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Anonymous No. 16292639

It's impossible to make a breakthrough past your 20s
AND There hasn't been a breakthrough in physics in the past 75 years; in one post.

Anonymous No. 16292792

Maxwell was 30 when he published his groundbreaking paper.

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Anonymous No. 16292822

>There hasn't been a breakthrough in physics since physics became overrun with jews

Anonymous No. 16292949


As of any of you actually care about breakthroughs. Stop listening to human "authorities" and look at evidence and observation and then maybe those of us who have made breakthroughs will give af about sharing them with you. You all are brainwashed.

Anonymous No. 16292950

I've got many groundbreaking ideas i just can't prove them

Anonymous No. 16292955

i think Schrödinger was like 39 when he published his wave equation, and Goodenough was like 58 when he did his nobel-winning work on li-ion batteries.

Anonymous No. 16292960


The problem with you midwits is that you fail to understand that all human knowledge is at our fingertips, and so theose most interested in making a breakthrough will simply put in the work outside of academia, then when they do so, by I don't know, modeling fundamental physics on a laptop or some sht, you'll call him a schizo for not paying to be peer reviewed or attend some brainwashing university.

Like I said, you all are brainwashed. You're midwits. Utterly incapable of understanding what is possible in this day and age.

There ARE people making breakthroughs. Serious irrefutable breakthroughs. But because the Royal Society or whatever Jesuit institute hasn't given their permission you ignor them. You fcking clowns.

So those wo do make breakthroughs have other ways of identifying each other, and you wouldn't even understand those breakthroughs if they hit you on the head. You're too dumb. Too slave minded. To sheeplike

Anonymous No. 16292969

You people are too stupid to understand the theory if everything. It can be explained to you at a 5-year-old level and you still don't get it. You are utterly and completely incapable of understanding that because every force is mutually interactive that they can all be fit in the same equation, and then simplify. You don't even understand what I'm talking about right now. You're brain is not wired for it. You are sheep. Slaves. Incapable of soveign thought. One of these days your handlers will give you permission to be free - in youre next life, lol.

B00T No. 16292972

The theory of everything is Dimension/Dimension(such as 3D/3D), and it includes Time cube(by Gene Ray).

Anonymous No. 16292973


And yes, I know about the grammar and spelling errors. As of I give af to type slowly for you all. You all are contemptible. The universe is dead simple - ALL OF IT - up to an including the source equation of everything, as soon as you are willing to tell your "authorities" and their worm holes, and string theories, and big bangs, and uncertainty principles, and non-localities to FCK RIGHT OFF. You won't. Because you are sheep slaves.

Anonymous No. 16292977

This is so fucking retarded. Go back go husstlers university you gimp

Anonymous No. 16292978

I could literally explain it to you as a if you were 5 and you still wouldn't get it.

Matter and energy are one, call it E. Space is continuous. Time is the speed of causality, the speed of calculation. The calculations occure simultaneously and locally while conserving the sum total.

I just gave you everything you need to know to simulate all 4 forces from 1 equation.

People have.

But not you. You don't even understand what I wrote. You're too busy trying to figure out what a Higs Boson is, or whatever new word they invented to confuse your mind over something that COULD NOT BE SIMPLER.

You all are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 16292981

math has ruined physics

Anonymous No. 16292984

You all think these words are real

Higgs Boson
Black hole
P brane

You all are TOO STUPID to see the underlying pattern

You're too stupid to understand that being smart is not about big words.

You're too stupid to even understand what I'm driving at

Anonymous No. 16294256

>There hasn't been a breakthrough in physics in the past 75 years
it's because well-adjusted men used to be guaranteed a regular wife and career whereas today you have neither and so people never get past the initial slump that facilitates progress, they're wasting time on dating apps getting no where