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Anonymous No. 16292572

>Apollo 11 photographed by 5 different countries

Do space agencies take crappy photos on purpose?

Anonymous No. 16292580

Why indian camera has the best quality?

Anonymous No. 16292589

Why is China's so bad?

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Pajeet Romance Kino.webm

Anonymous No. 16292600

>Indians caught it at Lunar "magic hour"
Pajeets were born for great cinema.

Anonymous No. 16292612

they're all in on the conspiracy

Anonymous No. 16292620

they stole an iPhone and attached it to a probe

once human No. 16292671

>indian joker

Anonymous No. 16292836

Apollo missionsalready took great photos of the landing site, I fail to see why you would want worse images of it just to compromise the actual mission those photos are meant to achieve.

Anonymous No. 16292906

ChinChin, is that you?!

Anonymous No. 16293338

maybe they had a lower orbit? i could check it out but i can't be bothered

Anonymous No. 16293356

Go to your window and take a photo of an ant in the tree across the street. Let us know how it turns out.

Anonymous No. 16293417


Anonymous No. 16293469

It probably looks better quality because it has a higher contrast. Look at the craters, the sun is lower in the Indian picture.

Anonymous No. 16293530

thats a good point. they always aimed to land during similar light conditions to the one shown in that shot from the indian orbiter for the same reason.

Anonymous No. 16293793

You go up there and take a shot if you think you can do better