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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16293183

What makes dead baby parts so valuable? Who is buying them and what for? Is it scientists buying them for experiments or do they have some sort of products that they make out of them?

Anonymous No. 16293190

why do people get so butthurt about abortion

Anonymous No. 16293194

They have surprisingly many medical, research and culinary uses but are obviously in quite short supply hence their price.

Anonymous No. 16293227

The value of dead baby parts, particularly fetal tissue, lies primarily in its use for medical research. Fetal tissue has unique properties, such as rapid cell growth and the ability to develop into various cell types, making it valuable for studying developmental biology, disease mechanisms, and for potential therapeutic applications, including regenerative medicine and the development of treatments for various diseases.

Anonymous No. 16293245

you're the only one in this thread thats getting emotional triggered and angry

Anonymous No. 16293263

And because those body parts have value, it creates a perverse incentive for the industry that has grown up around providing them to generate more of them. As a result, those who profit from the body parts get involved in the legislative process of creating laws to protect the supply chain and increase the amount of source material.
It's a weird situation because you noted, they have not only economic value but also the reason for that economic value is that they have medical research value which can lead to medical treatments whose value to society and the affected individuals goes beyond mere currency units. If you're a middle man in the pipeline, you probably don't care about that and just want to increase volume so your cut of the action increases.

Anonymous No. 16293267

murder tends to rile empathetic humans up somewhat

Anonymous No. 16293290

What murder?
No one is saying kill babies.
They're fetuses. And you fucks want to force women to give birth to miscarriages so I know you're full of shit.

Anonymous No. 16293308

How are aborted babies being used for parts much different from the occasional death caused by pollution/accidents from industry necessary to sustain modern life?

Anonymous No. 16293363

>And because those body parts have value, it creates a perverse incentive for the industry that has grown up around providing them to generate more of them. As a result, those who profit from the body parts get involved in the legislative process of creating laws to protect the supply chain and increase the amount of source material.
>It's a weird situation because you noted, they have not only economic value but also the reason for that economic value is that they have medical research value which can lead to medical treatments whose value to society and the affected individuals goes beyond mere currency units. If you're a middle man in the pipeline, you probably don't care about that and just want to increase volume so your cut of the action increases.
this way please:

Anonymous No. 16293387

because our country is ran by a secret Cabal of Satanists who need them for their rituals.

ever ask yourself why the majority of Americans are circumcised and where those foreskins go?

Anonymous No. 16293390

Why does OSHA even exist and what's the OSHA of fetus protection?

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Anonymous No. 16293392

>What makes dead baby parts so valuable?
It blows my mind people can ask such questions and not make the small leap to the's satan and his minions. Devil worshiping blood magic practitioners need to sacrifice humans of all ages and do things with the parts for black magic spells. No it doesn't matter if YOUR BELIEVE in such magic, all that matters is that THEY BELIEVE in the blood magic spells for this to be a reality.

This is 21st century propaganda to dress up blood magic. You are sacrificing a baby to gain an outcome. The baby must die so you gain medical knowledge. That's a textbook definition of human sacrifice. Just because you don't do it with an Obsidian knife on top the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan doesn't make it any less lethal. The equation of exchange is the same.

That's the logical fallacy of "WHATABOUTISM" so you can't argue with this line of logic. It's a fallacy. Deal with the issue at hand and stop saying "What about unrelated issues A-Z??"

It's a fetus of the Homo Sapien Sapien animal. It's a baby human by all definitions of biology and English language. It is. It's not "jsut a fetus" it's a stage of life cycle in the animal known as Humans. A fetus is alive, humans gain life at conception when new DNA is created, DNA that never changes. The core of human identity and "proof of life" is in the DNA. Sperm is not alive, eggs are not alive, when egg meets sperm NEW NEVER BEFORE SEEN DNA IS CREATED. THIS IS LIFE!. Fertilized eggs held in status ARE ALIVE AS THEY HAVE UNIQUE DNA UNABLE TO BE REPRODUCED! This unpronounceable DNA is the core of life and you can't deny it without looking a fool, so go ahead and try.

Nothing wrong with what he typed baby killer.

Anonymous No. 16293394

It never happened. It's decade old propaganda from Project Veritas.

Anonymous No. 16293414

retard massreplier can't mentally handle anything breaking his narrative