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🧵 Skipping

Anonymous No. 16293038

Is it a natural or learned behavior?
How does it even work? I have yet to find a rigorous scientific explanation or breakdown of the human "skipping" gait.
Why is it more common in children but stigmatized for adults? Is this universal or cultural?
How does it compare in terms of speed/efficiency to other modes of human locomotion?

I personally think it is likely more efficient than either walking or jogging, but it is simply too stigmatized for serious consideration.
I've heard anecdotal evidence of unfit military personnel passing their fitness tests by "skipping" through the 1.5 mile jog.

Anonymous No. 16293090

Why not try skipping 1.5 miles and comparing your experience (and timing) with a usual run?

Anonymous No. 16293120

But then he'd look silly.

And it's learned in my case. In 1st grade, I was sent home with a note from my PE teacher explaining to my Mom she had to teach me to skip. I even made a joke of it later since she never let it go that I learned to skip but not to stop, so I'd skip into things during my teenaged "running into walls" phase

Anonymous No. 16293174

I think it’s genetic.
If you ever see a nigger skipping it’s a universal sign a fight’s about to start.

Anonymous No. 16293178

It is very efficient on uneven terrain with elevation changes if you have good balance.

Anonymous No. 16293730

>Why not try skipping 1.5 miles
Sir, this is /sci/
>>>/out/catalog is that way

Anonymous No. 16293785

I swear as a kid I could skip faster than I could run. And skipping was super fun. Maybe I should be an autist and skip around town.

Anonymous No. 16293786

Skipping could be more energy efficient without being faster. It could also strike a balance of being faster than jogging while more efficient than running.

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Anonymous No. 16293789

Too lazy to do a simple search but there was a study a few years back that determined skipping is more efficient than walking or running for a certain leg length which is why many children go through a period of preferring skipping over other forms of locomotion.