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🧵 What causes CFS/ME?

Anonymous No. 16292787

And what is the cure for it?

Seems pretty horrific, and it feels absurd that The Medical Community and The Science are just content with shrugging their shoulders and saying "we don't know, oh well lol".

Anonymous No. 16292791

>What causes CFS/ME?
the covid vax

Anonymous No. 16292801

>Maeve Boothby-O’Neill, 27...died at home in Exeter, Devon, in October 2021.
>She had been suffering from fatigue since the age of 13, [around 2007]
>which got worse after she completed her A-levels [most likely around 2012]

Anonymous No. 16292820

>smoking causes cancer
>noooo, there have been cases of cancer before cigarettes were invented, therefore you're wrong

Anonymous No. 16292831

it's just depression kickstarted by getting sick removing most of the common coping mechanisms.

Anonymous No. 16292920


Anonymous No. 16292923

If she couldn't chew why didn't her monther feed her the cream?

Anonymous No. 16292926

maybe she was worried about the high saturated fat intake

gotta stay healthy!

Anonymous No. 16293524

Anti-depressants don’t work in CFS though.

Anonymous No. 16293528

It’s something intracellular, that’s for sure.
That’s why it’s so hard to find a detailed explanation and associated treatment.
It’s either some kind of (mutated form?) virus with almost purely intracellular cycle or a metabolic disfunction inside the cell triggered by an infection / overexertion.

Anonymous No. 16293539

>chronic fatigue
Literally a made up female disease

Anonymous No. 16293543

20-40% of people with CFS are men.

Anonymous No. 16293555

Thank you for defending Pfizer. 10 social credit points have been added to your CBDC digital identity wallet.

Anonymous No. 16293615

Doesn't exist. It's just women being hysterical, as usual.

Anonymous No. 16293677

The Pfizer stock is really struggling now, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16293683

Get this chump, shilling for the medico-industrial complex. Literally just medicalizing being sleepy. Bro, get out more.

Anonymous No. 16293706

Anti-depressants work on a good portion of depression cases either.
Specific anti-depressants work for specific kinds of depression. Depression is a wide range of disorders with similar symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16293718

Tbh I had depression earlier in my life, now I have ME/CFS.
At least from an internal perspective, these two conditions don’t feel much, if anything, like each other.
I don’t feel sad (let alone suicidal) with CFS. I’m only frustrated that it limits my ability to do things because I sleep much of the day and have trouble staying awake for the rest of it. Think of not sleeping for 3 days straight but it never goes away. With depression, one just gives up on everything. With CFS you try your best to do stuff, it’s just you don’t have the energy to.

Anonymous No. 16293723

The most common pathology is depression is precisely what you described with CFS.
You can't do shit, except sleep.

Anonymous No. 16293728

Your pills don't do shit, pharma shill.

Anonymous No. 16293733

Idk, maybe I’m focusing on my individual case too much and you’re onto something, I’ll think it through later. Maybe it could be a “depression without the mood part”.
My point was that from an external point of view, the symptoms may look the same but when viewed internally, be caused by two different factors.
I.e. I’m inactive because I feel like it doesn’t matter if I am vs I’m inactive because I lack energy to do so / have trouble staying awake.

Anonymous No. 16293738

Depression is a symptom, not the cause.

Anonymous No. 16293740

I am sorry for your experience, depression is a complicated and difficult condition to treat.
Recovery usually only happens through lifestyle change, medication is meant to aid in that process. It is not a cure. If doctors misuse the medication, you should discuss it with them.

Anonymous No. 16293770

Its just brain damage.
All feelings and sensations are created in the brain. This includes the feeling of being tired. A whacky brain can simply keep the tired signal turned on all the time, its like those people that have chronic pain that just never goes away, the brain just decided to feel pain on a permanent basis. Normal? No, thats what brain diseases are

Anonymous No. 16293824

You can as well say that about depression and that it’s a brain locked in its *very* sad state.
There are meds to break that lock-in though. There aren’t any for CFS.

Anonymous No. 16293829

Depression has nothing to do with sadness.

Anonymous No. 16293838

>woman moment

Anonymous No. 16293847

That’s literally THE thing defining it.
And other symptoms stem from it.

Anonymous No. 16293924

Strong, white genes right there.

Anonymous No. 16293975

no, the key symptom of depression is fatigue

Anonymous No. 16294765

That’s simply not true. Look up any medical definition of depression.

Anonymous No. 16294788

Serious answer here, as I had a temporary version of it two weeks ago. Let me set the stage
>Deadlift what should've been a light weight for me
>Feel shooting pains everywhere
>Can't replicate feeling immediately after
>Finish workout anyway with pulling exercises
>Rest of day and next three days on deaths door
>No energy
>Constant fatigue
>No appetite
>Entire nervous system feels shut down
>Hands and forearm spontaneous shooting pains
>Sleeping almost all day
>Constant chills despite 90F + 100% humidity
>In sweater and sweatpants, sleeping with comforter
>Felt like flu fatigue without viral symptoms
>Felt like neuropathy from consuming too much alcohol, trying to wobbly walk
I'm 95% confident it was CNS fatigue, and in my research found that CNS fatigue was related to chronic fatigue syndrome
My friend claims to have it and his symptoms matched mine, and muscle biopsies indicated his muscles were fine. People often call it psychosomatic, and I believe that is what spirals it into chronic symptoms. But at its core, having experienced it a temporary version, I'm 100% convinced it is related to CNS shutdown. It's often acquired after your body fights a virus, and I suppose your body is just so fuckin bitch made that the fatigue inflicted on your CNS never went away (that is, maybe psychosomatically you never recovered).

With CNS fatigue it's a survival mechanism to shut down your body while overtraining. I suspect chronic fatigue syndrome is when your body gets sick, and your body has to shutdown other processes to combat the virus, and you fail to ever recover for either psychological reasons or autoimmune genetic reasons.

Anonymous No. 16294793

>CNS Fatigue
Sounds like an illness made up by feminized men. The west is sick, and this is proof.

Anonymous No. 16294796

>lmao you made it up

Anonymous No. 16294797

lol. No one has ever died of CFS.

Anonymous No. 16294801

If you worked out seriously you'd know it's a real thing, retard. But you don't workout at all, so you don't even know what doms feels like, let alone what it is.

B00T No. 16294804

And you don't know what subs feel like fag

Get the fuck off mah sci

Anonymous No. 16294806

>Being this defensive over an internet post
The amount of estrogen in your blood is probably on par with biological females.

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Anonymous No. 16294809

>Working out until your body literally shuts down is feminine

Anonymous No. 16294810

>Lift 80lbs
>I lift soooooo much.

B00T No. 16294811

Yeah but no.

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Anonymous No. 16294815

Fat fags lmao

Anonymous No. 16294823

>Be posting online
>Need to post a picture of yourself becomes impossible to ignore
>Just have to do it
>Have to pooooost
The feminization of the west continues unabashed.

Anonymous No. 16294827

Tell the audience what masculinity is, And how your behavior is allegedly masculine. I'm not talking about this thread. What do you do in life that you allege is masculine.

Anonymous No. 16294828

>Feminized male, after proving themselves to be feminized, starts to accuse others of actually being feminized.
Typical woman behavior.

Anonymous No. 16295004

You had COVID dumbass it doesn't have real respiratory symptoms anymore
>COVID wuz fake
No, it was a very real bioweapon

Anonymous No. 16296027

Don’t spread dangerous conspiracy theories

Anonymous No. 16296033


Anonymous No. 16296040

It was a joke lol