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Ischemic Attacks.jpg

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Anonymous No. 16293145

What are "Transient Ischemic Attacks" and how bad are they?

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B00T approved. No. 16293148


Who's gon' help everyone here escape their hells?



(Just setting up my defences after escaping mind and getting the sweetest revenge).

Anonymous No. 16294220

"Ischemic" means blood is not flowing to part of the body

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Anonymous No. 16294453

picrel explains it all

Anonymous No. 16295627

good pic
why is /pol/ so much more full of useful scientific information than /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16295639

My mother had one a few years ago. She couldn't remember anything for more than thirty seconds. We realised something was wrong when she kept saying the same thing over and over as it it were the first time, so we took her to the hospital. The next day she was back to normal, but with most of her memory of the previous day missing. There haven't been any further long-term effects (that we know of)

Anonymous No. 16295888

Because they have the balls to be unswayed by political winds and monetary troubles. Truly, the bravest of us all.

Anonymous No. 16295893

The most retarded post on sci right now.

Anonymous No. 16296912

>being this butthurt

Anonymous No. 16298436

good pic, explains a lot

Anonymous No. 16299019

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

There's no "evidence of foreign intrusion", MS fucked up (again) and accidentally left some of their own IP addresses out of US Central's IP whitelist. The only data anon could possibly have to indicate otherwise is his own crackpipe.

Anonymous No. 16299070

Strokes. Statins make them much more likely. Statins also cause dementia. Chances are his demise was planned and his doctor prescribed him with the highest dose of statins he could get away with.

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Anonymous No. 16299388


Anonymous No. 16300889

based /pol/

Anonymous No. 16301974

its funny how he hasn't been seen in public since this incident

Anonymous No. 16303948

>AI generated president
surely they wouldn't have generated such a stupid seeming AI president. why not generate one with electability?

Anonymous No. 16305345

Using one thats seemingly too dumb to be held responsible for his own actions allows the glowniggers carte blanche to have the administration do whatever they please, even moreso knowing that the figurehead who is too dumb to be held responsible for his own actions will be replaced by a similar figurehead instead of having to go through the reelection process. See George Bush Jr's presidency for similar activity.

Anonymous No. 16305642

Who cares, he's a lame duck anyway

Anonymous No. 16307515


Anonymous No. 16308949

Yeah thats an easy way to assassinate someone and get away with it, lie to them and tell them they have high cholesterol and need to be on statins and let the statins slowly dissolve the subject's brain.

Anonymous No. 16309988

how many boosters did he get?

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Anonymous No. 16311573


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Anonymous No. 16311920

why are """conspiracy theorists""" always right about everything?

Anonymous No. 16311964

What "useful scientific information" do you think is contained in that image?

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Anonymous No. 16312700

>What "useful scientific information" do you think is contained in that image?

Anonymous No. 16314256

I don't say that and I don't look like that, but >>16311964 does

Anonymous No. 16314649

So... none?

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Anonymous No. 16315513

its funny how the """""conspiracy theorists"""""" were saying his brain was messed up ages ago and all the soiygoys didn't believe it, but then jewish media announced that his brain was messed up and suddenly it became true

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biden rally.jpg

Anonymous No. 16316167

No way they would let Jill make the call on whether or not to pull the plug. To much at stake

Anonymous No. 16317697

This year they're using AI to enhance videos of their events to make it look like the crowds are larger than they really are.