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🗑️ 🧵 Ufo

Ausso one No. 16292919

How do I get abducted by aliens ? I need a free ride off this planet. I owe back taxes to the irs and they won’t stop calling me.

Anonymous No. 16293032

They are attracted by CO2 that's why they stopped coming, we lowered our carbon emissions. But if you lock yourself in a garage for example, and turn on your car they will come for you. I tested it, I'm in Venus rn, lots of CO2 here, mars is also nice but a little colder

Anonymous No. 16293065

>How do I get abducted by aliens ?

I'd advise against it.
There's a distinct not-zero-percent chance that aliens are actually just demons/elves playing tricks on us because they think it's funny. It would certainly explain the anal probes.
There's also the way more probable outcome that Aliens may abduct people because making a humanoid robot is infinitely way more expensive than simply stealing a few thousand humans to work on their alien plantation. One moment you think they're curing your cancer because they're hyper-intelligent benevolent beings, but the next moment you realized that was just an obligate health checkup before being dropped off onto the Carboniferous humid jungle planet of Xyclon to be a tenant farmer forever.

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Anonymous No. 16293075

Smoke DMT. The DMT entities have connections to UFOs.

Anonymous No. 16293076

>That there are other intelligences out there in the universe.
>That ultimately all intelligences must evolve away from their biological origins towards artificially manufactured forms of intelligence which have the advantages of eternal life, unrestricted size, and direct control over the parameters of their own nature.
>That it is in the best interests of any intelligence to propagate its own kind throughout the universe to the exclusion of competing forms, i.e. that intelligences that adopt this strategy will thereby proliferate.
>Acceptance of these assumptions, together with the above mentioned insight, leads to some rather startling conclusions. Artificially manufactured life forms need not propagate themselves physically from planet to planet, all they need to do is to transmit their ‘pattern’, or the instructions for how to build them. In this way they can disperse themselves practically at the speed of light. What they need at the receiving end is some life form that is intelligent enough to receive the signal and act on it. In other words, if some alien life form knew of our existence, it would be in their interests to beguile us into manufacturing a copy of their form here on earth. This form would then proceed to scan the skies in our locality in search of other gullible life forms. In this way, their species acts as a kind of galactic virus, taking advantage of established life forms to induce them to make copies of their own kind.

>They will then give us instructions on how to build a machine that will cure all the problems of the world and make us all happy. When the machine is complete, it will ‘disinfect’ the planet of competing life forms and begin to scan the skies from earth in search of further nascent planets.

Anonymous No. 16293388

>I owe back taxes to the irs and they won’t stop calling me
Not even aliens are going to help at this point