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Anonymous No. 16293117

Is it possible that terrorists infiltrate the crew of an experimental fusion reactor, pump it all full of deuterium and trigger a nuclear explosion with its ignition system? Islamists did infiltrate plane crews to do 9/11, so I wouldn't be perfectly sure that's entirely improbable, also after all getting a *fusion nuke* would be a great reward.

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Anonymous No. 16293121

sry wrong picture

Anonymous No. 16293225

Fusion reactors would have very high security and surveillance.

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Anonymous No. 16293252

If they do, they will win the Nobel prize for actually making fusion efficient.

Anonymous No. 16293256

The DEI trump card bypasses all of that. Think that's paranoid non-sense? A flight was recently cancelled because the pilot was going through the pre-flight checklist with his assigned co-pilot only to discover that the DEI hired co-pilot had no flight experience or even basic theoretical knowledge of how aircraft and flight operate. He was able to make it all the way into the cockpit without being detected as a fraud. Thankfully the very last check, the experienced pilot, figured out he was incapable of performing his duties as co-pilot. That was simple buffoonery but think about what's possible if a determined terrorist group or state actor decided to exploit similar flaws in the DEI expertise and background bypass system.

B00T No. 16293258


Anonymous No. 16293310

fusion reactors need a vacuum to work properly, overloading it with fuel would just fuck it up and it wouldn't react at all