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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16293029

Every academic job application makes me write an essay about how much I love DEI and makes me want to kms

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Anonymous No. 16293057

that's because you are a little bitch

Anonymous No. 16293061

just submit a 100gb pdf of "nigger" repeating

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Anonymous No. 16293069

Whats your field? Noone signed up to be an acolyte in a priesthood and if your a historian you can easily see how your being set up. Im trying to find individuals with a nerve to do something about it. Begrudgingly writing these papers destroys scientific institution in long run

Anonymous No. 16293080

literally just use AI

Anonymous No. 16293081

>Dear HR person, I liek diverse people cuz I wanna learn new foods to appropriate. sincerely, anon.

Anonymous No. 16293092

god damn

Anonymous No. 16293093

>In closing, I believe that whether you're black, gay, a woman, or normal, you deserve an equal chance to make your way in society.

Anonymous No. 16293095

>apply for grant so i can afford to finish my research and go to a conference this year
>have to include an entire section on how my research into nonthermal plasmas promotes racial diversity and raises awareness about the plight of women in the middle east or whatever
it's all so tiresome... i just want to stare at my glowy gas and geek out over probe sweeps.

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Cult of Passion No. 16293096


As in "Two became one flesh."

>A ghost and a shell.
A Spirit and a Vessel.

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Cult of Passion No. 16293097

In the Garden, again...

Anonymous No. 16293400

For low IQ tasks you usually use chatgpt

Anonymous No. 16294364

Same problem in algebraic geometry.

Anonymous No. 16294374

One of the few genuine use cases of AI right now is that chatbots are god-tier at shitting out useless HR boilerplate for you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16294857

This is unironically not allowed anymore since equality is bigotry and now we need 'equity'

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16294859

This is exactly why the world has gone to shit. Look at how many FAGGOT ASS PUSSIES are in this thread right now, just telling you to ignore it and use a fuckin AI to copy and paste something. Every single one of you little cock sucking wastes of life need to get punched in the fucking eye

Anonymous No. 16294883

i said do a flip faggot

Anonymous No. 16295018

Stand up to that BA in social work with some edgy essay that you spent hours on. Enjoy not being employable.

Anonymous No. 16295125

>Begrudgingly writing these papers destroys scientific institution in long run
The people writing these applications have no power in academia and can't be expected to be the ones to speak out. Keep your head down and let the tenured professors fight about it.

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Anonymous No. 16295182

If they had no power
They wouldnt be required to write these

Anonymous No. 16295215

They do have power. Being born into power and getting a BA in something useless gives you far more power than getting a STEM PhD from the best university in a place does.

Anonymous No. 16295216

They are required to write them to filter out people like you. The demand for academic jobs far exceeds the supply, and for every person like you who will not write a diversity statement there are many more who will. A fair portion of applicants will even agree with the politics of it. That's why academic job applicants have no power to change it.

If you want to make a difference it is better to lie, get into academia, and change it once you have the power to do so.

Anonymous No. 16295280

Fair point.

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Anonymous No. 16296146

Get away from that cult, is not the way to acquire knowledge. Instead wasting your time on nonsense learn something you can monetize.

Anonymous No. 16296156

Academia is cushy though

Anonymous No. 16296174

Don't pretend like you actually enjoyed all the extracurricular activities you were forced to pad your college applications with. The only reason you're more mad about a forced DEI statement than forced socialization is that the political media you consume tells you you should be.

Anonymous No. 16296197

Idiotic statement.

Anonymous No. 16296200

There's no better outcome than a post that unabashedly describes itself.

Anonymous No. 16296203

>unironcially posting a "no u"

Anonymous No. 16296206

>unironically posting a "Kek"

Anonymous No. 16296211


Anonymous No. 16296213

Your deference is noted.

Anonymous No. 16296222

Stuff like this is why I'll always respect Jordan Peterson.

Anonymous No. 16296228

How is it different than joining the Tuba Players for Meals on Wheels Club?

Anonymous No. 16296304


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Anonymous No. 16296307

No as said before
>Begrudgingly writing these papers destroys scientific institution in long run

>They are required to write them to filter out people like you
Exactly my point, your being set up, your not winning the hearts of the independents. You can try to change it from the inside if you wish (you wont) and when the pitch forks come youll be lumped in with the acolytes the same.

Again, lookong for anons who want to do something more than complain. Academia was supposed to be togas in debates not a yesman mill

Anonymous No. 16296313

How is writing a forced DEI statement to get an academic job different than being forced to participate in a social club you don't like to get an acceptance letter?

Anonymous No. 16296322

In both cases you've involuntarily volunteered to be part of a group you don't like for careerism. So careerism is built in. Then why do you think DEI is a singular evil that transcends the careerism you've already subscribed to?

Anonymous No. 16296413

It's the difference between going to a family reunion and being forced to say 2+2=5.

Anonymous No. 16296421

Also, you're not required to join clubs to become a professor. But you absolutely are required to worship at the altar of DEI.

Anonymous No. 16296449

>going to a family reunion
There's a difference but it's not that. How is being forced to lie about 2+2=5 in order to get a job in academia worse than being forced to partipicate in any other group for social status in order to get accepted as a student?

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Anonymous No. 16296454


Anonymous No. 16296458

That's not an answer.

Anonymous No. 16296485

There's no pitchforks coming. Your graph shows no decline in independent support in the last 20 years despite the rise of diversity statements. There's barely any dip in Republican support.

The problem is being worked out, and the DEI program is clearly declining from a peak around 2020, so there is no need for applicants with no power anyway to throw away their job prospects over it.

Anonymous No. 16296582

Because one is a temporary inconvenience and the other is a form of thought police. You're also ignoring the fact that you don't need to join clubs to be an academic.

Anonymous No. 16296599

Why is one a form of thought police but not the other?
Why is one a temporary inconvenience but not the other?
You do and will always need to join clubs to participate in academia. I'm simply pointing out that one of the most basic requirements to apply for an undergraduate degree is already more slavish and onerous that writing a DEI statement. I'm hardly a fan of DEI racism but no one can challenge the truth that writing a fellatory statement about it is much less annoying than the prerequisite to join a bunch of extracurricular social clubs.

Anonymous No. 16296756

You don't have to join a club to get into college or get an academic job, so I don't know why you keep saying this. Also, you're ignoring the fact that people can join clubs that they like. If you don't like the Tuba Players for Meals on Wheels Club you can join anime club, or chess club, or do music. You're not forced to pretend to have an opinion you don't have by joining these clubs. They're not even close to being the same thing.

Anonymous No. 16296768

apply at a different university or in a different state. or just get a regular job...

Anonymous No. 16296769

You can't get into any real college without joining at least 2 or 3 clubs. The fact that you don't know this is already enough to tell me that your opinion about anything related to this topic is worthless. Moreover, you have no idea how to express your blind intuition that a DEI statement is somehow worse than any other form of forced socialization. You're a clown with no ideas. Go to bed.

Anonymous No. 16296776

>You can't get into any real college without joining at least 2 or 3 clubs.
Not true.
>The fact that you don't know this is already enough to tell me that your opinion about anything related to this topic is worthless.
Actually, it looks like you're the one who blindly believes everything he's told.
>Moreover, you have no idea how to express your blind intuition that a DEI statement is somehow worse than any other form of forced socialization
It's actually very clear to everyone. It's demoralizing in a way your other examples aren't. You keep insisting they're the same, but no one believes you.
>You're a clown with no ideas. Go to bed.

Anonymous No. 16296796

>Not true.
Then you'll have no problem naming any worthwhile university that doesn't ask for a list of extracurricular social clubs as part of the admission process.

>You keep insisting they're the same, but no one believes you.
I keep asking you to describe how they're different, but all you can do is flailingly appeal to a consensus that only exists in your own disheveled mind.

Anonymous No. 16296811

>ask for a list of extracurricular social clubs
This is not the same as a requirement. You can get into any UC without having joined a club. Plus, as I mentioned, you can join clubs for things you like.
>I keep asking you to describe how they're different,
It is obvious how they are different. Above, I compared writing a DEI statement to being forced to say "2+2=5." The point is both force you to compromise your beliefs and say things that are the opposite of reality. Also, I mentioned that extracurricular activities are temporary, while, if you get an academic job (what the OP is about), you have to constantly pretend that DEI is a good thing. But the bigger point is an extracurricular is something you DO that MIGHT be a bit inconvenient, while OP's situation has to do with compromising BELIEFS.

Why are you pretending people don't choose which extracurriculars they partake in?

Anonymous No. 16296833

>OP's situation has to do with compromising BELIEFS
Being forced to join any social club compromises your beliefs. I'm asking you to present an argument for why being forced to write a DEI statement is eschatologically worse than being forced to join any other club you don't like. My counterargument is that writing a single essay is less tedious than participating long enough to establish yourself as a member.
>get into any UC
I don't know what a UC is and don't care. Name one good school that doesn't ask for a list of extracurricular activities.
>Why are you pretending people don't choose which extracurriculars they partake in?
Why are you pretending people wouldn't rather not participate in none of the above? I'm asking why being forced to partake in an extracurricular activity is somehow less "compromising" or conformist than being forced to write a paragraph or two about some other conformist garbage,

Anonymous No. 16296841

>Being forced to join any social club compromises your beliefs
You're not forced to do this. Stop lying.
>I don't know what a UC is and don't care. Name one good school that doesn't ask for a list of extracurricular activities.
You're too dumb to use google then.
>I'm asking why being forced to partake in an extracurricular activity is somehow less "compromising" or conformist than being forced to write a paragraph or two about some other conformist garbage,
I have already explained it, you're just refusing to understand.

Anonymous No. 16296844

You can't even name a single viable university that doesn't ask for a list of extracurricular activities in their admission paperwork. You are a clown.

Anonymous No. 16296851

>ask for
Again, this is not the same as a REQUIREMENT. And I already mentioned several.
>You are a clown.

Anonymous No. 16296854

And you never addressed my point that you can choose your extracurriculars. Just join anime club if other extracurriculars make you uneasy.
>but my school doesn't have an anime club
Even better, you start an anime club.

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Anonymous No. 16296963

Zooming out, trust across the board has halfed since closing of the gold window. and lets be honest, theswe are normie numbers, no one from 4ch gets polled.

Pitch forks in modern era will be increased disrespect, ideological radicalism, rogue experimenters, and the odd school bombing

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Anonymous No. 16296974

Zooming in last couple years

The age of nerd shaming and the independent gentleman scientist will return

Anonymous No. 16296975

I cant even find 2023 2024 lmao

Anonymous No. 16297453

Just get in and trust the soience.

Anonymous No. 16297462

Make chat GPT do it

Anonymous No. 16297589

One involves proclaiming allegience to a dogma and one doesn't.
Also, doing a bunch of dumb clubs HELPS you get into a college but it isn't required. On the other hand almost every position specifically requires you to write a diversity statement as part of your application. Go check out mathjobs if you don't believe me.

Anonymous No. 16297705

Social clubs are absolutely a requirement for any good university. You haven't named a single exception, let alone several.
You can't choose none of the above. You can't choose to not participate in any. Being forced to continuously participate in a social gathering is far more obnoxious than writing a short, fictional statement about racist nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16297712

One is a creative writing essay that takes what, half an hour max? The other is a perpetual acting assignment that drains weeks and weeks of your life. And yes, dumb clubs ARE a requirement.

Anonymous No. 16297740

Dumb clubs may be a "requirement" in the sense that you might not be admitted to a top-tier university without them. I went to a mid-tier state school and barely did any clubs in high school except for some musicals. On the other hand nearly every job, even mid-tier ones, will require you to write an affirmation of faith.
You haven't addressed other anon's point that you're allowed to pick your club by the way. I'm not allowed to pick the topic of my diversity-is-our-strength essay

Anonymous No. 16297759

There's no such thing as an independent voter. It's a meme that news pushes. You can plainly see data that shows the overwhelming majority of people vote straight party their entire life. The only difference is the number of people who show up to vote. I live in a communist hellhole state and I am a registered independent, along with the majority of other people, because you will get harassed if you register as a Republican. Magical things happen in California if you register as a Republican. Your life gets harder whenever you go into any government building. This doesn't happen when you're an independent, which is why 90% of Republicans register as independent.

Anonymous No. 16297767

>Your life gets harder whenever you go into any government building.
How so?

Anonymous No. 16297887

You're not allowed to NOT pick a club. You're forced to participate in an ongoing structured social event, driven by a socially-selected leadership, with coparticipants who aspire to be part of that leadership, and you're forced to endure all of the tiresome clubplace politics and cattiness that adhere to such structures.

That said, the reasoning is unassailable: every career forces you into the same workplace dynamic so filtering people who can't make that sacrifice ensures a higher quality of alumni, with respect to career placement and mobility. My only point is spending 30 minutes polishing a turd you don't like is a far less annoying filter that serves the same purpose. Count your blessings.

Anonymous No. 16297943

>ou haven't named a single exception, let alone several.
I listed every UC. You're an idiot.

Anonymous No. 16297944

>You're not allowed to NOT pick a club.
You can join science club. You don't even have to show up, just become a member.

Anonymous No. 16297948

>every career forces you into the same workplace dynamic
Completely untrue. Work from home is more common then ever.

Anonymous No. 16297964

>You're not allowed to NOT pick a club
Repeating a lie over and over and over doesn't make it true, anon.

Anonymous No. 16297980

Take an hour or two to reflect on how this silly stream of collective consciousness only indicts itself.

Anonymous No. 16298133

>Every academic job application makes me write an essay about how much I love DEI and makes me want to kms
Ask me how I know you're in a blue state.

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Anonymous No. 16298150

>an essay about how much I love DEI

Write a long passionate letter supporting more female Chinese students!

Anonymous No. 16298156

You know that's not the ask.

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Anonymous No. 16298161


What you can support female Asian students?
Are you sexist and racist?

Anonymous No. 16298168

I support a whole family of students and ex students. Writing a DEI statement is simply a test of your ability to sacrifice yourself to the employ of your employer. Don't let other people make you mad about it until you have the gravitas to choose for yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16298176

>Writing a DEI statement

I am strongly in support of increasing the number of minority females in Academia.

Anonymous No. 16298180


Anonymous No. 16298210

Must be a faux humanities Ph.D.
I wonder if these people had the presence of mind to push back against the obviously subversive nature of DEI policies that goes against every single national priorities, or the academic morality of the institutions they claim to serve?

Anonymous No. 16298228

>every single national priorities
As foretold, you can't help but indict yourself in every post. Good night and we'll catch up in 16.

Anonymous No. 16298247

I haven't had a single occasion where these types actually address the points made. Do you think our deceptive enemies care how you are mindful enough about not 'indicting' yourself?
We're talking on a different wavelength here.

Anonymous No. 16298723

Everything I see is dangerous

Anonymous No. 16298744

Could you elaborate upon what gets harder?

Anonymous No. 16298747

Take an hour or two to reflect on why you're a boring retarded incel who didn't think to just sign up to the math olympiad club, perform in all relevant local, national, international competitions, and call it a day.
Erm it's a heckin creative writing assignment thoughbeit!!!!

Anonymous No. 16298749

>social clubs
No they aren't you fucking dolt, what kind of a retarded mongrelized dog are you? Your shithole school never had any olympiad or robotics clubs? Is that it?

Anonymous No. 16298750

Still doesnt nullify the point that yall are stealing trust in science from the future to grift today by consenting to having it coopted by sociopolitical agendas

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Cult of Passion No. 16298752

>i said
I say*.

Anonymous No. 16298857

And why haven't you?

Anonymous No. 16299112

They are unless you can name a good university as a counterexample.

Anonymous No. 16299119

>deceptive enemies
Consider reverting to tin. It's more expensive than Reynolds Wrap but shields you better.

Anonymous No. 16299163

Universities in Red states make you do the same shit... only now in addition to the DEI statement you also need to write a statement on how you will 'promote intellectual diversity".

In other words, leftists punish you if you don't dedicate a portion of your class to highlighting the plight of queer transfemale African agricultural workers or issue trigger warnings at the start of every lecture, and righties punish you if you don't dedicate equal time to every crank neoconservative evangelist political viewpoint.

Anonymous No. 16299177

NTA but the underlying truth is that every valuable career path subjugates you to the same designs of flattery. Fulfilling it with a half hour bit of crankery is objectively easier than whatever else you've done to get there.

Anonymous No. 16299184

>just accept the humiliation rituals, anon.

Anonymous No. 16299206

Moving the goalpoasts. Also, every UC is a good school.

Anonymous No. 16299210

>half hour bit of crankery
Still just outright lying. You have to worship at the altar of DEI every day if you're in academia.

Anonymous No. 16299213

Humiliation rituals predate DEI and exist whether you want them to or not.
Moving them from where to where? You're very confused.

Anonymous No. 16299216

I doubt you'd know and I doubt you'd care if it weren't for the media with which you choose to program yourself.

Anonymous No. 16299218

To put a finer point on it, continually naming an amalgam of state colleges as an example of a good university only makes you look worse and worse the longer you do it.

Anonymous No. 16299223

I am from the Bay and I can at least anecdotally say that I know multiple people who went to Cal without substantial club participation, though they were all at least basic members of something. One of my good friends went there and I was the president/co-founder of the club we were in together while he only had a nominal role I gave him to help with his college apps. He didn't ever even go to any of the regional or national competitions others who were into it did. So if that anecdote is anything to go by, they might expect only the very bare minimum of club participation.

Anonymous No. 16299233

Participating in the club defined by your family is no less tiresome or apolitical than participating in any random club.

Anonymous No. 16299392

>Moving them from where to where?
From "you can't get into a university" to "oh those universities don't count."

Anonymous No. 16299397

>I doubt you'd know
Who cares about your doubts.
>and I doubt you'd care if it weren't for the media with which you choose to program yourself.
I don't consume whatever media you think I do, also irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16299405

>amalgam of state colleges
I never mentioned the California state colleges (CSUs), but there is nothing wrong with those colleges.

Anonymous No. 16299413

I never erected either of those goalposts. You can't name a single worthwhile university that doesn't require participation in a social club.
You wouldn't even know about DEI if you didn't consume media.

Anonymous No. 16299416

>half hour bit of crankery
Outing yourself as somebody who hasn't actually applied for these things or gotten feedback from academics. University hiring boards can absolutely tell if you just shit out some vague diversity statement without meaning it.

Anonymous No. 16299419

>Participating in the club defined by your family is no less tiresome or apolitical than participating in any random club.
>He didn't ever even go to any of the regional or national competitions others who were into it did. So if that anecdote is anything to go by, they might expect only the very bare minimum of club participation.
I like how you ignore the statement that directly contradicts your lying.

Anonymous No. 16299422

They aren't collectively a good university. Tell us what you mean by UC.

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Anonymous No. 16299423

>'promote intellectual diversity".

I think we need to include minority femdom females as well as minority submissive females. A diverse intellectual range of females.

Anonymous No. 16299425

>You can't name a single worthwhile university that doesn't require participation in a social club.
Every UC.
>You wouldn't even know about DEI if you didn't consume media.
How would you know?

Anonymous No. 16299427

Which statement contradict my lying?

Anonymous No. 16299429

>Tell us what you mean by UC.
Are you actually a bot or something? This would actually explain a lot.

Anonymous No. 16299432

bot-tier response

Anonymous No. 16299435

>Every UC
Isn't a name.
>How would you know?
How would you have a deeper understanding of what DEI is and does if you didn't consume media?

Anonymous No. 16299436

What's your fascination with bots? Are you worried that the concept describes you better than it describes others?

Anonymous No. 16299559

I do not see how this reply relates to >>16299416 at all

Anonymous No. 16299563

What makes you so sure about
>absolutely tell if you just shit out some vague diversity statement without meaning it

Anonymous No. 16299566

Advice from advisor and academic collaborators during application cycles.

Anonymous No. 16299567

Bad advice is just that.

Anonymous No. 16299570

What makes you so sure that it's bad advice?

Anonymous No. 16299573

I understand the advice to be "DEI statements are analyzed for sincerity: you must be sincere."

Anonymous No. 16299575

Can you really not tell when you're reading meaningless chatgpt slop?

Anonymous No. 16299582

I don't partake in gen z stupidity. Whoever advised you against "shitting out some vague diversity statement without meaning it" didn't have your best interest in mind.

Anonymous No. 16299584

You didn't answer my question though. If you were on a hiring committee for a university, and somebody shat out a generic diversity statement that sounds like chatgpt wrote it, you wouldn't notice?

Anonymous No. 16299590

I am and I would. If you were unable to "shit out" a vague diversity statement without delegating it to a computer, I'd reject your application.

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Anonymous No. 16299594

>"DEI statements are analyzed for sincerity: you must be sincere."

You must declare that there are FIVE lights AND you have to be sincere when you say so!

Anonymous No. 16299595

Oh damn didn't realize I was talking to an actual powerful academic here! Any tips for writing an effective diversity statement? Application season is just around the corner

Anonymous No. 16299598

Imagine how easy it would be to declare this
and ask yourself why you can't.

Anonymous No. 16299603

Here's what I've got so far
>Diversity and equity are very important to me.
Any feedback?

Anonymous No. 16299607


Anonymous No. 16299609

How so?

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Anonymous No. 16299610

>and ask yourself why you can't.

Because it is NOT true, we are NOT better with DEI, we are weaker and dumber for it.
MERIT should be rewarded not a person's gender, race, or sexual orientation.

Anonymous No. 16299612

Says nothing about how and why diversity and equity are very important to your life.

Anonymous No. 16299614

Define merit. What is it and why should it be rewarded?

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Anonymous No. 16299622

>Define merit. What is it and why should it be rewarded?

You should be nominated as the next DEI Supreme Court nominee... IF your gender, race, and sexual orientation are 'correct'

Anonymous No. 16299623

Why does it need to?

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Anonymous No. 16299626

Saar, hire us to swear you love DEI and wrote essay.

Anonymous No. 16299628

No one needs to pass a test. If you want to, it's as easy as conforming to the questions.
I decline the nomination but thank you.

Anonymous No. 16299633

>No one needs to pass a test. If you want to, it's as easy as conforming to the questions.
Yeah but asking you as someone with experience on hiring committees like this, why is it important that I specify why diversity is important to my life personally? Isn't it enough to just acknowledge its importance?

Anonymous No. 16299640

People who can't spin a page of their own autobiography on demand aren't bad people, they're just not valuable or hirable.

Anonymous No. 16299647

Why is writing a page of my own autobiography a valuable skill as a math researcher?

Anonymous No. 16299648

It's not, the thread is
>Every academic job application makes me write an essay about how much I love DEI and makes me want to kms
I'm quite sure you can be a math researcher without applying for an academic job.

Anonymous No. 16299649

Why is writing a page of my own autobiography a valuable skill as a math researcher in academia?

Anonymous No. 16299652

It isn't. Spinning a page is.

Anonymous No. 16299653


Anonymous No. 16299655

Would you allow >>16298161 to ruin your life, anon?

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Anonymous No. 16299659

If a sphere can't split and make a straight line, how can things go on and on and on?

Anonymous No. 16299661


YES... all those horrible nights of hours and hours of sex, when I could have been doing research!

Anonymous No. 16299666

Academia is a mentorship. If you can't spin a story about yourself, you can't attract students who want you to mentor them.

Anonymous No. 16299674

I think I get it now. Diversity statements are required in academic job applications because universities need to make sure that I can spin a quick autobiographical page, because I need to demonstrate the ability to attract potential students by talking about my life in an interesting way. Is that basically it?

Anonymous No. 16299679

>and raises awareness about the plight of women in the middle east or whatever
they wouldn't ask something so antisemitic

Anonymous No. 16299685

Diversity statements are de rigueur because they're easier than what they replaced and ease is a perennial trump card.

Anonymous No. 16299692

What did they replace?

Anonymous No. 16299695

Social networks.

Anonymous No. 16299697

What? Social networks are still way easier to hire on and are the ultimate trump card.
Also why diversity specifically? Wouldn't it make more sense for me to write an autobiographical statement about why math is important?

Anonymous No. 16299698

It's a filter on people who think that "making sense" is more important than polishing a turd you were tasked to polish.

Anonymous No. 16299703

Yeah but why diversity specifically?

Anonymous No. 16299704

Why not?

Anonymous No. 16299709

Because it's irrelevant to science. So why?

Anonymous No. 16299713

Filtering people who overvalue relevance. Why do you care so much about filter we use? The reasoning is limpid.

Anonymous No. 16299715

Seems peculiar that every single university uses the exact same arbitrary topic to give as a shit test. You'd think there would be more variety

Anonymous No. 16299717

It works. What other shit test would get a comparable kickback?

Anonymous No. 16299718

Asking people to be super racist would get way more kick back

Anonymous No. 16299721

There's no space between what you proposed and what you're complaining about.

Anonymous No. 16299724

As an academic with experience on hiring committees, how many times do you recommend I say nigger in my diversity statement?

Anonymous No. 16299728

What job are you applying for?

Anonymous No. 16299731


Anonymous No. 16299732

Of what?

Anonymous No. 16299735


Anonymous No. 16299743

>Professor of University
You're being scammed. Don't apply for that job.

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Anonymous No. 16299752


Just marry a Chinese woman, and tell how much you empathize with all her struggles.

Anonymous No. 16299754

$450K starting salary, not gonna pass this up on the off chance it's a scam

Anonymous No. 16299756

Yes, you're on to something. Do it.

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Anonymous No. 16299799

That is just a cult with extra steps.

Anonymous No. 16299801


Anonymous No. 16299804

What's a cult and why is it bad?

Anonymous No. 16299841

Anonymous No. 16300039

You are not expected to lie in a social event you don't like.

Writing a DEI paper against your own beliefs is writing down false statements. Humans are wired in a way that once they express support for a position, even if they know it is false, agree with it a bit more afterwards. Putting it in writing also makes all futute writing and research comparable to the DEI statement.

If one later wanted to go against their DEI statement they had to either explain their change of heart or admit to having lied. Both things hunans do not like to do.

Requiring applicants to pen a DEI statement therefore entrenches DEI ideas deeper into academia.

Anonymous No. 16300161

Why did this kino filter so many?

Anonymous No. 16300163

What's the symbol on the left guy?

Anonymous No. 16300648

You are. Every social event, whether you like it or not, requires you play a role. Not just writing down a false statement but speaking it and acting it out. Even if it's just presenting good manners and helping other people feel more comfortable with graceful small talk. The only reason you're more upset about being forced to write a onetime fiction than being forced to act out a repeated fiction is that you've programmed yourself to care more about one fiction than the other.

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Data _Is_Racist_2.png

Anonymous No. 16300761

>That is just a cult with extra steps.

Exactly... they already have decided the 'truth' and they will MAKE you agree to it and profess that you agree with it.
Facts, data, reality... these mean nothing, the truth is what THEY say it is

Anonymous No. 16300767

How is that different than forcing you to recite the pledge of allegiance?

Anonymous No. 16300919

Well said.

Anonymous No. 16300922


Anonymous No. 16300927

No, not really.
How so?

Anonymous No. 16301023

>forcing you to recite the pledge of allegiance?

Please tell me what university FORCES students/staff to pledge allegiance before allowing them to attend/hiring them?
You must be underage, you think it is COOL to always be the devils advocate... you are not, it is just annoying

Anonymous No. 16301029

No more or less annoying than a DEI statement. Don't misanswer the analogy, answer it directly.

Anonymous No. 16301063

There's no reason why. It's just a bunch of memes. People are retarded.

Anonymous No. 16301078

How is making you write a personal statement on the importance of diversity different from reciting prewritten sentences in unison?

Anonymous No. 16301080

It's not. What's the argument for why it is?

Anonymous No. 16302039

Can you really think of absolutely zero differences between those scenarios?

Anonymous No. 16302066

None that matter to >>16300761
Can you?

Anonymous No. 16302105

Yes, in one situation you don't need to put any thought into it at all and nobody is actually paying attention to whether you're actually saying anything; in another situation you need to express the dogma sufficiently well or you won't be hired. That wasn't hard at all to think of and it's weird how you couldn't.

Anonymous No. 16302135

If you want to express a difference that doesn’t matter to >>16300761, you can simply go with division over unity.

Anonymous No. 16302145

Does the difference register for you?

Anonymous No. 16302173

Sure. It’s like the difference between driving 53 or 54 in a 55. Nothing to do with the post in question.

Anonymous No. 16302178

It's not clear what you're communicating with this analogy.

Anonymous No. 16302185

That your story here >>16302105 doesn’t matter to >>16300761

Anonymous No. 16302275

But I asked you if *you* appreciated the difference between saying the pledge of allegiance in elementary school and writing an affirmation of faith in every job application

Anonymous No. 16302317

You asked me if I register it, which I do, not if I appreciate it, which I don’t. I recognize the difference and value it at zero.

Anonymous No. 16302328

No you don't, you're just being a silly billy.

Anonymous No. 16302335

The only arguments you’ve presented are incredulity >>16302039 and a cradle rhyme >>16302328

Anonymous No. 16302339

actually I did present an argument between those two posts. You haven't presented any argument about why the two situations are the same however

Anonymous No. 16302348

>You haven't presented any argument about why the two situations are the same however
To be fair, he hasn't really presented arguments this whole thread.

Anonymous No. 16302353

If your implied argument here >>16302105 is that reciting a falsity once creatively sticks to your brain more than reciting a falsity a thousand times dogmatically, then you don’t understand how brains work.

Anonymous No. 16302355

A clapping seal. Wonderful.

Anonymous No. 16302356

Still waiting for your argument about how the two situations are the same

Anonymous No. 16302358

Still waiting for yours on how they’re different?

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Anonymous No. 16302359

>He didn't refuse to say the pledge as a kid.
Not gonna make it.

Anonymous No. 16302360

You literally just quoted it tho

Anonymous No. 16302362

And as a sideshow, argued the opposite.

Anonymous No. 16302365

No you didn't, in fact you seem to agree with me that the two situations are different

Anonymous No. 16302371

So we agree now?

Anonymous No. 16302374

Yes, we agree that forced diversity statements and reciting the pledge of allegiance are different in at least one way.
Another way they are different is that nobody has ever faced consequences for not reciting the pledge of allegiance.

Anonymous No. 16302389

And I went so far as to volunteer a second way >>16302135 that they’re different. That a difference exists doesn’t mean that it supports the one lazily described here >>16300761

Anonymous No. 16302395

How is what he's describing any different from companies forcing new hires to agree that homosexuality is immoral?

Anonymous No. 16302397

It’s not. What’s the argument for why it is?

Anonymous No. 16302402

I don't have one. I agree that forcing me to write a diversity statement to get hired is pretty much like forcing me to write a statement of homophobia. Both are of course bad situations, although thankfully I only have to deal with the former

Anonymous No. 16302412

So we agree after all. There’s no meaningful difference I can think of other than that first trial is real and the second imaginary.

Anonymous No. 16302416

Whereas forcing kids to recite the pledge of allegiance is both imaginary AND pretty different

Anonymous No. 16302417

How so?

Anonymous No. 16302425

You and I have already both pointed out some differences, and the supreme court ruled that students can't be forced to recite the pledge in 1943

Anonymous No. 16302428

No one can be forced to recite a DEI pledge.

Anonymous No. 16302435

>ok we're not gonna force you to say the pledge, we'll just expel you if you don't

Anonymous No. 16302437

stop posting you fucking retard holy shit

Anonymous No. 16302438

Expel you from what? You’re a pledge, not a member.

Anonymous No. 16302444

>you're a pledge, not a member
you having a stroke?

Anonymous No. 16302452

You’re applying to join a club. You’re not already in it.

Anonymous No. 16302459

and in order to join the club you are forced to recite a diversity pledge yes?

Anonymous No. 16302464

Among other things. The requirement to join a handful of other social clubs is objectively more painful by any measure.

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Anonymous No. 16302502

>I love DEI

Tell the Chair that we MUST have more Chinese women on our team.

Anonymous No. 16302506

This might just work.
Makes those DEI staff SEETHE.

Anonymous No. 16302934

CCP shills insert themselves into the weirdest shit.

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Anonymous No. 16303680

>CCP shills

HTF does posting the hottest Asian QT's (probably Chinese because there are a quadzillion Chinese women) make you a CCP shill?

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Anonymous No. 16303686

posting about chink shit that no one cares about, except for chinks, in a thread that has nothing to do with chinks.

Anonymous No. 16303704

Thread stinks of glowes, bots, shills, and bio majors.

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Anonymous No. 16303733

>a thread that has nothing to do with chinks.

WTF do you think DEI *IS*?
It is everyone but White Straight Christian Males.

Anonymous No. 16303766

God damnit that's so good. But a man must consider his reputation unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 16303827

> the political media you consume tells you you should be.

And also because DEI sucks, regardless of what the media says? I came to that conclusion myself

Anonymous No. 16303832

Some careerism activities are annoying but mostly inoffensive. DEI causes great societal harm since it is literally applying systemic discrimination against the majority of the population all for the benefit of a small minority of crazies

Anonymous No. 16304841

Some social clubs are actually fun to be in though

Anonymous No. 16305149

>literally applying systemic discrimination against the majority of the population all for the benefit of a small minority of crazies
How does that description of DEI not also apply to money, as distributed by inheritance, land and mineral rights, IP, social network, etc?

For people who enjoy them. Some people also enjoy writing DEI statements.

Anonymous No. 16305161

how does social networking benefit a small minority of crazies?

Anonymous No. 16305167

This thread glows.

Anonymous No. 16305172

I didn't fault the average poster for concluding that DEI sucks. I said the politcal media they choose to consume is what tickles them to feel like a half hour of forced DEI socialization is somehow more burdensome than a year's worth of forced generic socialization.

Anonymous No. 16305173

Not social networking, social network. The one you were born to. Geographically, nepotistically.

Anonymous No. 16305177

>I said the politcal media they choose to consume is what tickles them to feel like a half hour of forced DEI socialization is somehow more burdensome than a year's worth of forced generic socialization.
Idiotic statement. Unfounded.

Anonymous No. 16305178

Vapid reply. Unarticulated.

Anonymous No. 16305180

How does that benefit a small minority of crazies?

Anonymous No. 16305182

The gods of dubs have spoken.

Anonymous No. 16305183

Do you only feel this way because of the political media you choose to consume?

Anonymous No. 16305192

You have access to the people your parents have access to.

It's a simple measurement of how much time it takes to fulfill either requirement. Do you disagree that it takes more time to write a DEI statement than it takes to participate in a weekly social club for a year?

Anonymous No. 16305194

*less, but obviously

Anonymous No. 16305197

You didn't answer anon's question.

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Anonymous No. 16305199

This was posted in another thread by a different anon, but feels relevant to post here.

Anonymous No. 16305200

Which question? I answered two anons in that posts.

Anonymous No. 16305203

It's relevant to the political repercussions of DEI but not to the academic topic of the thread.

Anonymous No. 16305288

>>100gb pdf of "nigger" repeating
>that's so good

Anonymous No. 16305619

No obviously doing a weekly club for a year takes more time, but all the clubs I did were things that I enjoyed. Why are you talking about high school though? This is about dumb hoops they make you jump through to apply for jobs

Anonymous No. 16305622

Let me guess: you're one of those dimwits who argue whether or not you're hungry that you agree or disagree to lunch with a chick instead of seeing it as a potential setup for future sexual relations.

Anonymous No. 16305634

Just don’t write it. If they don’t hire you, who cares. You would have hated the fakeness of it anyways.

Anonymous No. 16305804

I mean.......... What can I say , do you actually do science?
Biology is racist .
Have you noticed that all birds don't procreate with each other and live with each other left and right ?
But actually ducks are with ducks, geese with geese, pigeons with pigeons, eagles with eagles etc.etc.?
I mean........ have they consumed political media, or are you just have been brainwashed into accepting that pigeons should be with eagles and its ok???????

Anonymous No. 16305921

It's about academic jobs. Having applied to a university is baked in.

>Biology is racist .
Speciesism is what you go on to describe. Not that it's in any way relevant to an academic job application. I just wanted to quote your cute orbiting period .

Anonymous No. 16305936

If it's taken over academia, is being pushed by politicians and the largest banks and corporations, it's not a cult anymore. Woke is a full-blown religion.

Supernaturalism is not a requirement for something to be a religion. We only see it as a component of religion because we've secularized and moved past the belief, use other methods to explain existence and observed reality.

Anonymous No. 16305986

>It's about academic jobs. Having applied to a university is baked in.
In that case having to go to social clubs once a week takes way less time than needing to go to school for 8 hours a day for 12 years

Anonymous No. 16306004

Good point. The prequisite to simply eat lunch in a Lord of the Flies cafeteria for 12 years is far more taxing than a weekly social club which is in turn far more taxing than writing a single DEI statement.

Anonymous No. 16306049

While also irrelevant to academic job applications, I'd quibble that the precepts of DEI do in fact go beyond the laws of nature and thus satisfy supernaturalism.

Anonymous No. 16306055

Pep Guardiola accidentally said something like this at a press conference.

Anonymous No. 16306143

You bring up a good point; the prerequisite to eat food multiple times every day makes all these other requirements pale in comparison

Anonymous No. 16306146

Once you get the job every grant proposal you write will also require a DEI statement. Just ask a chatbot to write it for you.

Anonymous No. 16306193

That, on the other hand, is a poor point, being unconditioned by academia.

Anonymous No. 16306412

But it's still a giant chunk of your time

Anonymous No. 16306450

But in this case what the time measures is neither the pursuit of academia nor forced socialization with lunatics, which are the two threads tying our cafeterias and clubs to the theme of our fictions.

Anonymous No. 16307098

>"You haven't noticed these other forms of mind control/brainwashing, therefore writing a DEI statement is ok!"
Does the CIgay really?

Anonymous No. 16307163

>I can tolerate being stabbed with a knife for 12 years but ZOMG poking myself once with this wooden spoon is just too much pain to endure

Anonymous No. 16307226

Things will change slowly. What's important to know about DEI policies is that most of it is driven by minority women at a subconscious level, appealing to whom they perceive as the existing mainstream social sensibilities. They are also proficient in manipulating White women in HR for this.
As you can see ITT, women are the main secret motivators and drivers of these agendas. When they are free to act and have their voices be the 'covert' leading message in any family or society, it is bound for destruction.
Just fake the DEI statement and get in there to change things when the time is right, man. Be smart and know what they want to hear from you.

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Anonymous No. 16307243

>being an Amerishart in Shartistan
Diagnosed your problem, f a m
If you want an equal salary, you have a few options in Europe or in the Gulf, here is an example.

Anonymous No. 16307339

>change things when the time is right
DEI peaked sometime in the late 2010s. What we're seeing right now is already the midpoint of a snowballing avalanche of posturing and retconned hysteria from people who were equally happy to ride the social wave up as they are to ride it down.

Anonymous No. 16307350

I see.

Anonymous No. 16307358

Neutral, I think. More like an amoral wave that exploded pure nepotism to nepotistic racism and is imploding back to pure nepotism.

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Anonymous No. 16307382


Anonymous No. 16308466

But how is needing to eat all the time any different? You can't get an academic job if you don't

Anonymous No. 16308495

Needing to eat (1) isn't conditioned by whether or not you want an academic job and (2) doesn't require you to participate in the social machinations and delusions of other people. Being forced to write a DEI statement or eat in a school cafeteria are and do both.

Anonymous No. 16309337

I am getting a better idea of what is going on now.
A lot of undisciplined, amoral degenerates, criminal liars, and hypocrites running this show can't do anything against the enemies.
They caused most of the problems since the 60s at least.

Anonymous No. 16309404

if you want an academic job you're gonna need to eat

Anonymous No. 16309693

No more or less than if you don't want one. Needing to eat isn't conditioned on whether you do or don't; needing to eat in a school cafeteria is.

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bodhi No. 16309700


Anonymous No. 16309865

I mean the same goes for forced socialization, it's impossible to accomplish anything in life without doing it

Anonymous No. 16310809

Not true. But even if it were, you don't need to accomplish anything to stay alive whereas you do need to eat.

Anonymous No. 16310816

>Every academic job application makes me write an essay about how much I love DEI
>have to include an entire section on how my research into nonthermal plasmas promotes racial diversity and raises awareness about the plight of women in the middle east or whatever
I refuse to believe this shit. Post pic or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16311120

Name one life accomplishment that doesn't involve forced socialization

Anonymous No. 16311122

look at literally any (American) job posting on mathjobs

Anonymous No. 16311644

Life accomplishments aren't germane to the discussion. They aren't relevant to eating, nor to cafeterias, nor to clubs, nor to DEI statements, nor to forced socialization, nor to academic jobs. A life accomplishment that doesn't involve forced socialization could be as banal as writing a poem and setting yourself on fire but it doesn't matter because it's a moot point.

Anonymous No. 16311660

>I refuse to believe this shit.
Look up "PIER plans" - all DoE and NSF applications for grants or runtime is now required to include an entire section in the proposal which, in their words:
>describes how applicants will promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in their research project
These PIER plans are now considered an integral part of merit review by the DoE and NSF.

Anonymous No. 16311742

yeah I guess me bringing up random irrelevant crap in this thread about DEI statements was kinda dumb

Anonymous No. 16312129

Don't be so hard on yourself. The first point you brought up here >>16305986 was a valuable precursor to our insight on school cafeterias.

Anonymous No. 16312193

>and makes me want to kms
Retards will win if you do this.

Anonymous No. 16312615

The more I think about it, the more I realize "well thing X is bad but unrelated thing is bad too" was a flawed argument from the beginning

Anonymous No. 16313257

Exactly! I knew you'd figure out the difference.

Anonymous No. 16314943

>I believe that all people, man and woman, black and brown, gay and lesbian, have the same potential as straight Whites.

Anonymous No. 16315358

>That is just a cult with extra steps.
that's why they gave it the name "DEI" as in deity.

Anonymous No. 16316744

That's not equity.