grow your own food, you have to eat poisonous goyslop from the jewish owned goyslop store and you have to work for mr. shekelstein so you can earn enough money to pay taxes to sentator shekelberg so he will let you keep a tiny pecentage of what you earn that you can take to shekelstein goyslop emporium so you don't starve to death

Anonymous No. 16299315

bug farming cant feed 11 billion people, not that anyone cares. Human survival seems like a family affair, everyone just tries to survive and to help their family

Anonymous No. 16300786

if ppl should be eating bugs then why aren't scientists eating an all bugs diet?

Anonymous No. 16300850

Well, Cletus, they're still trying to figure out how to make them taste good, which explains the headline.

Maybe the illuminati isn't trying to force you to eat something gross. Maybe you already eat bug regurgitations (honey), fungi in your bread and beer, and bacteria in your cheese. Maybe basic industrial research involves looking at materials that are abundant, and figuring out ways they can be processed for use in different industries, like what the US did with corn (it's in everything, not just food, but chemicals, textiles, gasoline, medicine, adhesives, and many, many others).

Anonymous No. 16301757

Because scientists are Satanists.

Anonymous No. 16303153

>Because they are paid by some ambitious people that got bullied in highschool. The ambitious people rose to power but they have abone to pick with society that bullied them in highschool, so now they want everybody to eat bugs.
You can just say jews anon it's fine

Anonymous No. 16303338

They're Godless subhuman trash.

Anonymous No. 16305017

A large part of butter's usefulness and desirability in cooking and other culinary pursuits has to do with how butter is solid at room temperature and melts at below body temperature. Cocoa fat has the same appealing properties, however animal fats do not, they have higher melting points, this is especially true with cold blooded animals such as insects. That being the case, some sort of substantial chemical trickery would be needed to make any animal fat into a butter substitute. Given that culinary science has still not been able to pull off that trick with vegetable shortening regardless decades of trying, there is no way they'd have been able to do pull off the trick with insects over a much shorter timespan.

Anonymous No. 16305190

>How adulterated
So don't fuck the olives' wives what's the big deal!?

Anonymous No. 16305774

Now this is something I WOULDN'T want to try...

Anonymous No. 16306216

Ah one of the eternal benefits of being a vegetarian. Keep losing, meatfags.

Anonymous No. 16306217

All money and economics are fake. They exist to inflict the will of demon-worshipping pedophiles on the world.

Anonymous No. 16306224

Weirdly hydrogenation gets more bad flack that it deserves, some of its end products aren't great but compared to the number of explicitly toxic compounds generated by heating vegetable seed oils it's a walk in the park

Butter and other ruminant fats actually contain a number of trans fatty acids because of their rumen physiology but there is no demonstrable negative effects from them so experts in this area theorise the problem originates from something else different about natually produced trans fatty acids and the process of hydrogenation.

Anonymous No. 16306228

Or to simplify this a little, vegetable seed oils are actually safer if they're hydrogenated because it makes them much more saturated and heat resistant. The issue is they're still seed oils.

Anonymous No. 16306359

Scientists are the pawns of governments and private corporations.

Anonymous No. 16306402

>he said, anemicaly

Anonymous No. 16306472

i think big medias behind it.

Anonymous No. 16306473

yeah but whos going to buy the bugs? if nobody buys them then their production has zero efficiency.

everybody wants cows retard.

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Anonymous No. 16307127

This is actually the stuff of nightmares

Anonymous No. 16307155

It's animal rights, actually. Insects are classified as animals.

Anonymous No. 16307296

This is the most annoying issue about effectively defeat these retarded you must become retarded too...Is some sort of trap

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Anonymous No. 16307633

If you get cancer you won't need butter

Anonymous No. 16307643

>yeah but whos going to buy the bugs?
What, never had mezcal with sal de gusano? Plenty of people eat bugs.

To say nothing of the processed food applications.

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Anonymous No. 16307646

Depopulation. Leftists are ignorant morons that deserve to die, and they know they deserve to die so they will eat that trash. Simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16307648

> people

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Anonymous No. 16307657

Trust the science goy.

Anonymous No. 16308142

Last I checked, lobster dinner is considered a high class meal.

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Anonymous No. 16308200

Anonymous No. 16308263

Wrong fats, we need stearic and palmitic acid or we get disgusted, then sick, then dead.

Anonymous No. 16308266

>Corn grown for ethanol could have been replaced with corn grown for human consumption.
Ever thought about the possibility that eating corn and supplements is not going to cut it nutrition-wise?
Don't you think you have enough fucking onions and corn already?
But sure, go try to turn the shitty low-fertility plains into even more glyphosate sprayed No. 2 dent corn monocultures for your even shittier insect farms.
We'll use Tesla bots and Mexicans for all the manual labor, then just wait for fagman AI to find a magical solution to the top soil eroding off the continent.

Anonymous No. 16308374

Needs to be eaten with butter.

Anonymous No. 16308394

Be honest. How fat are you?

Anonymous No. 16308403

It's easier to mass produce grains inedible to humans than it is to mass produce grains edible to humans. This isn't even up for debate. People like you are just dishonest faggots.

Anonymous No. 16308410

>there are cultures that do not have an aversion to eating insects.
If said cultures are so good that you should emulate them, why not emigrate to a country with said culture?

Anonymous No. 16308412

Do the scientists believe in evolution? Because foods that don't taste good aren't nutritious. Why make people eat food that isn't nutritious? Doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous No. 16308414

No. I support exclusively insect rights.

Anonymous No. 16308436

It's really hard for humans to eat silage the whole crop chopped into tiny bits, then sealed from the air and lactic acid fermented.
the only part of a wheat plant humans can even eat is a small amount of the grain which must be dried out to a specific moisture % and constantly monitored for mould and pests.

Anonymous No. 16308447

Then why not make chicken fat butter instead?

Anonymous No. 16308464

Evolution does not mean every organism is always perfectly adapted for their given circumstances. Humans have been adapted for an environment with significantly fewer available calories. Fruits taste sweet because they are a dense source of simple carbohydrates, also because plants literally want their fruits to be eaten by other animals in order to spread their seeds. Root vegetables like potatoes and carrots generally taste good because they are stores of complex carbohydrates, and basically designed as a reserve of energy for the plant. Many other nutritious vegetables can taste bitter because they are the parts of the plants don't "want" to be eaten, like leaves which are the primary form of energy production, so plants evolved defense mechanisms in terms of unpleasant taste. High micronutrient density is also correlated with bitterness.

The problem now is that the industrial revolution and food science have made hyper palatable yet not very nutritious foods abundant, as seen at any convenience store. It would be facile to claim that just because something feels good in the short term means that it's good for you in the long term.

That said I don't support eating bugs and we should instead build out nuclear reactors for cheap energy and genetically engineer crops for cheap nutrients.

Anonymous No. 16308513

Having fun with that strawman? I didn't say foods that taste good are good for you, since I'm aware of hyper palatable foods. I said foods that taste bad are not nutritious, and this is a fact. You write shit like nutritious vegetables tasting bitter. The vegetables that taste bitter ARE FUCKING POISONOUS you idiot. Now I don't mean poisonous in that it'll kill you, I mean that you cannot digest it and you'll often feel sick. Vegans would literally DIE if they consumed only these bitter "nutritious vegetables".

Anonymous No. 16308524

they're doing it so the human race can have a future, of course

Anonymous No. 16308573

The dose makes the poison. You would literally die if you only ate sugar, or if you drink too much water.

Anonymous No. 16308721

That's not true.
And you'll start invoking desert demons to justify it.

Anonymous No. 16309397

all of the plants we eat have been selectively bred over 1000s of years to be as they are currently, none of them evolved to be the way they are.

Anonymous No. 16309548

That's what this research is for.

Anonymous No. 16309558

Kill all kikes

Anonymous No. 16309560

If it's healthy and tasty, what's the problem?

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Anonymous No. 16309803

It varies by species. Brassica oleracea is one of best examples of selective breeding. Yet kale is still markedly more bitter than broccoli. Other fruits like blueberries are also hardly changed from their wildtype varieties.

Anonymous No. 16309818

You forgot the context. Let me remind you.
Blueberries taste good and are nutritious

Anonymous No. 16309836

Kale doesn't taste very good and is more nutritious than blueberries.

Anonymous No. 16309859

You VILL eat ze LARVABUTTER, drink ze ROACHMILK, and live in ze POD.

t. Klaus Schwab

Anonymous No. 16309868

If they make bugs taste good I don’t care really. Food is food be it bugs meat or plants

Anonymous No. 16310535


Anonymous No. 16310913

Based retard

Anonymous No. 16311103

>more nutritious than blueberries.
go look at all the toxins in kale, it goiterogenic so binds iodine

Anonymous No. 16311126

Because they suffer from spiritual decay and rot in their pursuit of an impossible material utopia.
They don't understand the pleasures and joys of life, only efficiency and profit for those they serve.
It's truly disheartening how lost some people have become. They seek out a facsimile of harmony all while abandoning harmony.

Anonymous No. 16311231

Isn't butter pasteurized?

Humans can be stimulated to lactate without pregnancy though and can continue to do so for years. Unless cows are radically different then, (a distinct likelihood) I would assume freshening was more a matter of production volume tapering off as part of the natural weaning process.

Anonymous No. 16311539

You can suffer from an excess of antioxidants and fructose from blueberries too. The vitamin and mineral content of kale far surpasses blueberries, and is one of the most nutrient dense foods available.

For people without hypothyroidism and whose diet consists of normal levels of iodine, goitrogens are a non-issue. Though if you're especially paranoid you can just cook kale which deactivates the enzyme responsible for the goitrogenic effect.

Eat your vegetables, anon.

Anonymous No. 16311577

How many other antinutrients does kale contain, I only raised the goiterogens as an example

Anonymous No. 16311688

These sorts of tech would be useful on a spacecraft, we need methods to create yummy foods with limited space and resources.

Anonymous No. 16311718

>Blueberries are good for everyone
>Kale isn't
>Therefore kale is better
Great argument numbnuts

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Anonymous No. 16312218

Cooking vegetables solves that problem for those with thyroid disorders. Cruciferous vegetables are extremely healthy and you are making excuses because you are a child with immature taste buds. No offense tho.

Post physique.

Blueberries are almost entirely sugar and contain zero protein. Foods like kale and spinach actually have a more balanced macro profile, with vastly more vitamins and minerals on average.

Anonymous No. 16312225

>ireland indoctrination post

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Anonymous No. 16312265

Cope. Sneed. Dilate. Never ate kale

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Anonymous No. 16312314


Anonymous No. 16312322

It's not very tasty. Cabbage is superior.
It looks like you're smuggly fuzzy pets under your tank top.

Anonymous No. 16312339

>larva fat is disgusting!
>proceeds to suck up excretions from cattle mammary glands
>delighted to wait until it's spoiled and putrid if someone calls it cheese
>happy to eat pollen processed by insects excretions if someone calls it honey

Anonymous No. 16312358

>Then why not make chicken fat butter instead?
Literally already a thing

Anonymous No. 16312377

no idiot. its not the same. Insect rights activists are exclusively campaigning for insect rights, not animal rights in general.
There is a difference

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Anonymous No. 16312378

Yooooo God outdid himself when he dropped the Gallus genus fr fr we makin' it out of the pod with this one

Anonymous No. 16312504

Go find the oxalate content of spinach and get back to me

Anonymous No. 16312680

>it's not like you can develop fucking pasture for other uses if the cows need that shit to eat.
Don't need to redevelop it, since we need the pastures to feed the cows that we eat.bwhat are you going to do with that food instead, Bill? Turn it into server farms to monitor how many bugs people eat. That's just creating a solution to problem you caused by making the solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16312690

Ironically these cultures are also the ones producing the pollution that the insect larva people claim to want to reduce.

Anonymous No. 16312772

Ah frick yeah science i want larva butter popcorn

Anonymous No. 16312883

this seems like more trouble than it's worth

Anonymous No. 16312884

That’s not you.

Anonymous No. 16312935

>Post physique
fuckin loser lmfao

Anonymous No. 16313391

hot armpit
would sniff

Anonymous No. 16313394

You didn't go for figs, and for that you should be ashamed.

Anonymous No. 16313436

It's easy to get some randoms photo.

The original argument was pretty dumb too. Blueberries are mildly healthy, a nice garnish for like oatmeal or a smoothie, but mostly sugar and not a dense source of micronutrients. Cruciferous vegetables are objectively healthier in actual vitamin and mineral content.

People think apples are super healthy too because they're a fruit. Yet again they're almost entirely sugar, and have less protein and vitamins than plants like cabbage. Apples are better than eating straight up candy, but fruits literally evolved to be nature's candy.

Taste is mostly orthogonal to nutrition. Your gut senses and microbiome have elaborate systems to detect nutrient density and deficiencies, which is why you feel satiated from certain foods, or end up craving weird things when you're malnourished for some micronutrient. This is probably a component for why obese people on shitty diets end up craving foods, that and they're literally addicted to sugar, salt, fat, etc.

Anonymous No. 16313441

>Post physique
>Damn that's nice, no way it can be you
Stellar logic. Why bother asking if you'll refuse to believe it anyway? I don't eat vegetable, aside from broccoli here and there. I'm fitter than you. Vegetables taste bad because they're literally poisonous. You can't even digest them properly. Vegans have ge rankest, most vile farts I've ever had the misfortune of being around. And mind you, I have protein farts from meat and whey.

Take the L here, retard. You asked for physique of someone who provided an opinion you couldn't accept, got btfod and are now coping beyond belief. Conspicuously absent is your own physique, fag.

Anonymous No. 16313524

This is just the seed oil replacement of real fats all over again.

I wonder what the health concern they'll use to push them? climate change?

Anonymous No. 16313631

>there are "people" here unironically arguing you shouldn't eat plants or insects
>despite humans being monkeys
You're all retarded

Anonymous No. 16313850

Do you pick at your asshole in public or throw your feces when you're angry?

Anonymous No. 16313857

Wait.... you don't?
How else am I supposed to keep people from bother me?

Anonymous No. 16313881

By immediately talking enthusiastically and in depth about things that interest you.

Anonymous No. 16313910

You might be a monkey, but I'm not.
Primate ≠ monkey

Anonymous No. 16313913

Jus charging off the clue

Anonymous No. 16314321

based and "ze bugs will eat you"-pilled

Anonymous No. 16314331

pretty based how you can trick an entire civilization to start drinking machine lubricant

Anonymous No. 16315017


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Anonymous No. 16316294


Anonymous No. 16316313

Overweight but not obese. And I've had a relatively steady weight for like 8 years.

Not sure what that has to do with anything. Weight management's all about knowing your metabolism and counting calories, not what you eat.

Anonymous No. 16316352

>Insect ranching is very intensive.
It isn't lmao.

t. insect rancher

Anonymous No. 16316490

>Not sure what that has to do with anything.
How do you think I inferred you're overweight from that post alone? What is it that you stated, or is it that you stated it, that lead me to conclude you're fat?

Anonymous No. 16318155

You might think you're clever, but I figured out that fat and went one step further, concluding that he was also gay.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16319577

why is it that vegans think its OK to kill plants, but not animals?
do they hate plants or something?

Anonymous No. 16320348

that's in the US, they are like .1% compared to the whole of humanity

Anonymous No. 16320352

this, plus their religion forbids them to eat insects so "Oooops, looks like you will have to eat all the bugs without me, darn my bad luck!"

Anonymous No. 16320396

What if I told you you won't get to choose because they will pass it as regular food without you even knowing the difference.

Anonymous No. 16320545

because of the malhtusian kikes founding the researches?

Anonymous No. 16320553

most vegans think that plants cannot feel pain due to lack of a nervous system

Anonymous No. 16320582

>How do you think I inferred you're overweight from that post alone?
You didn't? You asked how fat I was.

>What is it that you stated, or is it that you stated it, that lead me to conclude you're fat?
I genuinely don't know. What is it about what I stated, that lead you to conclude I gained 15 pounds eating leftover pepperoni pizza after my sister's wedding a few years back and have never bothered to burn it off cause dieting sucks? Seriously, basically everyone walked out immediately without eating and we had boxes upon boxes of the shit that was gonna go bad just filling our fridge. I will never not be mad. My parents barely helped using *their health* as an excuse and of course my sister was off on her honeymoon with my brother-in-law. I jumped from 164 to 179 from that bullshit. It was ridiculous. I am still mad. It wasn't even particularly good pizza.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16321879


Anonymous No. 16321903

Hi Moxyte. Please kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16321929

Nowhere in that image does it say they can feel pain though

Anonymous No. 16322128

Fuck off you stupid imbecile jew.

Anonymous No. 16322853

>Pain = response to external stimuli via nerves
>Plants respond to external stimuli
>Durr it's not pain
Stupid and circular definition

Anonymous No. 16323058

not all responses to external stimuli are pain
amebas respond to external stimuli and we are quite certain they don't feel what we call pain

Anonymous No. 16323269

Yeah right

Anonymous No. 16323340

So anthropomorphic empathy applies only to vertebrates?

Anonymous No. 16323518


Anonymous No. 16323535

>Humans are not special
>We must love our animal brethren
>The metric we use is one humans have
>Why? Because, because... the nervous system is special in the animal kingdom!
>Why? Ugh, well, you see because we have one...
>Listen you carnid piece of shit, you're not special

Anonymous No. 16323580

To take away everything that could make us strong enough to put up a fight.
They want to take away meat&eggs&milk&cheese&beer&coffee&grain&wheat&bread&potatoes
Western man colonized the world on that food.

Anonymous No. 16323778

Nervous system is required to feel pain, is there something to hard for you to grasp here?

Anonymous No. 16324289

>Nervous system is required to feel pain
[citation needed]

Anonymous No. 16324614

More effort should be made to assemble nutrients into palatable food sources via chemical synthesis into formats of proper texture and flavor. You could create an entire industry on evaluation of such, as well as research on additional improvement of these products. This would save countless animals and natural habitat. Scarcity is fake anyway but we can certainly optimize and redistribute resources reasonably. If demons/archons need a suffering farm just open the coliseums back up and willing participants and spectators would flock. Offer prizes for those who participate. Set up the tech for regen and revival following matches. You know they've got it already. It would all work perfectly given energy optimizations were made. It would be way less evil than what we have going atm. God will come back eventually anyway and we should at least have something more presentable even if he's still mad.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16326196

yeah thats just vegan dogma they use to justify their atrocious plant murdering habits. plants are important, they sequester carbon and create oxygen gas, we need plants to survive, but vegans just murder them anyway

Anonymous No. 16326225

Cute circular reasoning to justify murdering plants. Let's cut all the bullshit here. Vegans don't talk about "pain" to justify their arguments because pain can be good. They're talking about *suffering*, and then fall back on pain induced by CNS stimulation as the only mechanism of suffering that exists. Because otherwise they'd have to starve themselves to death. Which in all honesty they should

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Anonymous No. 16326235

plants don't really seem to give a shit

Anonymous No. 16326629

Then why do they release toxins against predators and emit specific frequencies when preyed upon?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16328400

Plants have the spark of life, a desire to grow and prosper. The vegans don't have that, they're retarded enough to want to prove a point or something or just to show off and virtue signal through self harm. As if being retarded enough to voluntarily harm yourself is a virtue.

Anonymous No. 16328405

What kind of insect eating hell are they trying to create for us

Anonymous No. 16328456

Plants can feel fear, too.
There was an experiment a while back where scientists took some plants and then set a speaker next to them. The speaker played sounds of caterpillars chewing on plant leaves. The plants that were exposed to the sound begin exhibiting heightened levels of stress as viewed through certain chemicals they released (I don't remember the specifics) while the other plants obviously showed no such reaction.

So do vegans only care about life when it's convenient? Is it just a matter of how much they can anthropomorphize the animal in question to suddenly determine whether that life as having value?
Who made them the arbiters to determine what life has such value? They won't even eat a goldfish or some such but are fine with chopping down a hundred-year-old oak so we can make more vegan patties?

I really don't get it... To me it feels so arbitrary and selective.

Why is it that vegans seem to be the only group who feel entitled to tell other people what they should or shouldn't eat? Hell, man, they go even further and are even attempting to force them through authority.

Anonymous No. 16328941

Certain plants evolved tasty, nourishing fruits for the sole reason of animals eating them and spread their seed with manure.

>do vegans only care about life when it's convenient?
everybody does

Anonymous No. 16329011

You realize that's a literal strawman, right? Just conveniently ignoring anything inconvenient. You're a vegan, huh?

Anonymous No. 16329034

>Just conveniently ignoring anything inconvenient.
What exactly?

>You're a vegan, huh?
No, I very much enjoy eating meat and don't plan to stop.

Anonymous No. 16329042

>What exactly?
>No, I very much enjoy eating meat and don't plan to stop.
That's a relief.
Side-note: Avocados are one of those fruits you mentioned. Think of the things that had to shit that out.

Anonymous No. 16329065

>Fruits are plants
Never forget that vegans are this retarded.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16329133

>he stil believes in le capitalism

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Anonymous No. 16329141

>he still believes in le capitalism

Anonymous No. 16329149

>Why are scientists doing this
>Why are scientists

there is your answer.

Anonymous No. 16329202

why is this thread still active?

Anonymous No. 16329222

Money. If you're in an institution and your billionaire says you will eat bugs, better figure out how to eat bugs.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16329990

Vegans are low IQ, they're too low IQ to achieve adult levels of intelligence, thats why they behave like children.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16331237


Anonymous No. 16332893

This is pure evil

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16333994

thats what scientists are, the whole meme of them being decent people is just a recently created false ideal thats been shilled via the media monopolists.
if you were following news of real scientists instead of hollywood memes then you'd realize that scientists are just greedy dogfuckers completely lacking in morals and terminally embittered at humanity because the high school girls didn't like them and chose chad instead

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16335248

you're painfully stupid, you should stop posting if you're so concerned about ending suffering

Anonymous No. 16336013

>Why is it that vegans seem to be the only group who feel entitled to tell other people what they should or shouldn't eat?
Do you believe cannibalism is okay? Or did you arbitrarily choose that humans shouldn't be eaten? Do you feel entitled to not being eaten?

Anonymous No. 16336116

Most of the world is still convinced that science isn’t another name for sorcery, and that the ‘dark arts’ side of science doesn’t exist. It does.

Anonymous No. 16336130

I refuse to be dissuaded from consuming foods that the elites are free to enjoy.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16337256

bill gates is an obese blob with moobs and zero muscle, whatever it is he is eating, you're probably ill advised to mimic his habits

Anonymous No. 16337258

Maybe eating bugs gave him bitch tits?
Who am I kidding? Dude probably indulges in the finest of everything and in excess.

Anonymous No. 16337659

There is a conspiracy against all dairy products.

Anonymous No. 16337663

>Some humans, like myself, need regular milking.
Lactose Intolerant people legitimately hate us and want us to be deprived and starve to death.

Anonymous No. 16337851

He's an old man, natty and doesn't lift. Most will look like that absent roids and/or lifting.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16338979

Thats why simply letting vegans exist is a mistake. They need to be eliminated, if they aren't then they will always conspire against the existence of healthy foods like meat and dairy and try to eliminate, poison them or otherwise make them inaccessible

Anonymous No. 16340447

i'd be totally OK with holocausting them. what would we be losing?
name one important worthwhile vegan anywhere in any field
protip: you can't because there aren't any

Anonymous No. 16340480

You are all wrong, don't write about stuff you are completely ignorant.



🗑️ Anonymous No. 16342160

>oy vey eat the bugs goy

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16343330

you have no idea what you're talking about, you've never raised chickens

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16345125

>plants were smart enough to do that, but i'm still willing to murder them for food even though i refuse to eat meat

Anonymous No. 16345149

I never got eating insects
They don't have muscles like lobsters and crabs
They're just full of goo

Anonymous No. 16345495

who is that quote from?

Anonymous No. 16346274

> ads of hollywood celebrities eating bugs
> normies will be "WOOOOW SO COOL" on social media
> goyim now eating bugs
> holywood celebrities and elite back to eating juicy and delicious cow meat

this is just a humiliation ritual as some other anon said, do you really think (((they))) will eat the bugs?

Anonymous No. 16346530

cows should eat grasses
grains are unhealthy and grain stalks are bad for them
it makes the cow less tasty

Anonymous No. 16346778

>I don't know what grains are or where they come from

Anonymous No. 16346836

This is a dumb argument by someone who has clearly never bothered looking into why people don't participate in cannibalism.
No, cannibalism is not ok and not just for the moral reasons but because it has severe negative health consequences due to Prion Disease that will inevitably lead to death. There's nothing "arbitrary" about it.

If you want to play strawman games or deflect then at least think of something that isn't retarded.

Anonymous No. 16346848

My shit is fruit for bugs, but that doesn't make it the same as eating me. Plus, there's reproductive utility in the process of creating those fruits and typically the plant itself isn't harmed in any way by the consumption.
So at what point does life gain intrinsic value?