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🧵 Tic tac toe 9 board graph complexity

Anonymous No. 16292667

I designed a variant of tic tac toe when I was like 12.

Now, I decided to code it on godot, after like 20 years of playing it on my school notebooks.

Can any mathfag here calculate how complex is the graph of moves?

Rules are the same as tic tac toe, but on a 9 grid.
The score function is basically to check a star of 3 diagonals and 3 ortho moves, starting from the x y position, like a star check.

Anonymous No. 16292691

>Rules are the same as tic tac toe, but on a 9 grid.
So the first player wins on his third turn every time unless he goes full retard?

Anonymous No. 16292695

even chess has the first player have an advantage unless he goes full retard.

Anonymous No. 16292697

Squareladen matrices don't obey the rules of squarefree matrices. Also diagonals are a non modular characteristic no one really cares about

Anonymous No. 16292698

Look at the webm.

Game ends when all the empty squares are done.

There's plenty of space for the second player to go ahead or the first one to fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16292703

Not him but your webm is too slow and dull to matter. What is your point?

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Anonymous No. 16292706

I just coded the game, I don't know how to play, lol.

Still an interesting math thread.

Anonymous No. 16292708

That one is as boring as the first.

Anonymous No. 16292709

Even with such rules the first player can just start by putting a circle in the middle in the first turn and then copy the actions of the other player rotated by 180° around the middle and he will never be able to lose like this.

Anonymous No. 16292710

It's a tic tac toe variant.

What do you expect?

Anonymous No. 16292712

the graph is bigger than the simpler original game.

Anonymous No. 16292716

Tic tac toe isn't boring. This is a timed question. How many winning ttt squares are there with and without the diagonal?

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Captura de pantal....png

Anonymous No. 16292721

Same scoring rules as tic tac toe.

But a diference is that tiles that are counted in a 3 line, becomes gray and can't easily be counted towards new lines.

Anonymous No. 16292725

That's not an answer.

Anonymous No. 16292732

I'm just coding the game.

I'm just wondering other anons opinions, and maybe fixing the boring issue.

Anonymous No. 16292735

I'm just wondering what you mean by complexity.

Anonymous No. 16292736

well, the posibility graph.

How big is the search tree graph.

Anonymous No. 16292743

You can't even answer how many ttt pass through a 2^9 square. Until you can answer that along with the auxiliary question, I won't tell you anything about a 2^81 square.

Anonymous No. 16292745

I'm a drawfag, not a CS guy.

Anonymous No. 16292748

Why do you care about a 9x9 matrix so much?

Anonymous No. 16292751

It was the first game I designed as a little kid.

Anonymous No. 16292753

What year and in what language did you code it?

Anonymous No. 16292756

on my school notebooks, lmao.

I was too young to know how to code.

Anonymous No. 16292760

What you're looking for is


What you do with it is in your hands.

Anonymous No. 16292764

>Now, I decided to code it on godot

I'm still waiting

Anonymous No. 16292766

I spent most of my IQ points learning art skills, lol.

Still tweaking it.

Need to make it more interesting than just boring tic tac toe.

Anonymous No. 16292773

Paint it then.

Anonymous No. 16292881

>Find a group to describe the symmetries to reduce the search tree
>Code up a minimax algorithm with alpha beta pruning

Anonymous No. 16293323

wow, a rare intelligent poster on /sci/