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Anonymous No. 16292967

What is the current progress on developing defecation-free food sources?

And what are the health effects of prolonged periods without defecation?

Anonymous No. 16293041

I’ve thought about this before. I’ve experimented a lot with bodybuilding, dieting, and preparing for sodomy, and I’ve noticed that certain foods produce much less shit than others. If you get your carbs from sugar in a fluid and the majority of your calories are carbohydrates, that’s a good start. You should eat almost no fat except for tiny amounts of peanuts that you chew thoroughly. And very small amounts of egg whites, beans, and turkey for protein, making sure to chew very thoroughly.

You will still piss and shit, but you won’t shit very much and your shit will be small and soft. You can get so many vitamins from fruit juice, too.

Anonymous No. 16293046


Anonymous No. 16293052

Let me add onto this by saying that, I don’t think there are any downsides to not shitting. Only upsides. This is what has caused me to change my mind about bulking up a lot. This is what motivates me to lose weight sometimes. Less solid mass working through my digestive tract just makes me feel so much cleaner and healthier. Compared to when I’m bulking up and carbo loading with tons of protein I feel slowed down, bloated, a lack of energy. I can take some pretty big shits sometimes when I’m bulking, but I never get constipated because I drink a lot of water and eat lots of fiber.

A mostly juice diet that will give you smaller less frequent shits is difficult because juice isn’t very filling. Some people do it as a cleanse. Frank Zane swallowed hundreds of capsules filled with basic amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. I suppose if you experimented enough with diet and supplements and learned enough about nutrition, you could eventually figure out a sustainable diet that would produce almost no poop or gas. However I think it would take a great deal of willpower to actually stick to this diet. Your intestinal health would probably be amazing in old age though.

Anonymous No. 16293681

>What is the current progress on developing defecation-free food sources?
It is possible, especially with fibre free diets. You don't want to do this.
>And what are the health effects of prolonged periods without defecation?
After 7 - 10 days (cannot remember anymore) I had to take a dump. I thought I was about to give birth to a brick - sideways. You really, really don't want this.

There is some interest in the field, for use in space and for pilots. Both groups have had unwanted experiences. I think NASA had a request for tender going, not sure how that ended up.
And of course someone on 4ch wanted to make a banesuit with built in waste elimination.I don't think we ever heard back from him.

Anonymous No. 16293682

>I don’t think there are any downsides to not shitting
Besides killing the bacteria in your colon